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MMORPGs in Linux

Posted: 06 Feb 2008, 14:21
by Vampyre_2099
Ok, so I'm tempted towards the light side of Linux, the only problem I face is gaming. Right, so at this point in time I'm not a hard person to please, show me a good MMORPG and I'm happy.

So my question comes in, what good MMORPG's are there for Linux? Both native support as well as Wine\Cedega support. I prefer the martial arts theme, like World Of Kung Fu and 9Dragons.

Please help, because if I can find a decent martial arts themed MMORPG's then I'll turn to the light side and not look back... well we'll see

Thanks in advance

Posted: 06 Feb 2008, 14:50
by UsMarshal
Dude, if you want to play MMORPG's stick to Windows, the only reason I have not drifted over to linux is because of the lack of (in my terms) quality supported software like photoshop, visual studio etc. Also the list of enjoyable mmorpg's for linux is abysmal. Linux is for people who like to tweek their pc's here and the stair aimlessly at their desktops with nothing productive to do.
(Sorry that just came out :)). Unfortunatly while it is a good OS, if suffers with regards to support by large gaming, business and creative software companies.

Who knows, maybe in the future that will change.

Edit: I refer to linux here in the desktop sense, not in the server realm.

Posted: 06 Feb 2008, 15:16
by WAJeff
Do what I do, dual boot like theres no tomorrow

I use Linux for everything, apart from gaming. I boot into XP or Vista for my gaming. Thats all I use my Windows OS' for

And yeah, Im sure as more and more people discover Linux there will be huge in roads into the gaming world

Posted: 06 Feb 2008, 15:20
I understand if the cool kids don't want to talk to me after this, but:

Vista FTW! :D

Linux FTL! :D

:twisted: :wink:

Posted: 06 Feb 2008, 16:17
by Vampyre_2099
D3PART3D, sorry to say bud, but Vista is an example of almost everything that could go wrong with an OS. While it may "work" it still lacks everything that makes an OS good. Microsoft tried to compensate for their lose in sales due to linux by making Vista "blingy".

g0ldback, I intend to dual boot as I have in the past while playing around with Linux. The only problem is that with dual booting I tend to still lean towards XP even if its just to stare aimlessly at my desktop. :roll:

Posted: 06 Feb 2008, 16:38
by WAJeff
D3PART3D wrote:I understand if the cool kids don't want to talk to me after this, but:

Vista FTW! :D

Linux FTL! :D

:twisted: :wink:
What a cake :roll: :wink:

@Vampyre: I know its sometimes tempting, but just give it a shot. You get used to the Gnome interface pretty quickly, and for some reason, it just seems more fun. You dont have to worry about any crashes, BSOD, app errors, it just works

Posted: 06 Feb 2008, 16:44
Dude, have actually ever used Linux?

... and I like "blingy, thank you very much :D

Posted: 06 Feb 2008, 16:50
by Vampyre_2099
Yes I have used Linux... I've used Linux on and off for the past 4 years. I work with FreeBSD (yes its not Linux but closer to it than windows). I just like my games and "penguin planet racer" just doesn't cut it when I wanna game :lol:

@ g0ldback: I must say I prefer the KDE theme to GNOME. When I saw Linux for the first time was when my cousin was using Gentoo (we talking 7 years back). Then he introduced me to Linux by giving me a Knoppix Live CD. Then I found Mandrake which I really enjoyed, then Mandriva, then i went to ubuntu, now I'm onto SimplyMEPIS. All brilliant systems, I just prefer KDE.

As they say, each to their own

Posted: 06 Feb 2008, 16:58
Fanboi! :evil:

j/k :)

Posted: 06 Feb 2008, 17:33
by Hex_Rated
If you use Windows, use XP. Nothing wrong with it (unless the fanbois can describe the faults to me technically, not: it has worse security, lulz!1!). Wait at least another year for Vista to be as stable as XP and for PCs to be fast enough to handle the fat bloat that is necessary to make the OS easier to use for stupid people, sorry. Linux will eventually get there, but at the moment it still isn't a good consumer OS. May be good at other things but it's not a good consumer alternative just yet.

You can run WoW under linux but you might get banned because the spyware that WoW uses to check for bots gets confused because it can't see any other windows processes and bans you for botting, lol.

Posted: 06 Feb 2008, 17:55
by Vampyre_2099
Lol, thanks Hex. I do use XP and have no intention of going to Vista before SP1. XP has been around for 7 years and still hasn't reached its potential... Thats why SP3 betas gives a 10-15% increase in performance.

