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Logon problems

Posted: 04 Jan 2009, 11:28
by TheModDoctor
For a few days now I've had trouble logging onto these forums. It started when Firefox suddenly didn't remember me being logged on. I then typed my username and password and clicked log on. The page displayed that said logged on successful, but when redirected I'm logged out again! I tried logging on again, but was instantly logged out again.
I then cleared my Cookies and I could then log on without problems. Problem solved. Actually not, because the next day the same happened again. I had to clear my cookies again to be able to log on. This is getting annoying because this never happened before. Other site are fine and remember me being logged on, only PCFormat gives trouble.
I'll update my Firefox just now and see if that helps, but is there any other solution?

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 04 Jan 2009, 11:52
by RuadRauFlessa
TheModDoctor wrote:For a few days now I've had trouble logging onto these forums. It started when Firefox suddenly didn't remember me being logged on. I then typed my username and password and clicked log on. The page displayed that said logged on successful, but when redirected I'm logged out again! I tried logging on again, but was instantly logged out again.
I then cleared my Cookies and I could then log on without problems. Problem solved. Actually not, because the next day the same happened again. I had to clear my cookies again to be able to log on. This is getting annoying because this never happened before. Other site are fine and remember me being logged on, only PCFormat gives trouble.
I'll update my Firefox just now and see if that helps, but is there any other solution?
Ok I know we all hate IE but for interest sake of debugging please try it and let us know what happens. It is possible that it could be a browser issue. In any case the more information we have the easier it is to solve for X. :wink:

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 04 Jan 2009, 12:06
by Prime
Also did you check that remember me box?

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 04 Jan 2009, 21:33
by TheModDoctor
Ok I know we all hate IE but for interest sake of debugging please try it and let us know what happens
I tried IE and it doesn't suffer from Altzheimers :lol:
Also did you check that remember me box?
Always :wink:

I updated to FF v3.05, and the same happens. I have to clear my cookies before I can log in. I bugs me that one day it worked, and the next day it doesn't. What other settings might fix the problem?

Sorry, I think I should have rather posted this in the software thread, since I know the problem can't be with the site. I guess I posted it here because it only happens with pcformat forums. :oops:

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 05 Jan 2009, 08:14
by rustypup
what URL are you logging in through?..

this was an issue when the site was moved... try using instead... :|

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 05 Jan 2009, 10:58
by TheModDoctor
Yip I'm using that URL. But I'm now finding that almost no site is remembering me! PCFormat, ModsOnline, Photobucket, Gamespot, Photo-Club, etc...
I'm downloading Opera now to see if it is a decent browser :roll:

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 05 Jan 2009, 11:12
by rustypup
sounds like your session cookies are being scrubbed... check security/history settings... if not being scrubbed by the browser, some other utility may be doing so, (webwasher and its ilk do this by default...)
downloading Opera now to see if it is a decent browser
"if" :?: what's this "if"?....

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 05 Jan 2009, 11:13
by Stuart
TheModDoctor wrote:I'm downloading Opera now to see if it is a decent browser :roll:
I am more than a little astounded that teh puppi's counsel did not include some underhanded criticism of FF and a not-so-subtle suggestion that you use Opera in any case. Still, should you decide that Opera will in fact become your browser of choice that's one less seal that rusty will be forced to club and devour. Wildlife conservationists thank you.

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 05 Jan 2009, 11:28
by Prime
TheModDoctor wrote:Yip I'm using that URL. But I'm now finding that almost no site is remembering me! PCFormat, ModsOnline, Photobucket, Gamespot, Photo-Club, etc...
I'm downloading Opera now to see if it is a decent browser :roll:
Congratulations on discovering opera, you have just been granted a +1 circumstance bonus to your wisdom modifier :P

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 05 Jan 2009, 11:38
by TheModDoctor
Opera seems really good! It kept me logged in and it quite fast. I can even set up my mail accounts EASY! No hassle like outlook, opera know which servers to use for gmail :D
Only 2 problems so far, opera scrolls too fast and doesn't check my spelling like FF :wink:

But otherwise, I think it's problem solved : get a another decent browser that doesn't suffer from altzheimers :lol:

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 05 Jan 2009, 11:50
by Stuart
TheModDoctor wrote:Only 2 problems so far, opera scrolls too fast and doesn't check my spelling like FF :wink:
You can download dictionaries and spell checkers for Opera. Why not just set your scroll speed in your mouse settings?

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 05 Jan 2009, 11:52
by rustypup
TheModDoctor wrote:doesn't check my spelling like FF
because you're running it on windows, you'll need to grab aspell + the english dictionary...

aspell is default included in most *nix systems...

