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Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 11:16
by Drakonis
There was some discussion about school at the office recently and I noticed that no-one who works on the mag was especially enamored with their education days. Boredom was cited quite often and I was wondering if the forum folk had similar experiences.
What can you remember about school, which parts did/do you like or dislike? Most of all, did/do your lessons bore you?

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 11:19
by SykomantiS
I miss school :(

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 11:23
by c0d3r
I miss school too. I remember the "vrot eier" concoctions we made in Science class, my first day of high school with a broken arm, the sport days, the sport tours, the principal's office, detention, the awesome stories we read in the language classes, the music classes, the bus rides home. The list can go on and on and on. If I knew what I knew now, back then, I would've made a bigger effort in studying and getting better marks.

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 11:24
by Sojourn
School = sport, sport, sport, sport, girls, endless fun, missing it to bits.
The studying part was neglected by me, in hindsight I am very happy I was not one of those intense studying A+ people. I passed, that is all that needs to be said. I'll go back any day just for the "social".

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 11:29
by doo_much
I hated the whole 12 years of it - with a passion.

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 11:35
by Jonboy
I miss varsity more so than school.

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 11:45
by Anakha56
I "hated" it and school made my view on the world very cynical but for some unknown reason I would love to return :?. Maybe its because there was less stress, less responsibility and more time to my self who knows?

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 11:52
by jee
i liked school - it was rather nasty to me because i was fully grown by the time i was 12 - which meant, as a girl, i was the tallest in the school - i never wore heels (which is why i like them so much now) and that left me with some scars that took years to heal.

However, Rebel Trouble was my name, and coming after a sister who was prefect, Dux and totally perfect, i drove the teachers to distraction (not to mention my partners and the males in my class).

I hated (still do) needlework, and many a time crawled down the tables and pinned up the dress of who-ever was stupid enough to sit infront of me - who then walked around with her nickers showing, until someone took pity on her and told her....

Actually, i owned three dresses during my high school years - school uniform, something for church and my youth choir ensemble - it took a long time for me to come to terms with my femininity..*sigh*

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 12:08
by Anakha56
jee wrote: i drove the teachers to distraction (not to mention my partners and the males in my class).
You still do drive us to distraction, I mean hamin and I found it very difficult to concentrate when we visited ;). Things would have gone so much quicker if you did not distract us :whistling: :P.

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 12:18
by Sojourn
downhill thread incoming....

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 12:19
by c0d3r
Sojourn wrote:downhill thread incoming....


Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 12:22
by Sojourn
c0d3r wrote:
Sojourn wrote:downhill thread incoming....

thing is this thread had so much potential, sad that it had to be a mod derailing it.

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 12:24
by americantsm1
I enjoyed some things about school and certainly do not miss certain things. I always tried to make the most of it though while I was there, making sure I took part in a lot of activities and things and I guess my Matric year was proof that I was noticed ...

I only remember certain things about school though not really the whole school experience. I remember my friends and classmates and teacher, not so much what was taught lol and I remember both loving and hating the school uniform. I was pretty well behaved at school. Not much has changed there. I still like to separate my life a bit and act certain ways in certain surroundings.

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 12:25
by Stuart
I miss school holidays.

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 12:44
by rustypup
i was banned from the matric dance. :lol:

i can think of only 2 bad teachers in my school career... one resigned because of some unflattering ditty we insisted on singing whenever she arrived... the other is still teaching... :/..

had an english teacher who would hurl her "pet" rock at us... :D

i fully appreciated my time there... maybe because the older brothers/sisters were around to educate on life after school...

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 12:55
by Stuart
I never bothered with the matric dance. Stayed at home and finished Hero's Quest.

(Possibly because I finished reading Carrie the previous night ... j/k)

We had a teacher who brought a gun to school, and we asked her to show it to us once. Someone in the class (not me ... honestly) then went and reported her for "pulling a gun on us" and she got fired. :?

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 16:58
by Prime
I miss some off my friends from school. Some I am glad to have lost. I regret that I did not get more into the social scene and took life to seriously. And I. could have done it and got better grades.

I do not miss the jocks and the politics.

I had my life made help for 12 years.... now I am finally in my element.

