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The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 15:27
by jee
A computer game in which players compete to rape women and get them to abort their babies has been pulled from sale on

Rapelay, a Japanese "rape simulation" game which revolves around the premise of "hunting" down and raping a single mother and her two daughters, had been available via the online retailer's US site until an investigation by the Belfast Telegraph drew attention to it yesterday.

One website review of the PC game describes "tears glistening in the young girl's eyes" as she is attacked in graphic detail.

In the game, players begin stalking a mother on a subway station before violently raping her. They then move on to attack her two daughters, described as virgin schoolgirls.

Players are also allowed to enter "freeform mode" where they can rape any woman and get other male game characters to join the attacks, the Belfast Telegraph reported.

Pregnancy and abortion are listed as "key features". One review said: "If she does become pregnant you're supposed to force her to get an abortion, otherwise she gets more and more visibly pregnant each time you have sex.
rest of the story

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 16:11
by Prime
:evil: :evil:

edit: i'll repost that if i can find a link...

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 16:16
by hamin_aus
Those Jap rape sim games are a real laugh riot!!!

I played a few during my misspent youth... it's all point-and-click menu-driven rubbish with still pictures of the "action" in-between that you can fap to....

I remember playing some delightful titles... two that immediately come to mind were Ring Out and Water Closet. Don't ever play those two games - they will make Rapelay look like a Magic Schoolbus game :lol:

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 17:27
by Tribble
jamin_za, you have a disturbing past - you know that. Strange that you seem to have come out of it ok.

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 17:36
by jee

i cannot think that anyone can see that as a game...

my mind just don't want to wrap around it...


Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 17:39
by Tribble
It is - they make it a hunt - a challenge. As if women have no place in this world - except as toys for them to humiliate and hurt.

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 17:58
by Synthesis
Tribble wrote:It is - they make it a hunt - a challenge. As if women have no place in this world - except as toys for them to humiliate and hurt.
Well said.

Oh, wait, you weren't agreeing, I see what you did there now. (j/k)

To rectify that bit of sarcastic lightenment to this otherwise shocking thread, I will add some concerned input:

Even if I came across such an article, I would've thought twice about posting it here because like the titles Jamin mentioned, sure, I googled them for curiosity and he's telling the truth. Who else has done this and will go further into getting hold of such nonsense as an excuse for a game. I never would've in my life thought something like this existed and now the way is open for exploration to under age forum goers.

I have never believed that music or gaming has had a direct and sole part in creating murderers, thieves and rapists, but more factors like upbringing and social circles. A game like this on the other-hand I see could have such influences.

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 18:01
by Tribble

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 18:11
by jee
Synthesis wrote: I never would've in my life thought something like this existed and now the way is open for exploration to under age forum goers.

I have never believed that music or gaming has had a direct and sole part in creating murderers, thieves and rapists, but more factors like upbringing and social circles. A game like this on the other-hand I see could have such influences.

so, what you are saying that posting an article, exposing a shocking game and the concern of people to have it pulled from the open and easily accessible shelves is shameful because you can only be harmed if you don't know about it?

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 18:12
by Synthesis
I don't mean to be harsh or put down the thread because I for one will definitely be monitoring my kid closer as she get older, and especially my son one of these days when he arrives. (no, it's in the planning stages but not happening yet, and that's too much info already) So in a way it's good for us to see what evils are out there to provide better protection from it.

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 18:16
by jee
I believe that having all the information is to be forewarned. Particularly in a society where anyone can access almost anything online.

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 18:18
by Tribble
That is the reason my kids only have supervised online time.

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 18:23
by Synthesis
I don't usually participate in these sorts of discussions but this one did bring a bit of a shock being someone responsible for protecting others against what is being discussed. I do agree that it should be known for action to be taken and dealt with accordingly. Thanks for the enlightening "warning" of what this world is coming to!

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 18:44
by jee
I believe that as a parent, one should know about those kind of games. Mind, I feel exactly the same with games like "Manhunt" and allowing people to get POINTS for running over people! arghhh!

With warning, however, one can try to stop such things where it can do the most harm.

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 20:07
by justinufo
Read bout this on news 24.It got banned on e bay.With good reason.Crazy japs!They even have a game where you have to pe.e straight.

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 20:23
by WiK1d
jee wrote:I believe that as a parent, one should know about those kind of games. Mind, I feel exactly the same with games like "Manhunt" and allowing people to get POINTS for running over people! arghhh!

With warning, however, one can try to stop such things where it can do the most harm.
Well, then ban GTA, and just about any other shooter game/rpg/racing/sims you can find..

But yeah, no doubt, this crosses the line.

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 14 Feb 2009, 21:48
by hamin_aus
I'm just curious why all the fuss is being made about these hentai titles now. This rubbish has been freely available on the net since the 90's. Talk about your delayed reaction...

Anyway, these games are nothing like Manhunt or GTA. They can barely even be called games. There is a linear 'story', little to no user interaction and absolutely no challenge or replay value.
They were a morbidly entertaining way to kill 20 minutes back in 1998, but these days kids are far too sophisticated to bother with them.
How they continue to make money in Japan amazes me....

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 15 Feb 2009, 09:25
by StarBound
Think we need to go back to the days of mario. But thats just killing somone by jumping on them.

But was the game released and placed on the shelf? In that case doesnt it fall onto the retailer who placed it there?

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 15 Feb 2009, 16:56
by jee
being available at some obscure place on the Net is one thing, being freely available for sale via Amazon is a totally different kettle of fish!

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 15 Feb 2009, 16:59
by justinufo
think its blocked already

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 15 Feb 2009, 19:57
by Prime
jee wrote:being available at some obscure place on the Net is one thing, being freely available for sale via Amazon is a totally different kettle of fish!
Its not actually Amazons fault, Amazon conducts alot of third party retail. They are becoming a bit like Ebay but more secure and withut the auction.

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 15 Feb 2009, 20:26
by jee
Prime wrote: Amazon... They are becoming a bit like Ebay but more secure and withut the auction.
yeah.. and VERY accessible and public with their products.

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 15 Feb 2009, 20:30
by Prime
jee wrote:
Prime wrote: Amazon... They are becoming a bit like Ebay but more secure and withut the auction.
yeah.. and VERY accessible and public with their products.
I was not talking about secure as in, who sees what, i was talking about money secure. as in, you aren't going to buy a lemon for your money. :?

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 16 Feb 2009, 10:57
by GreyWolf
Tribble wrote:That is the reason my kids only have supervised online time.
um... do you monitor them and explain things or do you censor things?

just wondering because if you do censor, I am wondering what will happen when they eventually find themselves on a PC without you around?

Re: The reason games get a bad name

Posted: 16 Feb 2009, 11:04
by Tribble
At this stage the two younger ones have it censored. My my older son - I explain. I can only imagine what he gets to see from his friends at school and I want him to understand it. I implement age restrictions on games and movies but he is now 13 and can play some 16+ games - depending on the type of violence. If it is fantasy - he is more likely to be allowed to play it - the more real it seems - the less likely.

What he cannot understand is why his friends can play these games and he cannot. And he can keep wondering until he is old enough.