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Weird Cookie Problem

Posted: 24 Oct 2009, 17:40
by Monty
I've been having an issue with browser cookies for a while now - my sessions are never kept logged in (even if the box was ticked), and opening a new tab of the web page from bookmarks will require me to log in, even if the another tab is a logged in session.

It happens for 2 sites:

This happens in all my Browsers (Firefox 3.5.3, Opera 10, Google Chrome and IE8) except opera mini 4.2 on my cellphone.
I've tried another computer, and the problem persists on that one as well (in both IE8 and Firefox 3.0.x). I even reinstalled Firefox on my machine (and just downloaded Opera to see if it would help), but the problem persists.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening (specifically for those 2 sites and not the others I use frequently)?

EDIT:after some playing around, I found that I'm required to login again if I use this address for the MXit forums: but not if I use (which is why Opera Mini worked as it's bookmark was saved as
(Haven't been able to find an alternate address for the site)

Re: Weird Cookie Problem

Posted: 25 Oct 2009, 09:43
by Sojourn
Funny enough am sitting with a similar problem on forum sites, have to enter my details every time even though I tick the forum's "remember me" box - and select the FF pop-up asking to remember the details. :?

Re: Weird Cookie Problem

Posted: 25 Oct 2009, 11:56
by Monty
@Sojourn: Check that cookies can be written in FF and in IE (I have no idea if that works, but that's was pretty much the advice I found from Google)

Re: Weird Cookie Problem

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 23:03
by octall
Check your firewall settings, internet security level and also it might be the browser you using. This is one of those things old Bill wrote when he got back from some party...)

Re: Weird Cookie Problem

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 23:07
by Stuart
Okay, octall. I'm glad you're enjoying your stay so far. If you start necroing threads much older than this, however, your friendly neighbourhood moderators are not going to be happy with you. ;) And you do NOT want to tick Ron2K off. Ever see those movies where the angry dwarf rushes at you kicking shins and anything else that might happen to get in the way?

Re: Weird Cookie Problem

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 23:23
by octall
So then they need to lock the topics if they don't want people giving advice. A question was asked so I gave my feedback.

Re: Weird Cookie Problem

Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 07:37
by Monty
octall, firstly read the entire thread you are posting in, it might have been answered already. Secondly, Don't post in old threads (especially if they have been answered/solved!). Thirdly, read the rules of the forum.

Stu /lock

Re: Weird Cookie Problem

Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 08:30
by Anthro
octall im counting the threads you are necroing, please read the last posted date, obviously some are already fixed if the user has not posted there in the past month (some even longer?) I do see your need to participate and assist in the more technical issue, and that's appreciated - but take some initiative in reading into the post history a bit.

Re: Weird Cookie Problem

Posted: 05 Mar 2010, 08:31
by Stuart
Okay, octall will get the hang of it. Let's cut the man some slack to start with.

Locked at Monty's request.