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I don't know.

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 07:58
by Tander
Why have I put, "I don't know" as the subject? Simply because I don't know how this 'topic' or rather, 'waste of Internet space' will turn out to be. You see I have had a lot on my mind latley.

As I sit here, I am contemplating on whether I should type out all my thoughts and worries to some random people ( cyber bots ) over the W.W.W....maybe that isn't a wise thing to be doing. It does, however seem that everyone here does just that. Why do they do just that? Why do people go on talk shows and tell the world how screwed up their lives are?

As you can see there is a lot of crap inside this head of mine, so I think I better not turn this into my own personal blog on PCF forums, because that would be silly.....wait does this mean that this post is silly?

So, I leave you will with a few questions until I am back in the office, yes, that's right, my work have finally decided that they can actually send me out to clients now....anyway, back on track:

1. Why do we want to tell the world all our personal stuff? ( Eg, talks shows, Internet blogs, new papers, radio )
Yes, I was listening on the radio yesterday ( or was it day before? ) they were asking for people who beat women to step forward and tell them why they do it? ( I was going to phone in and tell them those 'peope' do it because they are scum of the lowest form possible)

2, Why am I typing crap here on PCF?

3. Will the above get me a holiday to ban-land?

4. Do I care? ( You're asking what about? ) Well latley I care very little for anything, life, love ( wtf is that?? )

When i return, I will decide whether to post what I actually feel...till such a time. Enjoy this morning!

Re: I don't know.

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 08:10
by rustypup
can like chicken? :?
  • :- One nice thing about egotists: they don't talk about other people.
    :- Does the Little Mermaid wear an algebra?
    :- Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?
    :- How is it possible to have a civil war?
    :- If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
    :- If you spin an oriental man in a circle three times does he become disoriented?
frankly, these two posts share much in common with someone letting a silent ninja loose in an elevator just before exiting.


Re: I don't know.

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 08:27
by hamin_aus
Tander, why don't you start your own blog?

I'd never in a million years visit it - but at least then innocent peole would not waste 30 seconds of their lives being fooled into looking at your deranged ramblings.

This is worse that a rickroll - you should be nominated for an epic fail :P

Re: I don't know.

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 11:30
by Prime
The answer to life is apparently 42. :P

that said, i don't get why people choose to go on tv to sort out their problems. Maybe it has something to do reaching other people in similar situations?

i can understand blogs and internet forums because you have lots of people to offer insight or advice. However, as none of them are trained professionals, you may actually not being getting all that much help.

Re: I don't know.

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 15:27
by Tribble
It has to do with 15 seconds of fame.

Re: I don't know.

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 16:17
by Tander
Tribble, i think you're spot on there. However at the same time, they end up looking like complete fools....

Surely, that is not worth the 15 seconds of fame?

Re: I don't know.

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 16:27
by maxxis
15 seconds of fame is blowing your brains out on youtube :twisted:

Re: I don't know.

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 16:27
by Tribble
Nope - but for some egotists - that 15 seconds is everything.

I am stunned at the stupidity of people in general - but the Americans do slay me more often than others. A woman is invited to appear on the Jerry Springer show - wth does she accept? She knows it is going to something bad - and very public. She knows it will be sensationalistic and brutal, yet she still goes. And as for those women that flash their boobies for a string of cheap, plastic pearls :shock: :roll: I will never understand the most "intelligent and civilized" species on this planet - and I hope that I never do. For that would make me closer to them than I would like to be.