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win7 boot and shut down times

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 10:17
by Mclaren
My notebook is taking forever to shut down, hangs on the logging off screen and sometimes never shuts down. also the boot up sometimes states i need to repair and when i instruct to restore then takes forever to do this.

i have restored the pc manually through control panel to a time when all was working well. i have run antivirus scanners and registry scans etc using cclean and avg, but still no luck.

could my HDD be packing up or is it software related. When the machine is running without these hickus nothing goes amiss. all programs run flawlessly and i have no issues with speed. so this tell me it may not be he HDD but rather windows playing up.

any advice is greatly appreciated.

Re: win7 boot and shut down times

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 12:20
by Monty
reinstall windows.

Re: win7 boot and shut down times

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 18:45
by realbigdreamer
Monty wrote:reinstall windows.
Ouch! :D Uninstall AVG and download and install Avast (30mb). It can detect infections a lot better than AVG. Also, press control+alt+delete and go your task manager -> Process.

Check if any strange process are running and also note how much CPU and memory they are using. If there is a service using way more than the other, you have found the problem.

Let me know how it goes. :wink:


Re: win7 boot and shut down times

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 19:46
by Mclaren
Did the re-install. there were no processes hogging cpu usage.

i have only one program i may have a problem with but have already mailed for assistance on it. else all is back to normal.

just a loy of updates again. (i wish ther was a way to back up windows updates)

Re: win7 boot and shut down times

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 20:37
by realbigdreamer
Did you format your HDD?

You could have saved the updates as Windows stores downloaded updates in C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Downloads. There is also a built-in-tool that you can use.

Anyway, good luck with Windows.

Re: win7 boot and shut down times

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 20:43
by Mclaren
yes i did, i did a complete re-install. win7 Updates missing total 38MB so not too bad i guess. AVG updates a bit more though. Can Avast run in conjunction with AVG, i heard its always good to hve more security than just one thing.

My pc is super fast now so in a way i am glad i did it. Also got rid of a lot of SW that i don't use that came with the note book.

Re: win7 boot and shut down times

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 20:57
by Stuart
I've never seen the point of having more than one AV running personally. Personally, I'd say just install MS Security Essentials and leave it at that.

Re: win7 boot and shut down times

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 21:03
by Monty
Stuart wrote:I've never seen the point of having more than one AV running personally. Personally, I'd say just install MS Security Essentials and leave it at that.
+1 for MSE

I've tried AVG and Avast, really dont like them

Re: win7 boot and shut down times

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 21:17
by Mclaren
I have MSE and AVG. Thats all.
I have a license for Norton, but it interferes too much with the network.

Re: win7 boot and shut down times

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 21:36
by ryanrich
I would actually advise against running two AV programs simultaneously. Just load MSE and leave it at that.

Re: win7 boot and shut down times

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 22:06
by realbigdreamer
MSE is very popular and it's good. I personally use Avast at the moment, but I might change to MSE in the future. I just have no need to change my PC security right now.

I guess it's good you did a re-installation. After a format and clean Windows installation a PC is always really fast if you look at the boot time and time it takes to open folders and shortcuts. The trick is to make it stay that way. :wink:


Re: win7 boot and shut down times

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 22:42
by Mr_Norris
If I were looking for a way to slow my laptop / desktop down, I'd definitely look at installing more than one AV. But seriously, one is all you need.