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Mouse Over Description - Code needed

Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 09:51
by doo_much
Help please.
I need some html/javascript that'll highlight words and on mouse over give a description.
Not the normal alt tag.

Basically I need to create a list of commonly used acroyms etc and put a list somewhere (not in the body) with descriptions. If the user then ads the keyword to his text the browser makes the description available.

Hopes this makes sense on some level.

Re: Mouse Over Description - Code needed

Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 11:04
by maxxis
Look up jQuery tool tips.

Re: Mouse Over Description - Code needed

Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 11:39
by doo_much
Thansk I'll have a look.

Re: Mouse Over Description - Code needed

Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 16:48
by doo_much
Nope - that ain't it, you still need to edit the tags within the html.

What I'm looking for is something similar to Simply Links in Joomla.

Basically a glossary in the header/footer segment of the html, that'll automatically detect a keyword in tbe body and give you a mouse over tooltip.

The client has an inhouse app, similar to a windows help file.

I'm going to be taking a lot of raw text and creating a html page for each, and all these pages contain the same bull**** bingo phrases and acronyms.

I could just do a simple find and replace but then the client can't edit any of the pages - their app has very limited editing capability. But it only edits the <body>, which is why my glossary needs to be somewhere else?