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Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 11:31
by muffinman
Creatine won't make your "totie" shrink :lol:, creatine is more about water retention.

It is difficult to build muscle when you have a quick metabolism, I know, i'm in exactly the same boat as you are.

Some famous quotes:

"Eat more, eat more often"

"If you wanna be build like a man, you've gotta eat like a man"

"Bodybuilding is a lifelong commitment, not a one night stand."

i do some cardio before i train. just don't overdo your cardio, it can cause muscle loss.

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 12:35
by SilverBack
qwiksilva666 wrote: is it normal that my arms wont stretch? if i stand up and let my arms just hang normally at my sides they dont lol. its as if they are positioned in imaginary pockets.
Dude...been there, got the t-shirt. You training too hard. When I began gyming, started off lifting real heavy. You MUST first ease into it and get your body use to lifting heavy. Try something a little lighter for a week or 2 (see how it goes for you?), then hit the real heavy stuff.

This is what worked for me. I get stiff, but nothing like the first week where I couldnt bend my arms open. You are sure to damage/strain something if you go in 100% hard from day one. Work on about 70-80% first week or 2, then build up from there ;)

As I said..this worked for me, but everyone responds differently ;)

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 12:40
by Acidkidsa
My arms did the same thing when I first started training.. Never happened since.

No matter how hard I train...

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 12:49
by I34z1k
Ok don't wanna threadjack here... BUT

I'm decently built, +-85kg and 1.85m tall, my arms and legs are like toned very well, all veiny and stuff :P BUT no matter what I do, I just can't get rid of flab on my tummy and well boobs :P Haha, I don't do chest exercises fearing moobs so I'd like to just get that last bit of weight off. Any tips?

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 12:52
by Acidkidsa
I34z1k wrote:Ok don't wanna threadjack here... BUT

I'm decently built, +-85kg and 1.85m tall, my arms and legs are like toned very well, all veiny and stuff :P BUT no matter what I do, I just can't get rid of flab on my tummy and well boobs :P Haha, I don't do chest exercises fearing moobs so I'd like to just get that last bit of weight off. Any tips?
Flab on the tummy is a real b$%ch to get rid of..

Clean diet not booze and no sweet things . You can use a fat burner to help.

And if you smoke , lay off the smokes for a while. And try do more running..

That worked for me.

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 12:54
by I34z1k
Hahahh don't booze much, don't smoke, don't eat lots of sweet stuff, but I guess I'll try cut it out. Also cutting bread out of my diet and no carbs after 5pm :P

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 12:55
by muffinman
the only way to get rid of that last bit of flab on your stomach is to diet. i'm afraid you have to chest exercises. do some dumbbell bench and flyes or you can do bosu pushups.

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 12:58
by Acidkidsa
I34z1k wrote:Hahahh don't booze much, don't smoke, don't eat lots of sweet stuff, but I guess I'll try cut it out. Also cutting bread out of my diet and no carbs after 5pm :P
I found the only thing bread does to me is bloat me up.. But yeah diet is the key...

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 13:01
by I34z1k
Bosu push ups?

I do incline benches sometimes?

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 13:02
by Nuke
Looking at the bodybuilding threads I'm so glad I don't want to build big muscles. Looks like so much work and wierd stuff to eat. :lol:

What would be even worse is that I also have a fast metabolism.

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 13:04
by I34z1k
:P I don't want big muscles. I just want my muscles to show :D

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 13:08
by muffinman
I34z1k wrote:Bosu push ups?

I do incline benches sometimes?
have you seen those balls that have been cut in have and they have a flat surface at the bottom? they usually keep them in the studios. That's a bosu.

Turn it around so the flat side faces up and do push ups on it (it's almost like doing push ups on a plank that's balancing on a ball).

Look, your chest is divided into 3 muscles. You've got the top, middle and bottom.

By doing incline benches, you are only working the top part of your chest.

Flat benches work the middle and decline benches work the bottom.

But if you don't really want to work your chest, i would suggest you do flat bench and not incline bench. Best would obviously be to do both, but that's up to you.

