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Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 10:04
by tjecco
Hello everyone

Does a brand influence the products you buy?
let's say you buying a graphics card. Does it matter if you buy Point of View or XFX.

Or a LCD monitor. Benq or Samsumg

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 10:07
by UrBaN
To me, yes, as I know certain brands have better warranties or build quality than others. For example an Samsung LCD is FAR better than a BenQ (IMO).

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 10:07
by Rayne
Product dependant, yes.

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 10:12
by tjecco
For example an Samsung LCD is FAR better than a BenQ (IMO).
How so?

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 11:54
by GDI_Lord
Because Samsung have a metric boatload more experience in their R&D and manufacturing?

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 12:08
by Interfan
Depends on product type. Also depends on the warranty offered and whether certain programs are available in SA or not.

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 12:34
by Frozenfireside
Yeha I won't touch Samsung CD drives but their monitors are decent.

I love LG but only because they are consistent in delivering good quality, high spec and well priced.

EVGA for instance offers a 10 year warranty but since most goods seem to conk out after 1, I'll happily pay the extra cash needed.

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 12:42
by tjecco
ok so basically it comes down to these 3 things


but what happens if you don't know the brand?

for example I want to buy me a Thrustmaster Game Controller. How would i know if it's a good choice over, let's say Genuis. Both has a 1 year warranty price is similar.

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 12:42
by Frozenfireside
Reviews dude. Always read a review first.

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 13:03
by tjecco
I Do the normal reviews that is needed but i'm never to sure if it's a good choice.

Anyway last question then this thread can be closed

Does anyone know the brand Manhattan? (no not as in the sweet company)

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 13:05
by Frozenfireside
No idea about the brand.

I have to say I love my LG washing machine. It has the most pleasant bong I have ever heard and has lasted ages but works bloody well.

I have 2 LG DVD-RW, 2 LG screens and some other stuff. Looking at a 19" LG LCD screen at the mo.

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 13:14
by tjecco

I have a LG DVD Writer always buy LG

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 14:53
by GDI_Lord
Thrustmaster joysticks will always have a warm place in my heart. Back in 94 (or 96?) My dad and I bought it at the Computer Faire ("and Bexxa" - remember those? ;-) ) only because it had US Navy Fighters Gold bundled with it.

That thing lasted and lasted and lasted and lasted and lasted. What could one expect - after all, Thrustmaster design the sticks that NASA uses in the space shuttle!

Edit: Where are you buying TM stuff from?

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 16:00
Yeah, Thrustmaster are legends. I bought a cheap soundcard just for the game port, so I could still use my old Thrustmaster T2 wheel and pedal. :wink: Not sure about their current stuff though.

I agree with LG. Real good quality overall (used to be crap when they traded as Goldstar), especially DVD players.
Samsung screens and such are good, but their optical drives are pretty useless (DVD Rom, DVD player).

I am a fan of Sony products especially. They used to have old tech screens/TV's, but have since caught back up as far as I can tell.

Know a guy with a Manhattan wireless keyboard and mouse set. It works ok and they even have a lifetime guarantee on the product, but it's not so good ergonomically IMO. Not amazing tech either, but as I said, at least it works.

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 18:19
by Prime
I don't think its just brand and warranty, its also aftersales service. Personally, i'll never by another nokia because their products have become rubbish and their after sales service is crap!

We had a phillips TV for 20 years, we eventually had to let it go because we were battling to get parts. Most of these modern TV's you throw out when they break. :lol:

As for Sony, I still can't get batteries for my Discman, The agents never have stock or will have stock in x weeks and x weeks later, are still waiting. I think that their after sales service is Rubbish. but thats just me :?

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 20:57
by Screeper
All the above and I also add environmentally friendly to my list of 'things to look for in a brand'.
Or at the very least an attempt to be enviro friendly.
Nokia, for example, have a really good recycling policy with their products, in Europe and the US you can take your old phones back to their stores and they are recycled.
Gigabyte and Asus also are pushing 'lead-free manufacturing process which is nice to see.
Sony as well, are pretty sharp with their enviro polices, whereas Nintendo were the ranked the worst enviro 'hi-tech' industry company in the world this year - that would really make me think twice before buying their products.

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 24 Oct 2008, 21:07
by Prime
I think that would be the only way you'd get nokia to take back a faulty phone. Frankly Nokias products and customer service sucks these days! :roll: They would have to have a policy like that because they'd get crucified in finland if they didn't... ( i have been having a huge fight with Nokia over my N73)

Its the ROHS process. and it has had some interesting side affects. They want to ban lead in solder but lead solders have a low MP. The alternatives melt hotter and they have had to change the materials they make certain parts from as a result. I also read in the same article in an engineering mag that after a year, soldered joints start to deteriorate :?

Re: Brands and Branding

Posted: 25 Oct 2008, 08:21
by tjecco
I agree that Nokia is a questionable brand - I switch from my all time Favorite Sony Ericsson to Nokia really bad move.

I'm getting ThrustMaster from my company. But you guy's can go to or

Well Manhattan Has a lifetime swopout warranty for almost all there products which is really cool.

Has anyone heard of Zykon (Also a "gaming" brand)