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Flash page loading fine under FF but not I.E.

Posted: 04 Mar 2008, 09:51
by Shogan
Hi all,

I have been out of webdesign for ages now! (My last full site I did was 9 years ago when I was in highschool!) So anyway, I am trying to play around with a site that I am creating myself, using HTML and flash. I made a gallery viewer in Flash mx / 8, then using dreamweaver, added it to my site as a flash/shockwave object embedded. Now in Firefox, the gallery and all flash content displays perfectly! But, when I open the site in IE (most people tend to use IE too, which sucks!) the gallery doesn't display full size. It sort of appears as this little mini gallery like 40 pixels in the width, instead of the 720pixels it should be inside the frame. Any ideas? Should I post the code of the embedded item I have in the HTML page?

*Edit* here is a temp link on a free host for the site in question (ignore the randomness and weird content... just temporary :P Oh, and the gallery is a portfolio of some of my 3D modelling stuff I have done for now :


Posted: 04 Mar 2008, 10:09
by maxxis
Its most likely related to the way IE handles the flash plugin.

You will have to use a javascript method to bypass the security check in IE.

The latest version of Dreamweaver and Flash automatically does this.

Google for fixie.js and include the script in your html pages.

Try again :D

Posted: 04 Mar 2008, 11:34
by Shogan
lol googled for that and your name comes up all over the show! :D Thanks maxxis, will try it a little later.

Oh another quick question - geocities doesn't have CGI execution, any idea of an alternative solution to get a filled our forms content emailed to me? I'm using a free solution now, but it has popup advertising :/

Posted: 04 Mar 2008, 12:24
by Shogan
Ok - tried that fixis script... Well I could only find your discussion with Anakha about the file. I couldnt find a download link, but someone quoted the contents of the js script, so I copy pasted them into a file, and renamed to fixie.js. Then I added the code to use that script as grav80 on the forum had said you shoud inbetween the body tags. After that, the site didnt even load. Then I tried between the <head> tags. That didnt seem to work either... Anyone here that can PM or email me the correct JS fixie file, as well as the tags or line I need to add to my html code?

Thanks in advance!