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 13:19
by Hman
get a fat burner

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 13:26
by Jonboy
So freakishly weird, been wanting to post something like this for days. Also, apologies for the thread jack. My physique is pretty much exactly like I34z1ks. I'm 1.83m tall and weight 86.5 kilos = BMI of 25 which is like 0.1 more than it should. I started gym again exactly 1 month from Saturday and have decided I wanted to tone up and get body looking lekker for summer. Also suffer from the typical tube round the midde. I'm trying to drop my BMI 2 whole points and get rid of the flab/get pant size back to 34. So I'm following an exercise plan that's quite vicious:

Run for 10 mins, high intensity,
Shoulder press, 2 sets, 15 reps, medium intensity,
Pec Dec, 2 sets, 15 reps, medium intensity,
Orbital for 10mins, high intensity,
Bicep Curls, 2 sets, 15 reps, high intensity,
Tricep pushdowns, 2 sets, 15 reps, medium intensity,
Cycle for 10 mins, high intensity,
Leg press, 2 sets, 15 reps, high intensity,
Calf raises, 2 sets, 15 reps, medium intensity,
Rowing, 10 mins, high intensity,
Crunches, 80-100,
Back lifts and side-on crunches, 40.

The above routine is repeated 4 times a week and typically burns 400kcal per session.

This has been going well, I've never felt more energetic. The problem is that my weight, BMI, body fat (18%) just won't budge. After a month! I'm not taking any supplements and follow a pretty conservative eating plan with the odd treat/pizza once on a weekend.

Should I just persist or do I need a fat burning supplement? Any recommendations?

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 13:39
by Acidkidsa

Whats your diet like??? how many times you eating?? And what?

I would throw in some fat burners for 4 weeks and see if you get results....

Doesnt hurt to try.... have you tried using goolge and looking for a fat lost cardio / gym program.. trying something different could do the trick

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 13:48
by Jonboy
I got this exercise regimen from (and don't laugh) the Virgin ignition and life care program when I start it. It seemed like a decent plan considering I used to follow the typical Monday legs, Tuesday chest ... plan.

My diet is lots of veg, very little red meat, lots of fish and chicken. I typically eat Jungle Bfast for breakfast, a cup of tea and a yoghurt at 10am, zarmie (1, wholegrain bread) and a piece of fruit (with the occasional small packet of crisps) for lunch and then dinner after gym at night. Eat very little rice and try do the no-carbs after supper thing.

Any fat-burners come to mind? Phedra-cut?

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 13:49
by muffinman
stay away from usn

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 14:03
by SilverBack
Acidkidsa wrote:My arms did the same thing when I first started training.. Never happened since.

No matter how hard I train...
Jonboy wrote:Any fat-burners come to mind? Phedra-cut?
Heard many ppl say dont use USN blah blah blah. I started off with it, did work but decided to move to something else as the meal replacements were making my bloated and gassy. On Evox...much better response than USN. Added I was also on Phedar Cut...went onto Evox Hydrocuts....much better response there too. I recon hydrocuts are muuuuuch stronger than phedra cuts. Take this example:

I use to take 2 phedra cust 3 times a day. I now take 1 Evox Hydrocuts and get the same results ;)

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 14:07
by Jonboy
@SB, thanks man, I have noticed a whole bunch of muscle freaks that look like Arnie waltzing around the gym wearing evox-branded tops. It's strange, years ago you avoided Joe Weider products for USN. Now you avoid USN for Evox, lol. Is Sprinkbok still the cheapest?

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 16:09
by Sojourn
If you need any expert and professional info on bodybuilding, supplements and related stuff, go to the website of John Smith - a pro SA weightlifter.

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 16:30
by I34z1k
Now if I were to start using something like Evox Lean pro... With the hydrocuts, would it even help?

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 17:14
by SilverBack
Thats what Im on. Was 89kg...sitting on 82/83 now...know its different for everyone, but its working for me ;)

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 17:17
by I34z1k
Wow that's quite a bit hey. Well are you exercising too?

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 17:24
by cYcLIc
Hman wrote:Muff, gymming 5 days a week to build muscle is unnecessary

@qwiksilva666: Click on my sig and go ask for help there.

Posted: 07 Aug 2008, 17:55
by SilverBack
I manage to exercise twice a week currently. When it seems to pour unfortunately, havent had a chance to go more frequently like I was. So the weight I lose now is by diet and supplements alone. Is a lot slower...but its still coming off. Weight comes off nicely when I exercise 4 times a week, as I was doing. Busy getting my k@ k into gear and getting back into the swing of things though. Miss that after workout feel good feeling ;)