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The CG of Monty Oum

Posted: 30 Mar 2008, 20:15
by larch
So while traversing the world wide web for interesting things, I come across a website of a man called “Monty Oum“. ... D=24911238 For those who haven’t heard of the man, he has become a legend among gamers and fanboys alike for his CG created movies that he has posted on gametrailers

He uses programs like Poser6, Director6, Flash MX 2005 and loads of others to create awesomely coreagraphed CG works of art.

His very first CG created short movie called “Haloid” ... l?id=57998 shot him to fame as an animator, and what makes this more amazing is the fact that he doesn’t work for a company but he is a free lance animator. Even more amazing is the fact that he does everything himself the Animation, Story and Choreography with no big company budget. It is amazing that no one has offered this man a job yet.

Oh and if you haven’t figured out the reason why his first movie is called Haloid it is a short movie featuring Master Chief (From Halo.) Vs Samus (From Metroid Prime.) hence the name Haloid. Here is the a direct link ... rez_hd.wmv to the high quality file if you don’t want to watch it using Youtube.


His second and third attempt at a CG movie is called “DeadFantasy I” ... &id=173883 and “DeadFantasy II” ... &id=270168 and yes once again the title is related the movie. In what way might you ask. This time around he take the female characters from Dead Or Alive (Ayane, Kasumi and Hitomi.) and pits them against the female characters from the Final Fantasy series (Rikku, Tifa and Yuna.)

He seems keen on creating a DeadFantasy trilogy series, not that I am complaining loads of fanservice for us fanboys. Here is the a direct link ... 1_h264.wmv to the first episode of DeadFantasy. The second episode isn’t yet available for direct download but you can watch it here. ... &id=270168


I cant wait to see what else Monty Oum can come up with next and for all you lazy people I included all 3 movies in this post.


DeadFantasy I

DeadFantasy II

Posted: 30 Mar 2008, 20:48
by Rayne
That was awesome. Please update us when the HQ is online. 5 on 4 though, not exactly fair.

Posted: 30 Mar 2008, 20:53
by larch
Rayne wrote:That was awesome. Please update us when the HQ is online. 5 on 4 though, not exactly fair.
Will do :D I loved the "crotch short" in Haloid :oops:

Well the DeadFantasy is going to be a trilogy so a bunch of people are going to join in this fight to make it one epic brawl. :twisted:

Posted: 30 Mar 2008, 20:55
by Rayne
Lekka. I was hoping for Ayane to pwn a little more though lol. 'Ol Monty's obviously a Tifa fanboy. :lol:

Posted: 05 Apr 2008, 11:33
by Rayne
It's online - 720p fanservice, 254.8Mb


Man can't wait.

Btw who's the winged chick? I've not played fighting games in many years...

Posted: 05 Apr 2008, 14:59
by Rayne
Some Tifa Drunken Fist snips -


Posted: 05 Apr 2008, 19:39
by ZeroS
I am at a loss for words... this is purely sensational...

The choreography rivals great action scenes from even titans like Devil May Cry. I wouldn't go as far as to say that it betters it, but this guy definitely has potential. The way the clothing moves and especially the characters themselves, it's absolutely phenomenal.

Here are the characters that I recognise:

Final Fantasy
Tifa (is it just me or is there something I'm missing with the whole Tifa fanboy thing)
Rinoa (from FFVIII. I like the way he's given her Squall's gunblade but I think he should've left the wings as a special move. Still great nonetheless)
Kairi (Here too Kairi is given extra abilities, ala dual keyblades. This was the most surprising character entrance considering Kairi's actual battle experience is close to none. This was made prevalent, I presume, when she was supposed to boot on of the DOA team members into that light pillar that Rinoa created but got kicked in there herself)
Anyone knows what move was that that Rinoa pulled off. That light pillar one.

Dead or Alive (haven't played this in ages. Always gets my thumb all riled up)
Ayane (great ninja moves on both these characters, especially Kasumi)
Hitomi ??? (not sure on this one)
Rachel (I think she's originally from Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma and was then incorporated into DOA)

I really hope Monty Oum has been exposed to more Japanese titles and if he has this could be endless. There is definitely no shortage of super female characters from Japanese games.

