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Modder sacrificed lungs for cool case

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 16:03
by Anthro
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer

WE LOVE LOONY MODDERS here at he INQUIRER. Your unstinting and insane dedication to squeezing computery innards into the most unlikely places keeps us endlessly amused as we slave over a hot keyboard to bring you the latest tech news, fresh from the rumour mill.

But you can go too far, as one almost suicidally insane modder over at Ubergizmo has proved.

The chump in question managed to lay his hands on a decommissioned black box (it's actually a nifty red colour) flight recorder from a Lockheed aircraft.

He then proceeded to hack away at the internal insulated padding of the box with a power drill and a large auger bit to make enough room to cram in a mini-Itx mobo and all the other gubbins needed to make his swanky new computer.

The problem is the insulation was made of asbestos. Now we don't know what precautions the fellow took to prevent the airborne particles working their way into his lungs, but we spoke to a leading UK asbestos removal company to find out what he should have done.

Apparently, he should have built an airtight, double airlocked enclosure with hepa filtered ventilation, worn a disposable airtight body suit and full-face powered respirator, and constantly damped down the debris to minimise air contamination. The material removed should have been double wrapped in extra strong polythene hazardous waste sacks and sealed with industrial grade tape before being disposed of at a government-licensed facility.

Apparently just a few microscopic fibres of asbestos can cause terminal lung disease, so don't you go trying this at home, kids.


Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 19:16
by psYChowIt

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 19:21
by Keigo
8O wow~

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 20:58
by Hex_Rated
Another Darwin award.

Posted: 15 Jun 2008, 21:32
I bet the case looked awesome though :P

Awesome case = worth it :P

Re: Modder sacrificed lungs for cool case

Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 08:49
by hamin_aus

Typical sensationalism...
quote wrote:Apparently just a few microscopic fibres of asbestos can cause terminal lung disease
Slow news day Inquirer :?:

You need constant exposure to asbestos before any long term health issues arise.
Like maybe you live you whole life under asbestos roofing, or you work in an asbestos mine...

But that modder is a still a fool :lol:

Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 10:20
by RobThePyro


Um wait.... *looks up* OH $HIT my roof is made of corrugated asbestos!!!(seriously...)

oh dear....

Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 13:53
by Ike
... :\ asbestos was used in so many things in the past... schools and houses used it as insulation. If it was really THAT harmful it would have killed most of us by now...

Posted: 16 Jun 2008, 17:45
by PsyCLown
wow...would have been nice to see a pic of the case! :D

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 03:25
by thEnaileDonE
Google is your friend...
(No, not pics of the case...)

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 07:17
by Samaya
This sounds awesome, I wonder how the case looked when it was done.

When you are done with working on Asbestos, just take a shower...

Re: Modder sacrificed lungs for cool case

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 07:31
by rustypup
Hex_Rated wrote:Darwin award
jamin_za wrote:You need constant exposure to asbestos before any long term health issues arise.
true if you're living/working in a building where it is present, purely because the dosage is generally very light...

not so true if you're grinding it into dust and breathing deeply..

asbestos fibres in the lungs almost always leads to problems... once scarring sets in, you're pretty much set to develop any number of issues, not least of which is cancer...

the real bugger is that it could happen anywhere up to 40/50 years after exposure...
Samaya wrote:When you are done with working on Asbestos, just take a shower
:lol: JZ seal of approval...