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HTML link to flash frame

Posted: 11 Feb 2009, 14:08
by FuZzY665
I have a html page with a flash movie in it. What I'm trying to workout is how to connect the anchor tag from the html to link to a specific frame in the flash movie and stop on that frame.

I've read about using the asfunction, but haven't had much luck with it.

Anyone know how it can be done?

Re: HTML link to flash frame

Posted: 11 Feb 2009, 14:27
by RuadRauFlessa

Re: HTML link to flash frame

Posted: 11 Feb 2009, 15:49
by GreyWolf
FuZzY665 wrote:I have a html page with a flash movie in it. What I'm trying to workout is how to connect the anchor tag from the html to link to a specific frame in the flash movie and stop on that frame.

I've read about using the asfunction, but haven't had much luck with it.

Anyone know how it can be done?
dude, sounds like a freakin MISSION! wow, trying to direct flash from HTML.

Biggest question: do you really need to do this?

Re: HTML link to flash frame

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 14:12
by FuZzY665
Don't really have to do it. There are other ways of getting the job done, but this would be nice because it would all be contained in one movie

Re: HTML link to flash frame

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 17:23
by maxxis
I take it the pages shouldn't reload?

If the page can reload you can attach a string to the flash files name like myflashfile.swf?variablename=value

You can then load the that variable and use it to direct the flash.

Otherwise read this to use javascript to control the movie ... ipttoflash