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New Gmail Features Protect from Snooping

Posted: 09 Jul 2008, 18:14
by Anthro
Gmail added protection from unauthorized logins Monday through new features allowing you to monitor usage and sign out remotely.

The features allow you to police your account from snooping family members, stalkers or those who take advantage when you forget to log out at your local internet cafe.

At the bottom of your email account, near where you would see the terms links and copyright information, is the addition of a line of text that alerts you to the last time your account was accessed and a notification indicating if there are any concurrent logins. Clicking on the “Details” link gives you the opportunity to turn the table and spy on the spys.

The monitoring function includes the ability to track user access by browser type, IP address, date and access type (POP3, Browser, Mobile). The “Sign out all other sessions” button, lays the smack down on infiltrating access and is destined to bring fear to the heart of stalkers everywhere.

Re: New Gmail Features Protect from Snooping

Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 13:13
by spearone
Awesome! Didn't know this. Thanks.

Re: New Gmail Features Protect from Snooping

Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 13:18
by Frozenfireside
Can it do MAC address user access? That would be more useful.

Re: New Gmail Features Protect from Snooping

Posted: 28 Sep 2008, 12:46
by Anthro
nope, remember the probe is not that deep into your net access - only monitoring external IP