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Eureka Seven - Pocket full of Rainbows Trailer!

Posted: 18 Mar 2009, 23:46
by larch
Set against the backdrop of a military dictatorship, Eureka 7 takes a young boy and throws him into the middle of resistance fighters, the girl he’d be in love with if he knew what that meant at this stage of his life, and a giant robot. A bunch of giant robots, actually. It’s equal parts coming of age story and large scale action, as much about Renton figuring out what it means to grow up as it is about his fight for freedom, and in its best moments it plays an awful lot like Neon Genesis Evangelion with the whining and abstract mysticism stripped out.

Seems that the new Eureka Seven movie entitled “Pocket full of Rainbows” is going to use a mix of old remastered footage and 40% new unseen footage to create a sort of old-new fusion designed to satisfy both old and new fans. And I for one am very excited to watch it, check out the trailer below!


Re: Eureka Seven - Pocket full of Rainbows Trailer!

Posted: 20 Mar 2009, 01:01
by SoulBlade
Oh Hell Yeah