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 05 Jan 2009, 14:32
by PsyCLown
TheModDoctor wrote:Opera seems really good! It kept me logged in and it quite fast. I can even set up my mail accounts EASY! No hassle like outlook, opera know which servers to use for gmail :D
Only 2 problems so far, opera scrolls too fast and doesn't check my spelling like FF :wink:

But otherwise, I think it's problem solved : get a another decent browser that doesn't suffer from altzheimers :lol:
Yipp, Opera is the only browser for me :D

As rusty said, get the dictionary, also if you up for it...
Perhaps turn on mouse gestures an give that a try ;) May take a day or so to get use to them. I cant browse without them now, mouse gestures combined with speed dial is amazing. (you can adjust the rows and colums with a simple mod to allow more than 9 speed dials, guide below.)

I like the speed Opera scrolls at, I also find that it seems to scroll smoother than other browsers, not that its much of a problem really.
Opera has a built in BitTorrent client and IRC client and RSS feed and so on. Really nifty and its super small too 8)

How to add more Speed Dials in Opera?
How to change Speed Dial thumbnail images in Opera?

Opera Mouse Gestures
How to add/edit mouse gestures in Opera?
Opera extra mouse gestures

Enjoy~ ;)

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 05 Jan 2009, 14:42
by Stuart
PsyCLown wrote:I like the speed Opera scrolls at, I also find that it seems to scroll smoother than other browsers, not that its much of a problem really.
I work mostly on a notebook and use the touchpad (external mice on notebooks kinda defeat the purpose to me). In Opera, every time I make a post on a forum, the scroll feature on the touchpad doesn't work until I click somewhere on the page. This is a minor irritation, but enough to keep me away from Opera for now.

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 06 Jan 2009, 18:53
by PsyCLown
Stuart wrote:
PsyCLown wrote:I like the speed Opera scrolls at, I also find that it seems to scroll smoother than other browsers, not that its much of a problem really.
I work mostly on a notebook and use the touchpad (external mice on notebooks kinda defeat the purpose to me). In Opera, every time I make a post on a forum, the scroll feature on the touchpad doesn't work until I click somewhere on the page. This is a minor irritation, but enough to keep me away from Opera for now.
Hmm, thats rather strange.
Pretty much making this post just to test that :P

EDIT: Well, I quoted you. Typed out my message, clicked on submit and never clicked, let it redirect me and all and then I could scroll fine.
Took me back to the main thread, scrolled up and down perfectly.

Perhaps it was fixed, dont know which was the last version you used? Im using v9.63

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 06 Jan 2009, 19:32
by RuadRauFlessa
TheModDoctor wrote:Opera seems really good! It kept me logged in and it quite fast. I can even set up my mail accounts EASY! No hassle like outlook, opera know which servers to use for gmail :D
Only 2 problems so far, opera scrolls too fast and doesn't check my spelling like FF :wink:

But otherwise, I think it's problem solved : get a another decent browser that doesn't suffer from altzheimers :lol:
Those aren't problems. They are bonusses. If you scroll fast you can get from bottom to top in not time flat. Also the spelling is not an issue because you will learn how to spell instead of using a dictionary.

Opera FTW.

Yip PsyClown the problem was actually fixed with when the new look came out. There is actually very little that I can find wrong with Opera in the whole. FF just tends to give me that remote nag fealing and IE as we all know is what makes Windows XP the biggest virus ever (The whole thing is one giant Trojan :lol: ).

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 06 Jan 2009, 20:25
by TheModDoctor
RuadRauFlessa wrote:Those aren't problems. They are bonusses. If you scroll fast you can get from bottom to top in not time flat. Also the spelling is not an issue because you will learn how to spell instead of using a dictionary.
But if I want to scroll down 2 lines, it goes too fast. But don't worry, I've slowed down the mouse scroll speed in CP so it's fine now. I browse the internet more than my hard drive :lol:
I only need the dictionary to point out my mistakes. If I misspelled something I always try to type it right before looking in a dictionary. Now I'm not sure what I typed wrong, and to me it is very annoying to read something that is spelled wrong. I'm afrikaans and english doesn't come natural to me. But I'll look at that Aspell thing :wink:

Re: Logon problems

Posted: 06 Jan 2009, 20:50
by Stuart
PsyCLown wrote:Perhaps it was fixed, dont know which was the last version you used? Im using v9.63
I'm using that v. 10 alpha on this notebook. Got v. 9 on my other one. I'll check there later and see.