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Posted: 29 Jun 2002, 20:53
by snipeers
in this corporate world of computing where the GUI´s reign supreme, is there still a place for the C programming language??? <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_confused.gif">


Posted: 15 Jul 2002, 23:51
by Brettski
Hrmmm... Well, I´ve been a Delphi coder for years and have been VERY happy with the introduction of the GUI interface! But, saying that, without the groundwork covered in using low level ASM instructions and also using the Pascal based language I would have taken AGES to develop my program!!
<BR>Still, to answer your question... In some applications YES, and most WIN software no.


Posted: 15 Sep 2002, 21:35
by Wolverine
When you say C programming language you obviously do not mean C++ or Visual C++, because both of these are Object Orientated Programming languages, and therefor can be used to make GUI´s.
<BR>Personally I think that in that sense, the C is a bit dead and the main players are C++, Visual C++, Java, Delphi, etc...
<BR>Remember other hardcore programmers might disagree with me. Check out <!-- BBCode u2 Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">Bloodshed software</A><!-- BBCode u2 End -->.