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Ubuntu NVIDIA Driver

Posted: 29 Feb 2008, 11:26
by Treeoflife
I Have Geforce 8600GT And I Want A Driver For It For My Ubuntu. Any Help On How To Get It?

Posted: 29 Feb 2008, 11:29
by WAJeff
You need to download an app called Envy

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install envy
Once thats installed, click on the Install nVidia drivers and it does everything for you
Make sure you do this in root though, so all users have the same settings

Posted: 29 Feb 2008, 11:39
No need to install Envy.

System -> Admin -> Restricted Drivers Manager

Enable your driver there :)

Posted: 29 Feb 2008, 11:50
by WAJeff
Ett, are you trying to steal mah Linux skillr0rz :? :lol: :lol:

Posted: 29 Feb 2008, 11:52
LOL no, i'm just trying so make someone else's life easier :P

If you're still on Feisty, Envy would be better, but if you're on Gutsy, don't even bother with Envy :)

Posted: 29 Feb 2008, 12:11
by Treeoflife
thx again dae, im using the gaming edition from FEB PCF

Posted: 29 Feb 2008, 13:30
by WAJeff
Treeoflife wrote:thx again dae, im using the gaming edition from FEB PCF
Stick with Envy dude.
Doesnt the gaming edition come bundled with Envy though?

Posted: 29 Feb 2008, 13:36
by Treeoflife
I Have No Idea Hey. I Looked For Restricted Drivers Manager But Its Not There

Posted: 29 Feb 2008, 13:45
by Ark
Ultimate came with Feb PCF???? Where can I still get a copy???

Posted: 29 Feb 2008, 13:49
by Treeoflife
LOL Try CNA. Its Awsome Dude But U Need Bout 10 Gigs Of Space

Posted: 25 Mar 2008, 17:56
by StarPhoenix
Does nvidia's Linux driver provide support for its Purevideo Engine?

Posted: 25 Mar 2008, 19:17
by pienkie
I have no idea how envy works, never used it, BUT what I can tell you is this:

I used to have a temporary machine with a 8500GT. I installed Ubuntu, enabled restricted drivers, and KAPOW! she be workin' like a charm.

but then...

I upgraded to my current PC, with a 8800GT. Try to install Ubuntu. KAPOW! Black screen. After a bit of trial and error, I find that it works when I use the Safe Mode Graphics (or something along those lines.), and get Ubuntu installed. I'm all smiley as I click on the magic Restricted Drivers tickbox, and wait for my KAPOW moment, but there is none. Only some error message, a flicker of the screen, and then KAPOW! black screen.

I have done some research, and it seems it is a common problem with my card (not too sure about the 8600GT). I have not been able to install the drivers though, but that is a problematic fusion of my Linux-void skills, and a bunch of other seemingly random problems which interfere.

The reason I tell you this sob story is merely so you know the magic Resticted Drivers checkbox, isn't that magic afterall.... :(

But, as I said, I don't know anything about envy. Will go read up on it now.

Posted: 25 Mar 2008, 20:01
by WAJeff
supertwit wrote:Does nvidia's Linux driver provide support for its Purevideo Engine?
Im not 100% sure about this, but I did find something pretty close to what you need. Good read if you interested in checking it out and enabling it

nVidia Forum

Posted: 26 Mar 2008, 01:20
by Fish_man
DAE_JA_VOO wrote:No need to install Envy.

System -> Admin -> Restricted Drivers Manager

Enable your driver there :)
Well that did not work for my ATI card I had two use Envy, and i was using Gusty

Posted: 26 Mar 2008, 07:53
well for gutsy ,i had to download the official linux driver from Nvidia's site.
Ive done this for fedora aswell its not distro specific

launch the command promt terminal type init 1 the xserver will then close and system will run in run level 1 change to the directory where you put the nvidia
sh file eg cd /home/Desktop

then run the sh file e.g sudo ./

from there its a text based GUI follow that.

after the install just type init 3 again or init 6 to just restart.

Posted: 26 Mar 2008, 08:17
by StarPhoenix
g0ldback wrote:
supertwit wrote:Does nvidia's Linux driver provide support for its Purevideo Engine?
Im not 100% sure about this, but I did find something pretty close to what you need. Good read if you interested in checking it out and enabling it

nVidia Forum
No point in waiting for 9400 then, I guess.
At least it does support MPEG2 decoding.

Posted: 26 Mar 2008, 08:21
by Y0da
Of course you can just install a proper operating system. :twisted: