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Just broken 24 000 3DMarks :-)

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 11:12
by solo
Using one the first Prometetia Mach2's in SA and a Athlon64 3400+ I have scored 24398 3DMarks.

Prometeia is basically similar to Vapochill, but gets even colder and runs off it's own power source so it doesn't drain power from the PSU as well. Temps during benching were -31'C on the evaporator head. Athlon64 3400+ at 2.6 Ghz. Memory running with a divider so the score is a lot lower than if the memory was running 1:1. With some better cooling on the GPU and maybe a little volt mod 25K is possible still.

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 11:26
by SnowMonkey
Sheesh solo.
Well done, absolutly amazing! :wink:

Hey soon you pc will be able to power a whole city! Amazing!

Really well done m8.

BTW how much did the cooling set u back?

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 13:32
by Fishzn
Sheesh Solo will you ever stop??? Damn man a HUGE Congrats on the 24K dude, that is definitely something to bow down to!

Yo Solo hows about relaxing with the 3dmark 01 and trying to bump up that 3dmark 03 benchie man! Enigma has a whole lot more and it will be great to see that part of the benchies hotting up!

Can't wait to seee how this plays out! With beanie knocking 4Gig and you breaking 24K, PM is definitely happening! Will sit and wait for Andyddr and Enigma to come through though!


Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 16:32
by ICE-VaPa
OMG, that's like double mine! 8O

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 16:40
by Kher-za
i got a negative amount :lol:

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 16:55
by SnowMonkey
You'll need 32k to double mine! :lol:

Posted: 14 Mar 2004, 18:52
by Iceblade

Posted: 14 Mar 2004, 19:29
by n00b
dude - that 31k score is from over two months back - wait for the new cards and amd cpus to be released (socket 939) then you will be seeing at least 34k action soon (definitely before the next two months are up anyway)

Posted: 14 Mar 2004, 19:37
by Iceblade
It's two months old but, nobody here has even come close to it.


Posted: 14 Mar 2004, 21:38
by n00b
LOL - dude how can anyone here come close to it - oppainter is using dual (thats two) sets of cascade phase change coolers - ie a compressor and condensor that cools another compressor and condensor and he uses one on the cpu and one on the graphics card using the relevant evaporator blocks

if you know exactly how much a setup like that will cost here you will forget about trying to compete - also he is doing it in ambient temps that we cannot get here even in fully airconditioned rooms - these guys open the windows to get ambient temps below 20 degrees celcius

there are only three guys over 30k in default at 3dmark - and thats worldwide so noone in this forum is even gonna get close - anyways solo's score over 24k is definitely the highest in the country since i doubt anyone else in the continent has reached that high yet - though the competition here is hotting up - andyddr/mrbean/naughty/enigma etc are all busy at work trying to get over that 25k figure in two months or so expect to also see 27k broken in SA - and thats gonna require lots of firepower in terms of hardware

Posted: 14 Mar 2004, 22:33
by Iceblade
dude , if you can you cam.

Stop upgrading every month and save and then the good stuff like he did.
And then bench 40k.

Dual Anthlon FX is out there for everybody, we in SA also got some stuff, put it all together right and whola

Posted: 14 Mar 2004, 22:52
by n00b
hehehe - you still dont understand - you will never reach up to the scores that oppainter and macci and dj reach - even if you use an 8 cpu server - 3dmark is unnaffected by number of cpus since it isnt multi cpu capable - even if you save for another two years its possible with the hardware we get here by then you will have regular 30k scores - but for now it is only the most skilled overclockers and tweakers who are able to achieve those types of scores - and since you are not trying to get that high im sure that you will never understand the time/effort/dedication and work it takes to get to that type of scores - its like a second job just to understand the concepts involved

even if you buy an fx51 based cpu and mobo - yeah you can get the asus socket 940 mobo here just try and get registered ram that will work at over 300fsb - yeah right ....... good luck with that - you cannot just buy a 3dmark score which is why that score you are showing is the highest in the world but the guy had to go through maybe 20 differing bits of each component before he could find the one that worked the best - as well as using specialised refridgeration cooling

think of it this way - you wanna match him here in south africa - when you include the coldroom required with the type of phase change cooling and going through a bunch of components till you find the best overclocking one you will need to save up around R300 000 to R400 000 which definitely isnt chump change in anybody's book

also realise that these guys are given special engineering samples of cpu's and mobo's that do things that the ones you buy wont do - its not so easy - if it was lots of peeps all over the world would be over 40k - just ask anyone here over 20k what a struggle that was

also about the point to stop upgrading every month LOL - oppainter has been in the top 10 of the orb in 3dmark03 and 2001 since they were introduced - that man upgrades or sidegrades almost daily because of the stuff that he is sponsorred - the stuff we get in SA is firstly very late and isnt the correct steppings and definitely will not bench higher than the overseas guys in colder ambient temps and to get the right stuff will cost you a fortune from overseas - you wanna try it - no problem ........ be my guest LOL - just hope you have a bottomless bank account - should cost you around R40000 just to reach solos scores - then from there double it for each 1000 points more you hope to hit

Posted: 14 Mar 2004, 23:27
by Iceblade

Posted: 15 Mar 2004, 07:40
by AngryRabbit
OK then. I think I'll just play games.

