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Taking the plunge.

Posted: 24 Apr 2010, 20:15
by aestas

I'm thinking about moving over to Linux for a few reasons
-Better resource usage
-Desire to understand Linux better
-Hacking the Gibson
-etc. etc.

But what I also want to mention is that I also do some gaming, but by the looks of things that I've seen in some YouTube videos ( for example) it looks quite possible. I also use Adobe Photoshop CS4, Flash CS4 , Dreamweaver CS4 and Sony Vegas which is not entirely supported by Linux.

So my question is will I be able to run the above applications in a Virtualbox with XP on it without any troubles (Photoshop and Sony Vegas specifically) and what's better, Debain or Fedora?

Thank you

Re: Taking the plunge.

Posted: 29 Apr 2010, 11:23
by ryanrich
aestas wrote:-Hacking the Gibson
aestas wrote:what's better, Debain or Fedora?
Ubuntu. :P

You might get those things to run in a VM, but it won't be as good as a native install. Photoshop in particular, I just can't see that running well in a VM...

Why not dual boot Windows and Linux?

Re: Taking the plunge.

Posted: 29 Apr 2010, 12:37
by Frozenfireside
I love Fedora and with the KDE desktop it looks amazing.

Install WINE and go to the website. I have tried to get certain windows apps installed.
STEAM worked the first time I tried and so did a game or two but they ran very slowly. Trying to remedy it.

Dual boot but keep in mind that Linux is very hard work sometimes and very easy occasionally.
Add YUM extender, Chrome and VLC to make your life a little easier.

I honestly get more done with my Linux system when it´s working 100% than windows as it doesn´t have stupid pop ups or anything. When it´s not working get ready to spend hours fixing it if you don´t know Linux.

Re: Taking the plunge.

Posted: 04 Nov 2010, 22:01
by DeathStrike
So i have done it. I am Officially setup and converted to Ubuntu. :)

Need ideas of what software to install.

got VLC. :D

Love the face that while watching something and using a second screen that there is no taskbar popup dam annoying in windows. :)

any tips?

need so much software.

Re: Taking the plunge.

Posted: 05 Nov 2010, 07:57
by rustypup
DAE-JA-VOO's already put a number of threads up here...
The Ultimate Ubuntu Tips & Tweaks Thread
The beginner's guide to Ubuntu

the second one will take you through installing ccsm,awn,etc..

if you're in need of RDP, i would suggest grabbing remmina
if you're pottering around a windows domain, grab likewise-open - this tool simplifies domain login in ubuntu...

the application catalog available through synaptic is huge, but sorted into sensible groups....

Re: Taking the plunge.

Posted: 05 Nov 2010, 10:40
by DeathStrike
Thanks rustpup. :)

Re: Taking the plunge.

Posted: 14 Dec 2010, 11:16
by hamin_aus
So I have just been informed that my job as a Microsoft SQL Server DBA will require a lot of work on Redhat Linux Enterprise 5.5.... who knew!!!!

So rather than start a new thread I will hijack this one to ask a few questions:

1. Redhat is now closed source (LOL!) but I have heard CentOS is functionally identical. How true is this? If I set up a CentOS VM and start learning it, will I be able to apply that knowledge in Redhat verbatim?

2. Where I can get some decent Linux tuts - starting at the "for dummies" level and moving into the intermediate (eventually)....
In before Google is your friend etc - I want to hear from forum members who have used certain resources and found them helpful enough to recommend them to a Linux novice.

3. ?????

4. Profit!

Re: Taking the plunge.

Posted: 14 Dec 2010, 11:57
by Nuke
I think that Fedora is closer to Redhat than CentOS, seeing that Fedora is the "testbed" for Redhat. I don't know CentOS that well though.

If you understand the linux train of thought, you can use most Distros. I use Ubuntu server everywhere, but I did some work on a CentOS box before, and with google's help(just to find where CentOS stores everything) it was pretty easy.

I can't really help with resources, I learned the basics from a friend. From there I used google to find out the rest.

Re: Taking the plunge.

Posted: 15 Dec 2010, 10:39
by hamin_aus
Thanks Nuke!

Hey Linux guys, don't all rush to answer at once :?

Re: Taking the plunge.

Posted: 15 Dec 2010, 10:59
by rustypup
hey, windows guys, don't rush off and use the search function... :P

like the man said - aside from a few quirks, they're all much of a muchness.... you'll learn as you go... i think centOS even supports auto-complete in CLI, but don't quote me....

Re: Taking the plunge.

Posted: 15 Dec 2010, 14:06
by Johnny Fairplay
jamin_za wrote:Thanks Nuke!

Hey Linux guys, don't all rush to answer at once :?
Linux guys are all laughing at you! Countless times did you diss them and now you came running back :D

Nuke wrote:I think that Fedora is closer to Redhat than CentOS

But isn't the old Redhat still available to download?

Re: Taking the plunge.

Posted: 15 Dec 2010, 14:58
by hamin_aus
Johnny Fairplay wrote:
jamin_za wrote:Thanks Nuke!

Hey Linux guys, don't all rush to answer at once :?
Linux guys are all laughing at you! Countless times did you diss them and now you came running back :D
Running back? :lol:
I'd like to run away from Linux... But I don't back away from a challenge - which is what getting familiar enough with Redhat 5.5 to support it in an enterprise environment will be.
So have a laugh and don't contribute anything valuable. I'll learn it without whatever nuggets of insight what passes for your mind holds :P

Re: Taking the plunge.

Posted: 15 Dec 2010, 15:13
by Johnny Fairplay