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Posted: 19 Jan 2003, 19:50
by Willow
I´m a newbie to Linux, I have been considering doing a Linux+ to improve my career marketability.
<BR>I simply cannot afford to get Vendor certified, and was wondering if it´s reasonably possible to get a basic grounding and pass the CompTIA exam by just buying a textbook and teaching myself.
<BR>Also any recommendations as to which textbook would be good to go for - if this is the case - would be appreciated. <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_smile.gif">


Posted: 02 Apr 2003, 19:54
by Adelante
Get the TextBook, Admin Linux, and do CompTIA exam, it wont hurt, it can only improve ur knowledge of it, but if u really want to learn linux, stuff the exams, and start from scratch, and download/buy mandrake linux, and start reading and teach urself, thats the only way to learn linux.


Posted: 03 May 2003, 23:02
by keevy
Rather go for Slackware/Debian if you realy want to learn about linux.
<BR> <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_razz.gif">


Posted: 05 May 2003, 20:20
by Adelante
to throw a person straight into slackware is never a good idea, you dont want to scare them away from linux, rather start with a distro like mandrake until u get the feel for linux, then move onto other distro´s such as slackware or gentoo linux.