I used to play WoW but I found other MMO's for free that I enjoy more... Blizzard is like the Microsoft of game industries, just a big bully :lol:

Posted: 06 Feb 2008, 19:41
by Y0da
Hmm...another Linux vs Windows debate? Ok then, I'll jump in...

This is what I find very funny. Linux fans knock Windows like it's the worst invention of the century yet at the same time they insist on trying to run Windows applications and games on their "Superior" operating system (hence WINE and Cadesa). Why is that? Surely their vastly superior OS should make it possible for developers to create software that far surpasses that of crummy old Windows? I mean it doesn't take that much savvy for the average Linux fan to invent a game that would be forever known as the granddaddy of all games should it? Probably not but heres the real problem...

Windows developers gets paid. Linux developers don't. I'm not talking about Linux developers employed to maintain mainframes or company software. Those guys make more money than the average bank robber. Only because there's so few of them of course. No, it's commercial software that we're talking about and no game developer or publisher will be bothered with Linux because it does not pay. The most useful Linux software is actually created by fans who usually end up getting nothing but a coolness factor and a lot of E-Mails. Software is maintained by the community for the community and is usually free. Great idea, bad marketing strategy.

And the reason for that is quite simple. Would you rather sell a 100 million copies of your product to stupid Windows users or a hunred thousand to very clever Linux users? I'm willing to bet that the average little game company will go with option A. Graphics card venors manufacter their hardware based on Direct X which is developed as part of Windows for the very same reasons. Linux does have OpenGL but that should have died along with dinosaurs a long time ago. Although these same graphics card manufacturers do add support for OpenGL just in case. Very clever ay? They can actually sell a very clever Linux user a card that is capable of rendering the most beatifull 3d worlds just so they can waste all that power on a desktop with a penguin on it. These Linux okes must know something I don't.

Windows' biggest selling point is it ease of use. You don't need to be a script fundi to install a game. You don't need to study a thousand page handbook in order to copy, delete or move files. Almost anything needed to be done in Windows takes a few mouse clicks to acclompish. Linux have made some huge leaps in this area but it's just not the same. People prefer what they are familiar with and it's not Linux. God forbid that Microsoft should ever go under. We'd have a world in chaos. Sure, Windows is not very secure but then again the average PC user doesn't have all that much to hide anyway. And it's way more profitable to hack Windows systems than Linux systems just because there's so many more of the former to hack. It's not that Linux is so secure it's just that nobody really bothers to try and break that security.

Don't get me wrong, Linux is a very good operating system. It's just not a very popular one and that is not likely to change in the next hundred years. Unless linux fans can convince the big guns to put their weight behind it. And it will be a very cold day in hell before that is likely to happen...;)

Of course, no insult intended to Linux users. ;)

P.S - I'm a Vista Ultimate user and I have no problems at all. :)

Posted: 06 Feb 2008, 19:54
Thank you wise master Yoda, I've re-posted for you in the debate thread I've created, and please that thread to general while you're here :D

Posted: 06 Feb 2008, 19:59
Hex_Rated wrote:If you use Windows, use XP. Nothing wrong with it (unless the fanbois can describe the faults to me technically, not: it has worse security, lulz!1!). Wait at least another year for Vista to be as stable as XP and for PCs to be fast enough to handle the fat bloat that is necessary to make the OS easier to use for stupid people, sorry. Linux will eventually get there, but at the moment it still isn't a good consumer OS. May be good at other things but it's not a good consumer alternative just yet.

You can run WoW under linux but you might get banned because the spyware that WoW uses to check for bots gets confused because it can't see any other windows processes and bans you for botting, lol.
8O I are not stoopid! I'm just lazy. :P

Posted: 13 Feb 2008, 10:40
by TheMartyr
what the heck?
MMORPG games are no problem in Linux.
i played Last Chaos and Guild Wars in Ubuntu 7.10
i also played a few single player games just as a test.
the only one that didnt really work so far has been GTA

Posted: 13 Feb 2008, 19:46
by divan
Hey, I do admit I am a Linux fan but I will try to be as objective as possible.
Y0da wrote: This is what I find very funny. Linux fans knock Windows like it's the worst invention of the century yet at the same time they insist on trying to run Windows applications and games on their "Superior" operating system (hence WINE and Cadesa). Why is that? Surely their vastly superior OS should make it possible for developers to create software that far surpasses that of crummy old Windows?
No, the real reason is because developers do not want to develop for Linux because of its small user base of less than 1% from the last time I read. WINE , Cedega (IMHO sucks) and CrossOver are there to jump start the amount of applications for Linux increasing its user base and therefore may one day convince more people to develop for it.

