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Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 11:12
by Stuart
(Is adding a poll to a topic like this an abuse of power?)
Is there life after death? Theologians can debate all they want, but radiation oncologist Dr. Jeffrey Long argues that if you look at the scientific evidence, the answer is unequivocally yes. Drawing on a decade's worth of research on near-death experience—work that includes cataloguing the stories of some 1,600 people who have gone through them—he makes the case for that controversial conclusion in a new book, Evidence of the Afterlife. Medicine, Long says, cannot account for the consistencies in the accounts reported by people all over the world. He talked to TIME about the nature of near-death experience, the intersection between religion and science and the Oprah effect.

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 11:29
by rustypup
technically, yes... if you define "life" as a by-product of cellular interactions via amino acids... i firmly believe there is zero continuation of intelligence and using the collective hallucinations of oxygen-deprived brains is not "evidence" so much as hilarious....

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 11:36
Of course there is :)

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 11:40
by Stuart
Lol, superdweeb from SystemShock is a riot.
superdweeb wrote:Yes, cos even though you die, life goes on around you, therefore there is life after death.

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 11:47
by Tribble
Before you can answer that - you have to define life.

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 11:56
by rustypup
Tribble wrote:Before you can answer that - you have to define life.
good luck with that

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 12:03
by Tribble
Are we not just energy? Won't we return to unformed energy? If so - then until we reform - there will be no life :D

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 13:44
by ADT

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 13:58
by Stuart
Go stand on a street corner in Hillbrow dressed only in your underwear and wave around fistfulls of R200 notes. You've have your opportunity for proof in no time.

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 14:01
by ADT
Stuart wrote:Go stand on a street corner in Hillbrow dressed only in your underwear and wave around fistfulls of R200 notes. You've have your opportunity for proof in no time.

WTF, :shock: if you wanna get shot/stabbed ya

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 14:09
by Jonboy
Personally I believe there is eternal life after death and I'm not of the "need-proof" persuasion because I believe through faith. Without that faith no person that needs scientific fact and proof will ever believe in life after death because there logic tells them it's just not plausible.

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 14:11
by rustypup
ADT wrote:if you wanna get shot/stabbed ya
how else were you expecting to acquire proof? :/

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 14:24
by ADT
rustypup wrote:
ADT wrote:if you wanna get shot/stabbed ya
how else were you expecting to acquire proof? :/

:lol: ...Who knows, but i agree with Jonboy there, i rate only through Faith, you'll truelly know :)

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 14:48
by Stuart
rustypup wrote:
ADT wrote:if you wanna get shot/stabbed ya
how else were you expecting to acquire proof? :/
We could sacrifice Prime and ask him to report back in an hour.

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 15:33
by ryanrich
Stuart wrote:
rustypup wrote:
ADT wrote:if you wanna get shot/stabbed ya
how else were you expecting to acquire proof? :/
We could sacrifice Prime and ask him to report back in an hour.


I voted yes.

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 15:54
by Tribble
I would be keen on the sacrifice option too

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 16:10
by ADT
I voted yes.


Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 16:16
by hamin_aus
How can anything be "scientifically" proven without any actual proof...
There is no science in 1600 people all having the same near-death hallucination - especially when they all believed this would happen to them when they died before hand...
What about the millions of people who almost die and never report this 'phenomenon'?

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 19:29
by jee
sometimes its not in the science, but in the knowing...

(this is a Ward thread....she whimpers, and the leaves before she give her opinion on the Source of Energy, and where we come from... ;) )

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 25 Jan 2010, 21:59
by hamin_aus
jee wrote:sometimes its not in the science, but in the knowing...
Sure, go ahead and believe whatever you want personally, just don't try to pass what you believe to be true off as scientific fact. Call it a theory, or a hypothesis - or a mass delusion perpetuated by fear of our own mortality - but not fact.

Also, have you forgotten how to move a thread? :P

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 07:57
by StarPhoenix
No, cos' you're dead and as statistics have shown, that tends not to be a reversible state. [Being undead doesn't count.]

I have yet to come across any unequivocal evidence that we continue to exist as intelligent [debatable]
entities once once our bodies has suffered one or more fatal errors.


On the other paw, I wouldn't know how to disprove that all or part of our personality survives the shutdown of the rest of our bodily functions.

I'll say that I'm pretty sure, but I cannot prove it.
Sounds like faith to me. :lol:

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 09:59
by rustypup
questions not answered anywhere:
  • geographical distribution of "cases"? - is this 'phenomenon' impacted by some environmental/cultural factor
    religious distribution of "cases"? - there's a 75% chance that any one "case" will have some form of religious indoctrination
    where are the numbers for "didn't actually experience anything"?....
this just screams selective reporting... all in all, this is "sciencey" not scientific.....

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 10:03
by Tribble
I think the potential for life after death exists - but it is in no means a certainty.

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 11:50
I voted no. Your intelligence dies, but who you were lives on in those around you (not just in a genetic way).

Re: Is There Life After Death?

Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 11:59
by hamin_aus
What are you smoking :?: