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Acronym Game

Posted: 22 Dec 2002, 11:35
by Madgic
Right! The main rule is to have fun!
<BR>Here are some Other Sort of Rules :
<BR>1. Keep it clean if you can
<BR>2. Punctuation is allowed to help your sentence make sense but not essential
<BR>3. Hyphenated words are allowed
<BR>4. You cannot answer your own Acronym
<BR>5. let´s try to keep the chit-chat remarks in this thread to a minimum OK - chat elsewhere
<BR>6. Your follow on word must be a word from your sentence!!
<BR>nice idea madgic. something to keep this board going <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif"><BR><BR><font size=-1>[ Edited by blessed_confusion_reigns On Date <br>December 22, 2002 ]</font>

Acronym Game

Posted: 22 Dec 2002, 14:31
by brabham
Xanthippes - X-rays are not the holistic inducement peppering people´s emerging selves.
<BR>New one - Miscellaneous

Acronym Game

Posted: 23 Dec 2002, 01:15
by Madgic
I see the ´moderator´ has forced us to play according to the rules of an Acronym Game which we play on Planetmars, by adding rule no. 6. He has the power here but! he he he!
<BR>OK, blessed confusion reigns! We´ll do it your way! For now .... so I´ve chosen the word:
<BR>inducement - In Natal, Durban usually creates entertainment mostly exciting new tourists
<BR>New acronym : entertainment
<BR>OK Brabham or whoever wants to try next?
<BR>(Make a sentence using the new acronym, then choose a word, from your sentence, as the new acronym.)

Acronym Game

Posted: 23 Dec 2002, 21:42
by blessed_confusion_reigns
<BR>Each new technical expert rarely tries <b>advising</b> IT now, maybe even not trying
<BR>(Madg: I felt Rule #6 was kinda necessary. otherwise what to stop me from making my new acronym: <b>Disestablishmentarianism</b> every time?)

Acronym Game

Posted: 24 Dec 2002, 20:09
by Madgic
Ooh, I see you´ve given me a new name too?! Madg - I see! <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_lol.gif">
<BR>Having the same word proposed as the new acronym could be a challenge, if the word is long enough, as in the supercal thingee, otherwise it would only have a limited life. So let´s you an´ me go for it with the 6th rule kid!
<BR>advising - advanced dame´s vivid insight sees indignation! Next go?
<BR>new ac : indignation <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_eek.gif">

Acronym Game

Posted: 26 Dec 2002, 03:03
by Koolkat
plz help, I am trying to work this out but I am very confused with the whole acronym thing. what is an acronym anyway???

Acronym Game

Posted: 26 Dec 2002, 09:26
by Madgic
Hey Koolkat! Don´t blame you for being confused! So am I! Unfortunately, the original part of the string was edited so I cannot refer you back there so let me try to make it clearer.
<BR>blessed Posted: 2002-12-23 on 21:42
<BR>entertainment : Each New Technical Expert Rarely Tries Advising It Now, Maybe Even Not Trying
<BR>New Acronym : advising
<BR>Madgic Posted: 2002-12-24 on 20:09
<BR>advising - Advanced Dame´s Vivid Insight Sees Indignation! Next Go?
<BR>New Acronym : indignation
<BR>So make a sentence using the new acronym ´indignation´. For example:
<BR>indignation - Issue new directive in game new and tell it over news
<BR>Then choose a word, from your sentence, as the new acronym eg.
<BR>New Acronym = directive
<BR>Your new acronym must be a word from the sentence you´ve just made
<BR>The way to play this game is to make a sentence using the new word supplied by the previous player. Hope this makes it clearer or this string is going to die!
<BR>Who ever wants to try - the Acronym is:
<BR>indignation <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif">

Acronym Game

Posted: 26 Dec 2002, 17:03
by Koolkat
i´m not doing intuitively good noting added trying in orienteering, not!
<BR>hey look, I did my best, new one: orienteering

Acronym Game

Posted: 26 Dec 2002, 20:13
by Madgic
Well done Koolkat! You´ll soon get into the swing of it!
<BR>orienteering : Oh really! I endorse nice try, every effort raises intelligent new game!
<BR>New acronym : endorse
<BR> <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_smile.gif"> Please have a try!

