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So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 30 Apr 2009, 17:50
by DarkRanger
...well, I thought I did. For some or other reason, the Grub bootloader doesn't show.

I first installed Win 7 Build 7100 x64, and then installed ubuntu, but I have no GRUB. Can anyone help me set up the GRUB bootloader so I can choose between ubuntu and 7? I'm posting this from ubuntu by the way...

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 30 Apr 2009, 18:46
by ryanrich
What options did you choose at the partition section when setting up Ubuntu? Run side by side or Ubuntu as a standalone?

You might need to reinstall grub with "grub-install" and then the relevant options, and then configure the start up list located at /boot/grub/menu.lst where you might need to manually add in your Windows install and the relevant partition location.

There might be an easier way though. Perhaps you can boot with the Ubuntu CD again and go into install, then at the partition options see if it still finds your Windows partition and proceed to reinstall making sure to select Run side by side or whatever the exact wording is...

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 30 Apr 2009, 19:10
by WAJeff
Try download this App -
This sets GRUB as the default boot loader. It will most likely take away the Windows partiton, so you gonna have to do the following:

Open up Terminal, type in sudo and then your root password

Code: Select all

nano /boot/grub/menu.lst
Add the following line at the bottom:

Code: Select all

title Windows
map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0)
root (hd1,0)
chainloader +1
This will show your Win7 partition

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 30 Apr 2009, 23:17
by DarkRanger
Nevermind. I had a VERY dumb moment.

I installed ubuntu yes, and my screen went off during installation. Thinking that the PC was rebooting, I removed the disk, and the PC restarted... That's why it didn't have grub. I posted that message after trying to install again, but cancelling halfway through, and ubuntu loading live from the disk.

Did a plain reinstall, and voila, it works perfectly now. Even better than I expected to be honest. I can see what the fuss is about. It's nice...

Now just to set up a few stuffs... Oh, by the way: Ubuntu > openSUSE by miles... It automatically picked up and mounted my 750GB HDD. Love it already!! :D

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 01 May 2009, 10:37
by DarkRanger
Okay guys, new problem:

I downloaded the new nVidia drivers from nVidia's site.

Now I type:

Code: Select all

sudo sh
to install it. Then I get the following error:

Code: Select all

 ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before            
         installing.  For further details, please see the section INSTALLING   
         THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver         
         download page at
er... How do I go about installing the drivers now?

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 01 May 2009, 10:41
by DarkRanger
Google is my friend. :)

don't worry guys. Got it working...

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 01 May 2009, 12:00
DarkRanger wrote:Can anyone help me
DarkRanger wrote:Nevermind. I had a VERY dumb moment.

DarkRanger wrote:Okay guys, new problem:
DarkRanger wrote:don't worry guys. Got it working...

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 01 May 2009, 12:12
by DarkRanger
DAE_JA_VOO wrote:
DarkRanger wrote:Can anyone help me
DarkRanger wrote:Nevermind. I had a VERY dumb moment.
DarkRanger wrote:Okay guys, new problem:
DarkRanger wrote:don't worry guys. Got it working...
STFU! :lol: :lol:

Dude, help me.

Whenever I select my new display driver as default, ubuntu restarts and then I get some weird message about the graphics driver is not working or something and I need to revert back to the old drivers. How can I make ubuntu install and use new nVidia drivers.

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 01 May 2009, 12:27
Dude, installing drivers the way you did it is too complicated. Just go to System -> Admin -> Hardware drivers, and install the drivers there. The OS will do everything for you from there :D

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 01 May 2009, 12:38
by ryanrich
Yup, using the method DAE described will install the proprietary drivers and it's much easier to manage that way. I unfortunately see sweet bugger all when I go there thanks to the joke that is ATI... :(

But oh well, the open source drivers are working pretty well, compiz and everything is working cool, and I don't do much besides work in Linux anyways...

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 06 May 2009, 20:18
by DarkRanger
New question!! Hiehie...

How can I move Windows UP on my bootpriorities.

ATM I have:

Ubuntu Safe
Ubuntu Something Else
Windows 7

And if I forget about selecting Windows, I get booted into Ubuntu...

Any help? :)

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 06 May 2009, 20:45
by ryanrich
DarkRanger wrote:New question!! Hiehie...

How can I move Windows UP on my bootpriorities.

ATM I have:

Ubuntu Safe
Ubuntu Something Else
Windows 7

And if I forget about selecting Windows, I get booted into Ubuntu...

Any help? :)
What you wanna do is set your Windows partition as the default selection on the GRUB menu, by doing the following:

Go to a terminal and type: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

You then want to scroll down to this section:

# Set the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 0, and
# the entry number 0 is the default if the command is not used.
# You can specify 'saved' instead of a number. In this case, the default entry
# is the entry saved with the command 'savedefault'.
# WARNING: If you are using dmraid do not use 'savedefault' or your
# array will desync and will not let you boot your system.
default 0

Now, what you want to change is the part where it says "default 0". That "0" is specifying the first OS in the list. If you just have one install of Windows on your drive along with Ubuntu, then change the "0" to a "4" and it will auto select the Windows install the next time you reboot.

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 06 May 2009, 21:03
by DarkRanger
Ok cool. will do this as soon as it autoboots into Ubuntu again!! :) Thanks Ryan.

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 07 May 2009, 06:46
by Vampyre_2099
if the first entry in the list is 0, then the 4th should actually be number 3, not 4 as mentioned

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 07 May 2009, 08:57
by GrimStoner
Installed Ubuntu 9.04 last night... Wanted to setup a proxy server at home.

The only thing harder than setting up iptables, installing dhcp3, bind9 and squid is installing Microsoft's Team Foundation Server 2008.

Can't believe nobody thought of making a wizard type thing for this. Seems such a common requirement.

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 07 May 2009, 10:06
by ryanrich
Vampyre_2099 wrote:if the first entry in the list is 0, then the 4th should actually be number 3, not 4 as mentioned
No, that is incorrect.

If he has a simple dual boot between Ubuntu and Windows 7, then his GRUB menu should look something like this:

Ubuntu 9.04
Ubuntu 9.04 Recovery Mode
Ubuntu 9.04 memtest
Other operating systems:
Windows 7

Now, changing it to "default 3" would position the cursor at "Other operating systems:" where it would sit and do nothing, so "default 4" is indeed correct. :wink:

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 07 May 2009, 10:32
by Vampyre_2099
I suppose you right :lol:

Not thinking clearly

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 07 May 2009, 10:57
by rustypup
GrimStoner wrote:Installed Ubuntu 9.04 last night... Wanted to setup a proxy server at home.
:? you are aware of the LAMP version available with each revision, right?...

besides which, IPCop does this job far more swimmingly....

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 30 Jul 2009, 12:19
by DarkRanger
Hi guys,

I'm back on Ubuntu but just for Programming purposes. And I need some help.

I downloaded the new FF version. It gave me a *.tar.bz2 file. How do I install it.

And then is there any way I can remove my graphics drivers, or roll them back or just let Ubuntu install new ones? Because the System -> Administration -> Hardware drivers gives me a list of nVidia drivers, but when I activate them it says upon restart that something is wrong with my graphics configuration and it is reverting back to generic configuration.

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 30 Jul 2009, 12:49
by DarkRanger

That is the error that I am getting.

Re: So, I installed Ubuntu 9.04...

Posted: 31 Jul 2009, 09:17
by rustypup
you should be able to simply disable the driver, which will revert to the default:

System>Administration>Hardware Drivers then select the offending driver and click on "Disable".

you could also try resetting the xserver configs...

Code: Select all

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
this will take you through the various config options again...