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Themes In Ubuntu 7.10

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 14:32
by WAJeff
I've been looking around for a while, but cant seem to find any themes for Ubuntu.....

Anyone use any? I see DJV has a theme installed, then I wanna get the Avant Window Navigator

Anyone got some suggestions on themes and where to download them from?

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 14:57
by rustypup
KDE Eyecandy
Gnome Eyecandy

i'm a really boring user in this regard, (take functionality over looks 9/10 times), but these are two of the default sites i've seen the 'boss' use from time to time...

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 14:58
by WAJeff
Thanks rusty

I also take functionality over looks, Im just bored with the default Gnome look at the moment

Thanks for the links dude

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 14:59
I take looks over functionality :P

Thanks Rusty :D

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 16:31
Yep, i get all my goodies from gnome-look.

As for AWN, i started a thread. Looky here.

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 18:02
Dae, are you using 64bit Ubuntu?

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 19:00
Nope, i'm using 32bit. no specific reason why though... i just happen to be using 32bit.

Why do you ask, D3PART3D?

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 19:53
I read somewhere that getting certain apps to work is a little more difficult on 64bit, and since I'm having a bit of trouble I'm wondering if its not because I was running 64bit (I quickly installed 32bit again)
Anyways, let me try getting everything set up now, even gmail notifier was a bit buggy on 64bit... :)