Acronym Game

Posted: 27 Dec 2002, 12:48
by Koolkat
<BR>every new doing or repetition stays equal
<BR>new acronym: repetition <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_wink.gif">

Acronym Game

Posted: 27 Dec 2002, 23:58
by brabham
Repetition - Real entrepreneurs preclude entertainment to intuitively topple investment of nerds.
<BR>New one - entrepreneurs

Acronym Game

Posted: 28 Dec 2002, 01:03
by Koolkat
<BR>each new technical reproduction entails preposterously ridiculous energy needing every user´s ridiculous speech
<BR>new one: preposterously

Acronym Game

Posted: 28 Dec 2002, 08:09
by Madgic
Hey! Kewl, guys! <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_eek.gif">
<BR>preposterously - Partying ravers expose passions obviously seeking testosterone elevation! Ruffians often use sly lines! Yeah!
<BR>New acronym - testosterone
<BR> <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_lol.gif"> Toss that one Tyrone! <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif">

Acronym Game

Posted: 28 Dec 2002, 11:07
by brabham
testosterone - Then, extreme silence! Total occlusion starts. The exquisite rush of naivety engages....
<BR>new one - occlusion

Acronym Game

Posted: 28 Dec 2002, 11:20
by Madgic
occlusion - often count, cause lucre usually short in overdrawn nedbank
<BR>new one - overdrawn <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_mad.gif">
<BR>Not true! Father Christmas jus´ lurved me this year! <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_lol.gif">

Acronym Game

Posted: 28 Dec 2002, 13:54
by Koolkat
<BR>one verocious endangered reptile drew right and wasted, narf (as in pinky and the brain - sorry about that one, I was verry stuck!)
<BR>new one: verocious

Acronym Game

Posted: 10 Jan 2003, 23:22
by blessed_confusion_reigns
verocious? heheheh
<BR>Very eager <b>roosters</b> often cease intentional oversleeping, usually smartly
<BR>yeesh im out of practice. thats what two weeks in kaapstad does to your brain . . .. the new one is in bold.
<BR>you guys looks like you are getting the hang of it. keep it going <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif">

Acronym Game

Posted: 11 Jan 2003, 00:40
by brabham
Firstly,... ferocious (spelled with an F).
<BR>Rooster - Really old oysters still taste edible, really.
<BR>New one - Oysters

Acronym Game

Posted: 11 Jan 2003, 11:32
by blessed_confusion_reigns
<BR><b>Oblong</b> yachts sail terribly, even really slowly

Acronym Game

Posted: 12 Jan 2003, 04:47
by Madgic
(We´re getting this game going at last! Small tip - try not to use the same word twice in a sentence) <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_razz.gif">
<BR>oblong - obstinate blonde leads on ..... nice going!
<BR>new word - obstinate
<BR> <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_cool.gif">

Acronym Game

Posted: 17 Jan 2003, 22:25
by blessed_confusion_reigns
<BR>obviously, <b>beavers</b> seldom terrorise internationally, nuclear attacks take effort
<BR>c´mon ppl <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_cool.gif">

Acronym Game

Posted: 18 Jan 2003, 01:00
by brabham
Beavers - <!-- BBCode Start --><B>Bereavement encapsulates</B><!-- BBCode End --> all very emotionally reserved subjects.
<BR>take your pick...

Acronym Game

Posted: 31 Jan 2003, 00:17
by Madgic
Gee you guys are lazy! Wassup? Brains been on holiday too long? <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_razz.gif">
<BR>Bereavement - Being evasive reveals errant activities - very erratic movements ensue naturally too!
<BR>Encapsulates - Everyone needs creative artistic people so unless lazy abies, try earning something!
<BR>New WORD : lazy <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif">

Acronym Game

Posted: 01 Feb 2003, 23:47
by blessed_confusion_reigns
<BR>love <!-- BBCode Start --><B>argumentative</B><!-- BBCode End -->, zany yaks

Acronym Game

Posted: 04 Feb 2003, 05:53
by Madgic
argumentative - Agricultural ruminations guarantee us milk especially now tractors are tilling in verdant earth
<BR>New word - Agricultural
<BR> <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif">