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2.0 speaker advice needed

Posted: 04 Jan 2010, 20:02
by AlphA

Looking for a pair of active 2.0 speakers for use in my living room. I dont want any big, booming sound or anything with subwoofers. I have a HT setup in my TV room and a pair of floor-standing speakers in my study which I use to mix music.

I just need something for background music in the living room, which can be "cranked up" a bit when I feel like it. (ie; when braai'ing on the patio) Started off exploring PC speakers (Logitech, Creative etc etc) - but have found nothing decent in 2.0.
Seems all the decent sets start with 2.1 and I am trying to minimize on the cabling as I plan to mount the speakers on floating shelves. My audio source will be my old EEE PC streaming audio from my main PC / internet radio.

I have two sets of speakers in mind

Behringer MS40 (approx R2000 p/pair)


Samson Audio MediaOne 4a (approx R1700 p/pair)

These are within my price-range of approx R2000 - I really would'nt like to spend more than this and something for "background" music.
Does anybody have any experience using studio monitors for the purpose I mention above? I am looking for something with distinct mids, emphasized highs, and a bit of bass to boot. Not booming sound .......just enough so it does not sound tinny.
Also, if it not advisable to go the monitor route - are there any decent 2.0 PC speakers out there I am perhaps overlooking?

Any advice from any sound fundi's out there would be great.

Re: 2.0 speaker advice needed

Posted: 04 Jan 2010, 21:15
by Prime
What about a mini hi-fi with an aux connection. Jvc make some nice units, as do Phillips. :)

Can't give you specific models to look at.

Re: 2.0 speaker advice needed

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 06:08
by AlphA
Prime - thanks for the response. I thought about that - the bonus of going that route is that I will have an FM tuner as well. I dont believe though, that a minii hi-fi for < R2000 would sound the same as an entry level set of professional monitors. I might be wrong though.

Problem is, the monitors in question would need to be ordered online - I cannot do the "taste test" before I buy - this is my main problem.

I guess I could pop into a store to listen to a few mini systems. Never know - the results might surprise me.

Thanks again for the input.

Re: 2.0 speaker advice needed

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 09:28
by Prime
There is a music shop in upper rosebank. They have a lot of behringer products. They are near st Teresa's. You will see the place on your right as you drive up the hill along Jan shuts. Don't know the name of the shop though.

Re: 2.0 speaker advice needed

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 09:38
by AlphA
Thanks man - will try to pop in this weekend.

Re: 2.0 speaker advice needed

Posted: 08 Jan 2010, 16:05
by AlphA
Picked up an Altec Lansing PT6021 set this morning.....


The sound is phenomenal. Might be a bit bright for some people - but I like a lot of highs in my music. More than enough bass, and the frequencies are nice and low.
I think the satelites dont do the best job in the world when it comes to midrange - but nothing that an EQ wont help a bit.

All in all - the best 2.1 set I have ever heard.

A review