What would you guys like to see in upcoming DF series?
Voices would be nice but I suppose it's largely not possible.
Also, I'd like to see the FF girls get substituted by a summon, hopefully, Bahamut with the model from FFVII or FFVIII. That would be spectacular.
A male version of Dead Fantasy would be amazing as well. I'd hold my thumbs for Sephiroth.

All in all I believe that this is something any self respecting gamer, especially one who enjoys Japanese games, would truly relish and feel all giddy on the inside about.

Truly, something I never expected to see. Tres bien to Monty Oum.

Thanks larch!

Posted: 05 Apr 2008, 19:50
by Rayne
Oh so that was Rinoa? Will google her later, cannot remember her...

And yep it is done really well.

It will be Team Ninja vs Final Fantasy+ (who knows). In the third some will have new outfits. It's gonna be a few months though, I imagine something like this does indeed take a huge amount of time.

Posted: 05 Apr 2008, 19:57
by ZeroS
This guy would really coin it if he went on a professional & commercial scale. The problem would be legal rights and all the royalties he'd have to pay. Lets hope Square Enix won't shut him down.

Btw larch. I posted this in a few local forums giving full credit to you with a source link pointing to this page. Hope you don't mind.

Posted: 05 Apr 2008, 21:29
by SoulBlade
Just watched Haloid.
Some very cool fight sequences I haven't seen very often in movies.

Posted: 05 Apr 2008, 22:29
by cYcLIc
Also just watched a bit of lq Haloid and now Im downloading the hq version. Awesome fight sequences. This guy should make proper block busters.

Edit: Omw, that was awesome. I like how he fused in some of The Matrix choreography. :thumbsup: dead Fantasy was even better. I'm downloading DF 2 now as well.

Posted: 07 Apr 2008, 14:01
by Rayne
ZeroS wrote:Tifa (is it just me or is there something I'm missing with the whole Tifa fanboy thing)
I hope your not grouping me there. :lol: I just posted her pics 'coz I thought it cool she did Drunken Fist fighting after sucking on some Ether.

Though, she's really not at all bad... Long black hair (it was shorter in Advent Children 'coz the shading was too difficult on blacks), black eyes, pale skin, kind, well mannered, soft spoken and very strong. Besides that she's dressed modestly, no need to ***** her looks to make her character likable. Tifa's like the pinnacle of Eastern hotness lol.

Anyways, rumor has it the next episode will focus on 1-on-1 fights so taking bets (*my votes) :

- Rinoa vs Rachel (*meh, Rinoa's godlike already...)
- Tifa vs Hitomi (*Tifa)
- Yuna vs Kasumi (*Kasumi)
- Rikku vs Ayane (*Ayane)
- Kairi vs ... (erm...)

And now for the good news, there might be 5 more episodes. 8) Imagine that, like an hours worth of non-stop ownage.

I really hope this oke lands a top job with all this, he well deserves it.

Posted: 07 Apr 2008, 14:14
by SoulBlade
Rinoa will always be my girl. drool....

Posted: 07 Apr 2008, 14:32
by Rayne
I think she's overpowered from what we've thus seen of her though. No? I can't speak from experience as I've not seen her before this but in DF thusfar just about nobody can really match her.

Btw is GT's really the highest quality vids? It's looks upscaled to me, not true 720p.

Posted: 07 Apr 2008, 14:53
by SoulBlade
You never played FF8?

Posted: 07 Apr 2008, 15:01
by Rayne
Nope. I recall talking about it here a few years ago though. Somebody send it to me but I couldn't get it installed.

Posted: 07 Apr 2008, 15:28
by SoulBlade
What!!!? You have it?! Please do sell it to me!
PS or PC version???

Posted: 07 Apr 2008, 17:11
by ZeroS
FFVIII. One of the best games of all time...
Rayne wrote:
ZeroS wrote:Tifa (is it just me or is there something I'm missing with the whole Tifa fanboy thing)
I hope your not grouping me there. :lol: I just posted her pics 'coz I thought it cool she did Drunken Fist fighting after sucking on some Ether.

Though, she's really not at all bad... Long black hair (it was shorter in Advent Children 'coz the shading was too difficult on blacks), black eyes, pale skin, kind, well mannered, soft spoken and very strong. Besides that she's dressed modestly, no need to ***** her looks to make her character likable. Tifa's like the pinnacle of Eastern hotness lol.
:lol: Nope, no such intentions. But seriously, Tifa fanboism is something I find difficult to understand. Tifa may be nice looking but to be able to garner so much attention... I presume it's an Eastern thing like you said.
Anyways, rumor has it the next episode will focus on 1-on-1 fights so taking bets (*my votes) :

- Rinoa vs Rachel (*meh, Rinoa's godlike already...)
- Tifa vs Hitomi (*Tifa)
- Yuna vs Kasumi (*Kasumi)
- Rikku vs Ayane (*Ayane)
- Kairi vs ... (erm...)
Those fights sound fair but I don't know why Rinoa was made so powerful. Perhaps she has a weakness.
- Rinoa vs Rachel - From what I've seen of Rachel from the games, she kicks rear. Rinoa however was the more gentle type but in DF she has this bad bottom kind of attitude going for her. So I'd say Rinoa.
- Tifa vs Hitomi - When Tifa first appeared her arms were loaded with materia and I've only seen few of them in action. Fire, Ice, Slow and Demi if I recall correctly. But even without them, Tifa would win.
- Yuna vs Kasumi - Kasumi would win outright, so maybe Kairi should pair up withYuna to even things out. Though I still think Kasumi would win.
- Rikku vs. Ayane - This is probably the most balanced fight from all, so the winner would be anyones guess.
And now for the good news, there might be 5 more episodes. 8) Imagine that, like an hours worth of non-stop ownage.
I feel like those small kids who hear the ice cream truck coming and then rush outside to wait for it. Can't wait!
I really hope this oke lands a top job with all this, he well deserves it.
I hope so too. Imagine what he'll deliver when he's paid to do so.

Posted: 07 Apr 2008, 17:14
by SoulBlade
Somebody send it to me but I couldn't get it installed.
Stupid me. PC version then. I still want it...

Posted: 08 Apr 2008, 09:29
by Rayne
SoulBlade wrote:What!!!? You have it?! Please do sell it to me!
PS or PC version???
That was two to three years ago mate. I think I passed it on to someone I traded anime with.

Anyways, as for the upcoming the next installment will be Rikku vs Ayane. Monty asked for Rikku outfit designs. Five more episodes so that leaves the eight teamed fighters in four one-on-one matches with the last probably being the closing. I imagine it would have been stunning to see Tifa getting hurt and have a pissed-off Cloud save her, thus throwing a few guys in there but nah, that will probably not happen. Seeing it's going to be individual fights I doubt we'll see a summon also. I mean it's about time the FF girls turn godmode off already.

Will have to wait and see if they go all out one-on-one. In the game worlds DOA cannot really touch Final Fantasy so I'm keen to see how his going to even things out. Ayane cannot even use her Ninpo spells against Rikku 'coz it's time consuming so he'd have to play down Rikku a bit. So too for all the rest.

This was showed live at Anime Boston and people say the crowd went crazy. Oh and apparently Monty is working at Midway already.

Posted: 08 Apr 2008, 09:48
by SoulBlade
Off-topic q.
In the FF7 universe, was there anything between Cloud and Tifa, even remotely at all. Damn japanese cultural influance conceals little stuff like that brilliantly.

Posted: 08 Apr 2008, 10:06
by Rayne
Cloud became a Soldier because of Tifa. Tifa's father held Cloud responsible for her getting hurt. I think they care deeply for one another yes, but not in a romantic kind of way.

Posted: 08 Apr 2008, 10:28
by UrBaN
You dudes know way too much about this stuff :O

BUT OMW!!!!! The fight sequence in Haloid is one of the best I've seen in ages! Kicks the snot out of anything the recent Star Wars movies have fact, other than the Matrix its possibly one of the best I've seen.

This dude rocks!

Posted: 08 Apr 2008, 10:33
by SoulBlade
I hope John Woo is taking note somewhere.

Posted: 08 Apr 2008, 10:39
by Rayne
Some people are taking this way too serious though. I saw a few forums flaming. Fans aren't easy to please.

I think it should just be viewed for what it is, not what it should have or could have been.