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Development of a Layout Application for website

Posted: 23 Oct 2008, 01:24
by inf3ct10n
Hi there, i need an application developed for my brothers company, he obviously is willing to pay however he doesn't want to spend 3 million bucks on the app.

This is an example of the type of app he needs developed:

Basically it must be able to do the following:

[*] Enter the size of the floorspace
[*] Change the colour of the floor
[*] Drag objects from the list (furniture) onto the floorspace
[*] Change the colour of the object
[*] Rotate the object 90 Degrees so that it faces North, South, East or West
[*] Objects in the list must re-appear once dragged onto the floor space allowing one to use the same object as many times as desired
[*] E-mail the final product as a JPEG to both the person who is designing the floor space as well as to the company

If you are able to develop the above please send me a pm and let me know how much it will cost.

Kind Regards