I do miss staring at the rear of our science teacher. She was so hot and revealed just enough that every boy paid attention. :twisted: I do not miss the creepy French teacher who had a permanent nipple stand, and wore clothes one could practically see through. Maybe if she'd looked hot... :lol:

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 17:12
by Tribble
Lol I loved school. They were fun years. I did not work very hard - but then I didn't really have to. Got into tons of trouble but got away with far more.

Hated homework and rarely did it consistently, but the activities and drama made it worthwhile. I learnt that friends are fickle and will stab you in the back if it suites them, but made some good friends none the less. Learnt a lot about life and people - and how to work the system. Also worked out how to get an A for Eng Lit without ever reading the books. Same for Afr but only got a B :S

Had fun tying our Eng teacher to the flagpole (doubt she will ever forget that) and flooding the staff room. Veldschool was just the best (learnt about Satanists and that some girls kiss other girls - and no, I was just an observer, though be it a shocked one). Found out that hippos are rather vicious and will chase you much further than you think they will. Warthogs also have a low tolerance for teasing but luckily cannot climb trees. Cows do not like to be followed at night.

I learnt that riding a bike that is too big for you will result in painful injuries - and horses run away with inexperienced riders :D Also, don't go down a steep hill on a skateboard on your stomach. It doesn't end well. Ah those were great days. The Matric Farewell was awesome - first time I got drunk.

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 17:21
by justinufo
Well high school was sucky sometimes and other times not.I hated accounts and drew in that class mostly cause the teacher told my parents that I'm crazy.I started bunking(and other other stuff) and smoking in high school as well but surprisngly I got distinctions for most subjects still.Im primary I was a total nerd but I transformed as soon as I hit High school.We had alot of good times as well pulling pranks and nonsense.School is seriously ten times better than high school.Varsity was better than high school though.

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 18:36
by Koko_Lion
I miss the girls in their summer skirts :P

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 19:10
Stuart wrote:I never bothered with the matric dance. Stayed at home and finished Hero's Quest.
I was at home playing Quake 4. :D

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 20:31
by Nuke
I hated it, and still think a lot of it is BS. Good thing I got out of school end of gr.5 and did home schooling the rest of the time. One of my teachers actually told me something in the line of " why don't you mom give you home schooling, then she will sit with the problems".

Best of all by doing home schooling I finished a year earlier.

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 21:37
by StarPhoenix
What was I doing during our Matric Dance?
Reading, doing my homework for the next week [provided I had not done that during the hour-long breaktimes] or preparing for
aome test or exam. I was the quintessential swot and sometime teacher's pet who would remain in the classroom that little bit longer
(whenever possible) to ask questions or for clarification on points I did not understand. I found it easier to talk to my teachers than to most of my classmates
and disliked Physical Education as I was [and still am] not the most athletic of people. At the same time, I loathed and feared having to write exams
and could usually work myself up into such a state that I could convince myself that my luck was about to run out and that I had failed this paper for certain.
I struggled with English Composition and Setwork [Books, plays and films are forms of entertainment:don't ask me to analyse them, particularly when my tastes do not
lean towards what is called Literature. I had a hate-hate relationship with most of Mathematics [bar Geometry] up until Standard 10 [Grade 12 to the youngsters], when we were introduced to Standard Grade Differential Calculus. After that, Maths supplanted Geography and Biology as my favourite subjects.
My biggest regret was dropping Latin at the end of Standard 7:I opted for a subject combination that did not allow for it. With hindsight, I should have dropped Science
and kept the extra [dead] language.

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 21:45
by Mykhal
StarPhoenix wrote:What was I doing during our Matric Dance?
Reading, doing my homework for the next week [provided I had not done that during the hour-long breaktimes] or preparing for
aome test or exam. I was the quintessential swot and sometime teacher's pet who would remain in the classroom that little bit longer
(whenever possible) to ask questions or for clarification on points I did not understand. I found it easier to talk to my teachers than to most of my classmates
and disliked Physical Education as I was [and still am] not the most athletic of people. At the same time, I loathed and feared having to write exams
Wow! There were other people like me in school! And i though i was the only one spending breaks during st 6 (grade eight) in the library reading encyclopedias!

Re: Do you remember school?

Posted: 22 Jan 2010, 21:50
by StarPhoenix
Schoolwork always seemed to get in the way of doing the school library justice. :wink: