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The may cover

Posted: 03 May 2008, 16:45
by Jason123
I've just bought the may issue and would like to give my 50 cents regarding the cover. Firstly, it's understandable that you guys feel the need to experiment with layout and content as magazines need to evolve. But I fail to see what's so groundbreaking about a generic Assassin's Creed screenshot cover and it's certainly not gonna "turn a few heads" as Nab said.

Furthermore, this is a major and controversial design change experiment which should have been approached in a less autocratic way. Why not have an opinion poll? And no, those two locked-at-23-posts for/against threads don't cut it. Now for my more biased views. The opposition to cover models has reared it's ugly little head every now and then for goodness alone knows what reason, but has always been shut down in the past, what has changed? Besides, over the years various PCF editors have emphatically stated that the cover babes are not going anywhere and most of us don't want them to either. The only viable reason for getting rid of the models that I can think of is that some of them may be slightly too scantily-clad to be suitable for younger readers, but assuming that was even an issue in the first place, it would most likely have been dealt with by either covering the models up or getting rid of them years ago.

PCF is my favourite pc magazine, but a few months ago I picked up a copy of NAG and found it to be very interesting and informative with very well-written articles and great features. I was surprised, since I'd been led to believe that NAG was rubbish, but in fact it is better than PCF in some ways and they tend to have fewer spelling errors and typos (sorry guys, gotta be honest here). Your cover models are what give you an edge over your competition and make your magazines stand out on the shelves and without them you'd be just another pc mag. I'm sure most of us readers are willing to concede that this month's cover was just one of those "losing-the-plot brain explosions" that happen from time to time and forget it ever happened :wink: .

As for the anti-cover models squad, you presumably buy the magazine to read the computer and games content, so why exactly do the cover girls bother you so much anyway? On second thoughts I don't want to know, unless you have a valid reason like the one I listed some lines above, rather take it up with your shrink. Put another way, it's not so much a question of why the cover models should stay as why they should go, enough said 8) .

P.S. Please please please let things go back to normal next month...

Posted: 03 May 2008, 16:53
by badguy
But I fail to see what's so groundbreaking about a generic Assassin's Creed screenshot cover and it's certainly not gonna "turn a few heads" as Nab said.
Well it did !!!


Nice work Pcformat for the game cover and not a old porn model !!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

plz put some paragraph's in OMG

Posted: 03 May 2008, 17:16
by Jason123
Converted to paragraphs as requested.
Sure, as far as concept art or cutscene screenshots (not sure which that pic is) go it's a very nice game image, nobody is questioning that. But there is nothing earth-shattering about it as a cover and it's definitely nothing unique or original. As Style121 pointed out in the "No babe on May PCF cover" thread, Nag also had an Assassin's Creed cover a short while ago.
Besides, every other pc and console magazine in the world have always had game/software/hardware related covers, boooring. Why does PCFormat who were always unique and trendsetting want to degenerate into just another generic sheep in a flock of unimaginative cover magazines?

Posted: 03 May 2008, 17:53
by I34z1k
O btw

Not reading the topic but OMW I noticed the pcformat at my local Checkers this month :D Looked great guys.

Posted: 03 May 2008, 21:46
Yeah this month's cover is really cool. Good work guys! :D

Re: The may cover

Posted: 03 May 2008, 22:07
by Stuart
Jason123 wrote:As for the anti-cover models squad, you presumably buy the magazine to read the computer and games content, so why exactly do the cover girls bother you so much anyway? On second thoughts I don't want to know ...
I am very tempted right now to say that we likewise don't want to know why you DO want the cover model, but I'll be nice instead.

Re: The may cover

Posted: 03 May 2008, 23:29
schase wrote:
Jason123 wrote:As for the anti-cover models squad, you presumably buy the magazine to read the computer and games content, so why exactly do the cover girls bother you so much anyway? On second thoughts I don't want to know ...
I am very tempted right now to say that we likewise don't want to know why you DO want the cover model, but I'll be nice instead.
LOL, took the words right out of my mouth :P

Posted: 04 May 2008, 13:04
by Jason123
Schase, the point I was trying to make is it seems to me that there is a witch-hunt to get rid of the cover models and unless anyone can give me valid reasons why everyone suddenly hates them so much then I don't want to know why. If I put it a bit harshly then I apologise for it and no offense was intended, I was merely frustrated. I'm just trying to understand why things have changed so much, there has always been a minority who were against them, but it seems to me overnight everyone else who used to love the models have also turned against them for some unknown reason.

If I'm wrong (and I hope I am), it would be good to hear the views of the handful of other guys who still like looking at sexy cover models.
Nice work Pcformat for the game cover and not a old porn model !!!!!!!!!
Not a very nice thing to say Badguy, it wasn't just insulting to all the models, but also to the PCF staff themselves
for hiring them. Case in point: The February model is a qualified chef for goodness sake! Well, as a loyal reader of the past 11 years I've said all I have to say about this matter and I really hope the good people at PCF Towers don't decide to permanently get rid of the models.

Posted: 04 May 2008, 15:55
by tim
I also love the cover models, BUT
most of us buy the mag for what is inside, no on top...

I personally dont care what goes on top as long as the inside
stays as good as always.

Thanks Guys

Posted: 04 May 2008, 16:10
by Vent
Lets leave Jason alone. If he wants to masturbate, whilst catching up on the latest hardware news, who are we to judge. Nothing like a good end of the month PCF zorch is there Jase.

Posted: 04 May 2008, 16:16
by cYcLIc

Posted: 04 May 2008, 16:19
by I34z1k

Posted: 04 May 2008, 16:19
by Hman
A bigger issue to me is the coverdisc. It's full of loss.

Posted: 04 May 2008, 17:07
by Stuart
Jason123 wrote:Schase, the point I was trying to make is it seems to me that there is a witch-hunt to get rid of the cover models and unless anyone can give me valid reasons why everyone suddenly hates them so much then I don't want to know why. If I put it a bit harshly then I apologise for it and no offense was intended, I was merely frustrated. I'm just trying to understand why things have changed so much, there has always been a minority who were against them, but it seems to me overnight everyone else who used to love the models have also turned against them for some unknown reason.
The reason is most certainly NOT unknown. The complaint (quite legitimate) is that there was a time when the cover models had some class. Recently, they have just been getting more and more trashy-looking. I haven't bought a PCF in the last couple of months because I am so tired of the tellers at the local CNA/PNA commenting, "Oh, I know why YOU'RE buying this magazine." (*wink, wink*) I'm sorry, but when the cover model begins changing the image of the magazine in the eyes of the general public, that's when you've lost the plot somewhere. PCF has nothing whatsoever to do with the cover models, and if the loss of models results in the loss of sales then I'm afraid that doesn't say much about the content of the mag in the first place.

Posted: 04 May 2008, 19:12
by KillerByte
Well the first time I saw the cover I was excited. I think it looks amazing and of course we were interested to see what you guys thought of the cover.

NAG did run an Assassins Creed cover but that was for the release of Assassins Creed for a console.

Posted: 04 May 2008, 19:43
Jason123 wrote:The February model is a qualified chef
:lol: Does this fact help the imaginitive process?

Posted: 04 May 2008, 20:45
by Stuart
KillerByte wrote:Well the first time I saw the cover I was excited. I think it looks amazing and of course we were interested to see what you guys thought of the cover.
So isn't it time to change the cover on the PCF home page?

Posted: 05 May 2008, 07:53
by badguy
Jason123 wrote:Schase, the point I was trying to make is it seems to me that there is a witch-hunt to get rid of the cover models and unless anyone can give me valid reasons why everyone suddenly hates them so much then I don't want to know why. If I put it a bit harshly then I apologise for it and no offense was intended, I was merely frustrated. I'm just trying to understand why things have changed so much, there has always been a minority who were against them, but it seems to me overnight everyone else who used to love the models have also turned against them for some unknown reason.

If I'm wrong (and I hope I am), it would be good to hear the views of the handful of other guys who still like looking at sexy cover models.
Nice work Pcformat for the game cover and not a old porn model !!!!!!!!!
Not a very nice thing to say Badguy, it wasn't just insulting to all the models, but also to the PCF staff themselves
for hiring them. Case in point: The February model is a qualified chef for goodness sake! Well, as a loyal reader of the past 11 years I've said all I have to say about this matter and I really hope the good people at PCF Towers don't decide to permanently get rid of the models.
Hey dude if you want cover models so bad go google them :lol:

Posted: 05 May 2008, 07:55
by qace
The new cover looks awesome.

Posted: 05 May 2008, 10:02
by IcePick88
Well, to me personally, the covermodels actually changed the publics view on "pc geeks". We don't have that "bill gates in the garage" look anymore, and the lovely ladies helped the public kinda change their views.

Yes I love pc's, but in no way am I stuck behind it 24/7. And I can safely assume that most of the readers don't either. When I am walking in the mall with my motorbike helmet, no-one would guess that I buy pc mags, or play alot of pc games. Gamers have evolved into something else. Hardcore gamers to the end, but also not geeks.

I loved the ladies. It just made the mag so much more. And no, I don't jerk off with the mag. That's why we have girlfriends for. :) Every red blooded male must enjoy skantaly klad ladies!

Posted: 05 May 2008, 10:14
by DeanMF
IcePick88 wrote:Every red blooded male must enjoy skantaly klad ladies!
I highly doubt that.

Posted: 05 May 2008, 10:37
by hamin_aus
Jason123 wrote:The February model is a qualified chef
Does she have delicious cake :?:
I must have some!

Posted: 05 May 2008, 10:56
by endev8003
I think it is a good thing to bring some variety to the pcf covers. As long as the quality of the mag doesn't drop, I don't care what the cover looks like. Perhaps my local cna will stop putting pcf next to the adult mags :D

Why do you worry what the cashiers think. They probably don't even read the mag, so what do they know.

Looking at you avatar and sig, and then your reference to cake, I must admit that you are scaring me. 8O

Posted: 05 May 2008, 11:07

Posted: 05 May 2008, 11:17
by Stuart
endev8003 wrote:@schase
Why do you worry what the cashiers think. They probably don't even read the mag, so what do they know.
I don't particularly care what they think, but it does get old hearing the same comment month in and month out whenever I buy the magazine.