Posted: 15 Mar 2004, 07:48
by Law
R40000. Thats a whole lotta Cheese.

I'm with Angry. I'll stick to games.

Posted: 15 Mar 2004, 07:48
by RuadRauFlessa
Hehehe I am bumping my bank balance up a bit in the end of this or middle of next month with about 45k so How about I get started on ordering the parts I need. I got a good friend that does cooling systems (mostly aircons for server rooms and such). Oh yeah and if you have the contacts you can also get a bunch of 555 ECC Registered RAM but you will still have to show some $$$.

Posted: 15 Mar 2004, 09:21
by Scarlet_Spider
from what i've heard - just give mr bean a litle while over at PM and we will start seeing scores like 26k + ...

interesting times over at PM :)

Posted: 04 Apr 2004, 13:50
by Guest
Scarlet_Spider wrote:from what i've heard - just give mr bean a litle while over at PM and we will start seeing scores like 26k + ...

interesting times over at PM :)
MrBean goes "gulp".... :?

Don't believe everything you hear, but, I'll try :D ....

ps: For now, Enigma is the 1 to worry about...don't know what he's got up his sleeve.... :?:

Posted: 04 Apr 2004, 19:18
by Guest
It wouldn't take 40K to beat my score a few well selected pieces of hardware some air cooling and if you know what you are doing it is possible. An FX51 could easily do it with the right card.


Posted: 05 Apr 2004, 02:25
by n00b
well yeah solo but i beg to differ - if the guy knows as much as you and a few other select people know about tweaking their rigs - then its possible but considering the level of knowledge that i have encountered here id still say someone here would need the 40k - maybe even more to match your current score - i think that the number of people in this country who would do well with the correct equipment should be around 10 or so - the others wont stand a chance even given the same equipment they would be at least 1500/2000 points behind - not many people are gonna catch up with solo/enigma/Mrbean/flytek/andyddr/whoopass and one or two other dark horses who are not in the running now (scuse me if i cannot remember all) - but guys like steve af spring immediately to mind

ps everybody thinks that the fx51 will do well - but remember that oppainter had to go through lots of ram sticks before he could find registered dimms that would overclock - and even more before he found some that could overclock well - so that fx51 at more or less stock still wont match a well overclocked 3400+ even though its only single channel - and also consider that at retail prices the prommie is gonna be about 10k and the hardware about another 15k+ if you use an A64 at retail pricing with good ram which you wont get here as well as a 9800xt - which will need at least 3k of cooling to do anything much - again at retail pricing - an fx51 would easilly cost around 5k more than that - so when you include things like monitors etc id say 40k just about covers it - and to beat your score the guy would need the prommie on the chip as well as phase change or waterchilling on the graphics card - none of which will be cheap - also remember that registered dimms capable of 2-2-2-5 timings will cost in excess of 4g's here for 2 x 512 and thats still not guaranteed to go far above ddr400 speeds - leave alone to allow the cpu to go to above 2.5ghz

okay so maybe at dealer pricing 40k is an exaggeration but id still say at least 80% of that figure for most other mere mortals - and IMHO yeah a select few will maybe reach the 26k with what they currently have - while the rest of the herd is gonna need an fx53 with an nv40 or R420 to even hope to keep up - alternatively a P4 3.4EE with either one of those two graphics cards - again that would reflect on the bios, o/s and driver tweaks that only those few people know - have a look at what someone with 2000 points of lower knowledge will need to beat you at retail pricing and i think that 40k is a conservative estimate
and if you know what you are doing it is possible
being the key words - and not many people do when it comes to 3dmark 8O :wink:

what you say is quite possible if one of those people mentioned above gets the right stuff and tries to beat your score but none of those guys have plans or budgets to extend too far above what they already have or to my current knowledge at least so id still say its tough considering the backup scores and plans within plans that are afoot LOL

Posted: 05 Apr 2004, 10:40
by solo
nOOb you sound alot like someone I know from another forum ..... :?:

Thanks for the kind words there I never realised I had turned into a "super geek" along the way somewhere. LOL
so id still say its tough considering the backup scores and plans within plans that are afoot LOL
Ain't that the truth. Voltmod time is here for my GPU 8)

Next target is 25 000 3DMarks for now. Then to get my 2.4 Prescott to 4.3 Ghz :twisted:

Posted: 05 Apr 2004, 20:50
by Fishzn
n00b wrote: - then its possible but considering the level of knowledge that i have encountered here id still say someone here would need the 40k - maybe even more to match your current score
How i wish i had at least R20000 to build myself a kick-bottom rig that would be something like solo's, then maybe i'd be able to challenge this very statement. With a prometia and some good ram, i feel that i might be able to tweak and tweak until a good 22k or 23k or somewhere around there.

