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The PS3 Thread

Posted: 15 Feb 2008, 22:53
by ZeroS
I ran a search and haven't found a thread about the PS3. Well, nothing with current news on it.

January PS3 and Wii neck-and-neck with 360 lagging behind

BBC Shows off PlayTV

The Death of HD DVD is Nigh!
New York (dbTechno) - Sony has hinted that even though the new models of the PS3 do not do backwards compatability, PS3 owners may soon be able to download full original PS2 games over the PlayStation Network, fully playable on the PS3.
The PS3 launch models are starting to go away, and with that, PS2 backwards compatability is going out the window, or so we thought.
Sony may have plans in the pipeline though to bring back PS2 games on the PS3, as download from the PlayStation Store.
The director of the Sony PlayStation Network, Eric Lempel, told EGM in an interview that “We haven’t talked about that yet, but there are possibilities through technology and software emulation to make that possible.”
If they did go this route, Sony would likely charge per game just as they do with the original PlayStation games and PSP games.
This model though could open things up for Sony quite a bit.
Sony could offer high-definition versions of PS2 downloadable games on the PS3, fixing all worries about backwards compatability being gone.
We will have to wait and see, but it is certainly something Sony has interest in for the PlayStation Network.
This year, Sony shines.

Re: The PS3 Thread

Posted: 15 Feb 2008, 22:55
by Hman
ZeroS wrote:This year, Sony shines.
Haha, right. :wink:

Posted: 15 Feb 2008, 22:57
by ZeroS
Guess we'll see no? :)

Posted: 15 Feb 2008, 23:39
by larch
Here is some news :P


Posted: 15 Feb 2008, 23:51
by ZeroS
Stale news...

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 09:23
by Zaa
larch wrote:Here is some news :P

LOL, the same Rare that have made gems of this generation such as Perfect Dark Zero and Viva Pinata on the 360? Sony doesn't need Rare when they have Insomniac and Naughty Dog.

Also, Sony stole the last 2 generations from Nintendo!

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 09:26
by ZeroS
Touche Zaa! :D

And here's to stealing this generation away from Nintendo.

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 10:14
by Dust
Sony sucks!

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 11:49
by Obituary
Agreed Sony Sux Bacon!

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 12:00
by Off-The-Chart
yeah well anyway...

multiplayer question: if you want to play 2 players (or more), how can you connect?
1. 2 PS3's together with 2 TV's as well?
2. connect 2 PS3's together but with 1 TV?
3. 1 PS3 with more controllers and split TV?

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 14:54
by Doomextreme
Off-The-Chart wrote:yeah well anyway...

multiplayer question: if you want to play 2 players (or more), how can you connect?
1. 2 PS3's together with 2 TV's as well?
2. connect 2 PS3's together but with 1 TV?
3. 1 PS3 with more controllers and split TV?
1. Yes
2. Why on earth...
3. Yes, if you like split screen...

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 15:31
by ZeroS
Wow...lotsa Sony haters here. 8O

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 17:28
by StarBound
Sony killed Sega! ...

..., think maybe its because sony is taking the EA approach. Giant name, release cash cow, destroyes if not decicrate the name then moves on. PS3 is the most powerful system of the 3 next gen consoles yet they are repeating the mistake sega made with the saturn.

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 17:37
by ZeroS
I wish Sega was still in the game and everyone could like like Winni the Pooh.

Sega made some brilliant games...

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 17:41
by cYcLIc
ZeroS wrote:Sega made some brilliant games...

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 17:46
by ZeroS
...and I surmise they still will...hopefully...

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 17:48
by Zaa
Sega are still in the game, and they still make good games. They just don't make hardware anymore.

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 17:50
by ZeroS
Yeah, I know. Thing is, it just doesn't have that hype that was in vogue all those years ago.

Sega should move over to the dark side, Sony. :D

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 18:36
by Off-The-Chart
brother in law made a stupid choice when he went and bought himself another controller... R600 just like that where he could have gotten a new game instead...

and then I find a connector for using PS2 controllers at R150 :(

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 19:01
by Zaa
He could have picked up a Dual Shock 3 for cheaper than that.

Sega do have a few Playstation exclusive titles.

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 19:08
by ZeroS
Is the Dual Shock 3 out?

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 19:20
by Hman
Wonder if they're gonna give us another rootkit.

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 20:02
by Zaa
It is in Japan and should be out in the US and Europe in the next couple of months. I imported one from Play-Asia.

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 20:56
by ZeroS

Posted: 16 Feb 2008, 21:16
by StarBound
I dont have anything against the ps3 except its price but I have that against all the next gen consoles. We are way over priced. Xbox 360 pro should have been around R2600, Wii around R2000 and not too sure about ps3.

Sadly I wont see what the ps3 can do because of that fact and reading all the horror stories from the internet and mags about ps3 issues and lack of support doesnt help in adding interest in the system.