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FSB overclocking affect on northbridge temperature

Posted: 04 Feb 2008, 15:41
by GregH
Hi all,

My system specs are below. I find that the northbridge heatsink gets rather hot - almost to hot to touch. Apparently this is normal on this board but I have a 3.0GHz CPU that I know I can easily push to 3.4Ghz without any temp problems on stock standard CPU cooling.

I am however worried that by increasing the FSB to obtain the overclock (333x4=1333mhz to 378x4=1512Mhz) I might push the temps of the Northbridge up higher and run into a problem there.

I guess my question is - will increasing FSB increase NB temperature? If so, an ideas on where I could buy a better NB cooler? The Mobo has a NB fan connection but does not come with a fan.

Also, one last question - When I raise the FSB, it messes the RAM speed up (obviously). My RAM seems to be unwilling to clock much over the 800Mhz even if upping voltage a little (not that I'm comfortable doing that) which means I need to fiddle with the RAM multiplier but the choices are very limited and I end up with say 760Mhz or the next best being 850 (or something like that which fails POST. I am wondering if I change the CPU multiplier from 9 to say 7 to give me more flexibility on the RAM so that I can achieve 800Mhz on the Ram and 3.4Ghz on the CPU simultaneously. Would this work and would a CPU multiplier below 9 slow the CPU down, even if still running the same speed?

Posted: 04 Feb 2008, 17:26
by Mauritzvw1
Ok here is my view but I am sure the more expert guys can explain in detail :)

Yes fsb will push up NB (aka MCH) temps. Set ram to 667 (?) then oc cpu to get the ram back to close to 800

Hot glue a 40mm fan on the nb or point a 80mm towards it. :) or an aftermarket NB or VGA chip cooler.

All in my humble opinion :)

Have a look here:

Posted: 08 Feb 2008, 15:29
by GregH
Thanks Mauritzvw1,

I cant set the ram down to 667 but I can set a memory multiplier which will take it down to about that. Then I set the FSB up to overclock the CPU from 3.0Ghz to 3.4ghz but the RAM is still sitting far off the 800Mhz it is capable of - somewhere around 740Mhz. I dont want to push the FSB further than this as although the CPU seems cool at this speed, the NB is pretty hot - its then running at about 1520MHz FSB instead of 1333Mhz. I have aimed a 8cm fan at the NB heat sink to try an help.

Would running the ram at 740Mhz in stead of 800Mhz negate the over clock on the CPU at all, or would it not be a real factor.

Posted: 08 Feb 2008, 17:28
by Mauritzvw1
Im not sure about the effect on overall speed as I am in no way an expert but I would venture a guess that 3.4@740 is faster