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Ubisoft’s DRM torpedoed already? [Third update]

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 14:01
by Drakonis
Oh noes... anyone not see this coming?
The recently released Silent Hunter 5 from publisher/developer Ubisoft, which features their new always-online PC-phone-home DRM system has apparently been cracked on the first day of release. If this is the case it does rather put paid to the idea that the new and (some would say) highly intrusive DRM will be any better at combatting piracy on the PC platform.
[Update for those who saw the pretty pictures on the front page story already]
There is currently some unconfirmed chatter on several forums stating that the PC version of Assassin's Creed 2 has already been partically cracked.It seems that AC2 uses the same system in a slightly different manner.
[2nd Update]
Ubisoft has issued a statement regarding the apparently cracked versions of SH5 and AC2. "You have probably seen rumours on the web that Assassin's Creed II and Silent Hunter 5 have been cracked.Please know that this rumour is false and while a pirated version may seem to be complete at start up, any gamer who downloads and plays a cracked version will find that their version is not complete."
[3rd Update]
PCF has got comments direct from Ubisoft for all of you. A few moments ago we got a call from local Ubi representatives giving out a little more detail on their claims that the DRM for AC2 and SH5 remains unhacked. They are not prepared to comment on the record about specifics but we were informed that game crackers have still got a few headaches ahead. To quote Ubi SA, "They (hackers) have only gotten past the first line of defense". This apparently holds true for both titles. We are waiting for further comment from Ubisoft, which should be arriving later today.

Re: Ubisoft’s DRM torpedoed already?

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 14:45
by hamin_aus

Re: Ubisoft’s DRM torpedoed already?

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 14:51
by rustypup

Re: Ubisoft’s DRM torpedoed already? [Minor update]

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 16:50
by M1ke
Funnily enough, I'll probably actually buy Assassin's Creed 2 on PC if it's been cracked successfully.

Ubisoft: Piracy just made you money.


Re: Ubisoft’s DRM torpedoed already? [Minor update]

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 20:43
by DeathStrike
but buying the game and then cracking? isn't that also illegal? not sure i would think it would go against your license?

Re: Ubisoft’s DRM torpedoed already? [Minor update]

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 22:30
by Ron2K
^^ That's been discussed to death in the Piracy thread, if I'm not mistaken. (I may very well be - haven't browsed that thread in ages!)

Re: Ubisoft’s DRM torpedoed already? [Another update]

Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 08:33
by capanno
It boggles my mind that they think it will stop piracy.

Re: Ubisoft’s DRM torpedoed already? [Third update]

Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 11:05
by rustypup
this is an outrage! :lol:

honestly now... who's surprised?

Re: Ubisoft’s DRM torpedoed already? [Third update]

Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 11:43
by GreyWolf
rustypup wrote:this is an outrage! :lol:

honestly now... who's surprised?
WARNING, the last page on the forum is NSFW.

Re: Ubisoft’s DRM torpedoed already? [Third update]

Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 11:54
by rustypup
:upchucks: :lol: don't mess with gamers... they're special....

<edit> hang about... you actually read all 10 pages?... i could barely manage 4... :shock:

Re: Ubisoft’s DRM torpedoed already? [Third update]

Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 12:01
by GreyWolf
rustypup wrote::upchucks: :lol: don't mess with gamers... they're special....

<edit> hang about... you actually read all 10 pages?... i could barely manage 4... :shock:
nah, read 2, fast forward to 10 to see if there were any comments to the press release... also, page 7 has some dodgy art too...