There are already a few games that have been developed for Linux, including but not limited to Doom 3, Neverwinter Nights, Quake 3, Quake 4 and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.
Y0da wrote: Windows developers gets paid. Linux developers don't. I'm not talking about Linux developers employed to maintain mainframes or company software. Those guys make more money than the average bank robber. Only because there's so few of them of course. No, it's commercial software that we're talking about and no game developer or publisher will be bothered with Linux because it does not pay. The most useful Linux software is actually created by fans who usually end up getting nothing but a coolness factor and a lot of E-Mails. Software is maintained by the community for the community and is usually free. Great idea, bad marketing strategy.
People who develop for Linux can still be paid just like a Windows developer. They do not have to open source their product at all. The developer and publisher may still get money but not as much because of the size of user base.
Y0da wrote: And the reason for that is quite simple. Would you rather sell a 100 million copies of your product to stupid Windows users or a hunred thousand to very clever Linux users? I'm willing to bet that the average little game company will go with option A.
True, no objection but they could do both and get even more money.
Y0da wrote: Graphics card venors manufacter their hardware based on Direct X which is developed as part of Windows for the very same reasons. Linux does have OpenGL but that should have died along with dinosaurs a long time ago. Although these same graphics card manufacturers do add support for OpenGL just in case. Very clever ay? They can actually sell a very clever Linux user a card that is capable of rendering the most beatifull 3d worlds just so they can waste all that power on a desktop with a penguin on it. These Linux okes must know something I don't.
OpenGL 2.1 can do anything that DirectX10 can do through extensions and more if NVIDIA or AMD decide to add a extension of something DirectX10 doesn't have. ET:QW and Quake 3 are know to be faster in Linux than in XP on NVIDIA hardware. OpenGL 3 will come out soon and I can promise you all hardware manufacturers will support it.
Y0da wrote: Windows' biggest selling point is it ease of use. You don't need to be a script fundi to install a game. You don't need to study a thousand page handbook in order to copy, delete or move files. Almost anything needed to be done in Windows takes a few mouse clicks to acclompish. Linux have made some huge leaps in this area but it's just not the same. People prefer what they are familiar with and it's not Linux. God forbid that Microsoft should ever go under. We'd have a world in chaos.
No, it is actually its familiarity and application count and not its ease of use that is Window's selling point. People are just used to the Windows way of doing things that they think Linux is difficult but if you can give both to a person who has never used a computer before and then ask them it would be a fairer comparison. In Linux it is actually easier to install certain types of applications because you just go to a list a click what you want and it installs it. Some things in Linux may be difficult but that changes very quickly and other things may be easier to do than in Windows.
Y0da wrote: Sure, Windows is not very secure but then again the average PC user doesn't have all that much to hide anyway. And it's way more profitable to hack Windows systems than Linux systems just because there's so many more of the former to hack. It's not that Linux is so secure it's just that nobody really bothers to try and break that security.
Linux is more secure because of it is updated often and because each distro and each installation can be so different to each other that it is difficult to create a virus that will infect all PC's. Unix on which Linux is based on was created from the beginning for security and Windows not. You could say that Microsoft has usability and is adding security(Vista) and Linux has security and is adding usability. It is also easier to experiment with new security methods because of its openness. For example a security company wanted to see what will happen if they made applications allocate memory randomly and therefore a virus can not easily do a buffer overrun because of the uncertainty of where it will overrun to.
Y0da wrote: Don't get me wrong, Linux is a very good operating system. It's just not a very popular one and that is not likely to change in the next hundred years. Unless linux fans can convince the big guns to put their weight behind it. And it will be a very cold day in hell before that is likely to happen...;)

Of course, no insult intended to Linux users. ;)
None taken, I personally dual-boot Linux OpenSUSE 10.3 and Windows Vista Ultimate. Vista for games, Linux for everything else.

By the way, Blizzard actually worked with Linux and Wine developers to sort out the issue of getting banned because these people only have Linux and will not pay their monthly fees if they can not play it. Blizzard likes Wine because it enlarges their consumer base without cost.