Oh well talk is cheap, so i reckon i'd better shut it until i start to work and get that 20 g's to make my claims reality!

btw Noob when you planning on getting some of the benchmarking PIE for urself?

Posted: 05 Apr 2004, 22:09
by amdretard
Who cares about your stupid scores. STOP BRAGGING@!!!!!

Posted: 06 Apr 2004, 01:06
by n00b
btw Noob when you planning on getting some of the benchmarking PIE for urself?
oh im gonna be there soon enough though obviously not in this user nick - maybe you know my other forum nick fishzn - i think you do - as does solo it seems LOL - im gonna rejoin the fray when i can get an almost 30k rig including maybe a pci express NV40 - till then my 21k+ rig is adequate for my daily usage

Oh well talk is cheap, so i reckon i'd better shut it until i start to work and get that 20 g's to make my claims reality!
nah fishy - its nice to have something to aim for and i do wish you well in your quest - not saying that it cannot be done but it will be difficult and you will need to stick to it through thick and thin if you want to do it though - take a look below at some estimated pricing also to realise that 20k of cold hard cash wont cut the mustard here though
Who cares about your stupid scores. STOP BRAGGING@!!!!!
well it seems like lots of people do care and if you dont then why respond to the post LOL - just go right past it when you see it and leave the people who do care alone to respond to it - there are some people who dont give a rats bottom about which lan you go to or which game you suck in right now so why start so many threads about that - FFS you go talk about you like and leave the rest of us alone

nOOb you sound alot like someone I know from another forum .....
strong the force is with this one (LOL)

How i wish i had at least R20000 to build myself a kick-bottom rig that would be something like solo's
to match solo's rig at retail prices

prometeia including lian li case (no use to get something that doesnt look right)

front display = R 670.80
seal string = R 340.66
alu base kit (silver) = R1184.60
Lian Li pc 60 case (silver) = R2150.06
cpu kit amd socket 754 = R 855.67
nventiv mach II gt = R9462.47

basic watercooling for gpu + chipset

asetek gpu block = R408.41
asetek chipset block R408.41
eheim pump for circulation = R800 approx
tygon tubing to allow chilled water R 360 for 3m (if you can find 4 other guys to share at 3m each otherwise R1500 for 15 metres (rolled)
cooler case R150
10 ice packs R200

hardware for computer

cpu Athlon 64 3400+ = R3375
motherboard = gigabyte nforce 3 = R1800
9800xt graphics card price varies average = R5000
ram 2 x 512 mushkin level2 black (if you can get it) around R3000
harddrive 40 gig sata R1200
antec truepower 550w psu R1200
cd dvd unit of your choice

plus maybe a few other odds and ends for volt mods etc which wont be more than R200

which totals up to R30719 which is if you can find guys to share the tygon costs - otherwise add in at least another R1100 - then factor in the cost of a decent monitor and keyboard and mouse - (im sure you are not gonna use a R35 mouse and R50 keyboard for a rig like this and neither are you going to use a 15" no name brand monitor)

this is only to match solo (now at 24 thousand and 7 hundred plus some odd change points) - to beat him change the cpu to an fx 51 then straight away add R4000 more for the cpu and R2000 more for the mobo as well as another R1000 for the same quantity of registered ram - alternatively leave the ram as is and R1000 for a P4 mobo and use a P4 3.4EE which would up the cpu by about R5000 more - i never did even yet mention that to get to the level of knowledge to make 22k improve to 24k without any changes in the rig will take around a year of digging up info - unless some kind soul tells you all the tricks and tweaks in a nice thorough guide (not highly likely though)

realising that you wont match solo's score even with the above rig at your disposal until you do know half as much as him or some of the other 3dmarkers in this country = priceless

care to chose and add up the rig of your choice here guys - BTW 22k isnt an option - enigma and andy ddr have both unofficially passed 25000 but cant publish those scores so id say we are a few weeks away from seeing South Afrca's first official 25k score wonder who its gonna be - also realize the goalposts have been changed 22k may not even get you into the planetmars top 10 in a month or two


Posted: 06 Apr 2004, 08:48
by Enlgma
[quote="n00b]enigma and andy ddr have both unofficially passed 25000 but cant publish those scores so id say we are a few weeks away from seeing South Afrca's first official 25k score wonder who its gonna be[/quote]

give me a couple of days and 25K will be up..then onto 26K 8)
