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New Website, new to website development and ... JOOMLA!

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 11:41
by beerman
Hi all,

I've been asked to develop a website for my step-father's practice. Knowing hardly anything about web development, I've starting asking a few questions and doing some reading and it seems as though JOOMLA might be the 'package' that will do the trick for me. In short: there is a need to publish articles, to blog, to maybe do event bookings etc. on the website.

Now .. bear in mind that I have NO (zip, zero, null) experience in this ..

Is there someone who will be willing to provide assistance throughout the next few weeks via PM, Skype, MSN (or whatever) to help me build a website using JOOMLA and setting up content etc.

If so, please let me know via PM or even this thread.

I'd greatly appreaciate ...

PS - For all applicants .. patience is a MUST personal attribute! :wink:

Thank you,

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 12:21
by Anthro
Well, there are some nice templates available.
Remember PLEASE choose a nice color scheme, cause I have seen some bad ones lately...

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 12:30
by beerman
Anthro ... I believe that everything you do must ooze quality (kinda the Apple principle) so I'll choose a nice design ...

Problem is ... I don't know where to begin! :wink:

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 12:33
by Anthro
get some of the sample templates from
here's a nice one...sample site atleast - just go to the forum.. and look at some of the samples

Have you got login details for your ftp atleast ?
Just start playing abit !!
also - if you want a nice application to edit the site download nvu

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 12:36
by beerman
Anthro ... Nope ... not FTP details.

How do I go about getting this and getting set up to upload a website (I'm with Telkom)?

**edit** .. And can you explain to me how NVU and JOOMLA will work together? I thought JOOMLA was both the content management system, but also has an interface for editing the web pages?

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 13:42
by boerenooi
Some hosting companies offer to install joomla for you. Ask your hoster if they can do it. Otherwise to publish articles and news, joomla is the perfect cms to go with. The default joomla package already has that set up. You must play around, and unpublish things and youll see what you are changing. Its easy and fun.

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 14:09
by beerman
Boerenooi ...

Is it possible to start toying around with JOOMLA on a PC as opposed to a web sever with MYSQL, APACHE or something else loaded?

And ... how does one secure a domain name ... I want to grab a name .. where and how does one do this? And how much does it cost?

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 14:16
by maxxis
Go to

Signup domains are R55 and hosting from R24 per month

Google Wamp5 for local php mySQL server.

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 14:30
by boerenooi
beerman wrote:Boerenooi ...

Is it possible to start toying around with JOOMLA on a PC as opposed to a web sever with MYSQL, APACHE or something else loaded?

And ... how does one secure a domain name ... I want to grab a name .. where and how does one do this? And how much does it cost?
go to this is a server that would be installed on your pc, its very easy and you can mess around with joomla as you like!

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 14:42
by beerman
The site wit the download seems to be down ... Can I download the components individually and install on my XP machine (apache, phpBB, mySQL etc.) and get teh same effect?


Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 14:44
by boerenooi
ok maybe i must send it to you tonight, i have it at home. Just pm me your email addy. I dont think the file is to big. :? Brows this in the meanwhile. :wink:

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 14:52
by beerman
Thanks boerenooi ... YGPM

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 15:18
by Anakha56
hmmm can I piggy back on that email as well? I would like to investigate this for the company i work for...

/apologies for the hijack :P

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 15:20
by maxxis
For apache, mySQL and PHP5 nothing beats wamp.

One click install and you have the fill solution.

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 15:29
by beerman
Anakha .. no worries .. as long as you share as you find interesting things ..

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 15:31
by Anakha56
maxxis I will try it now :D I am investigating all options because in the new year my company needs an interactive intranet :D

/again apologies for the hijack :P

Re: New Website, new to website development and ... JOOMLA!

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 16:08
by Stuart
beerman wrote:PS - For all applicants .. patience is a MUST personal attribute! :wink:
For you, patience is a MUST personal attribute as well. Joomla can be frustrating to newbies, but if you have the patience to work it out, it's well worth it in the end.

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 16:29
by Anakha56
maxxis (or anybody else) how do I install Joomla with this proggi? :oops: I ahve absolutly no idea what I am doing :oops: Will try next week over night shift but if you know please post how :)...

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 16:36
by maxxis
Once wamp is installed and running you will have a c:\wamp\www directory

Create a new folder called WHATEVER inside it and copy the files from the Joomla zip to it.

http://localhost/WHATEVER will now be your joomla site

Joomla should have an install directory.

My CMS uses http://localhost/WHATEVER/123lDir as the default for installs.

(123lDir is fictional for security reasons)

The joomla install should now run.

Ill install Joomla tomorrow and see what can be done.

Posted: 06 Dec 2007, 17:18
by Anakha56

That got it working! Although being the n00b I am I set a password and now the install has gone funny But at least now I have a new toy to play with, thanks maxxis! :D

Posted: 07 Dec 2007, 07:45
by Anthro
Just ran the install - dudes if you cannot get this to work.. then.. eish I durrent know
Was soo soo easy !!

Posted: 07 Dec 2007, 07:53
by Stuart
Anthropoid wrote:WOW
Just ran the install - dudes if you cannot get this to work.. then.. eish I durrent know
Was soo soo easy !!
The installation is the easy part ...

Nah, once you have a basic understanding of how a CMS works it's really very simple, but if you are a complete newbie it might take some time. I have had to help some people out with getting used to Joomla and it seems from my experience that complete newbies sometimes have a difficult time grasping the concept of CMS.

Posted: 08 Dec 2007, 07:57
by Anakha56
so am i right in understanding that this guy will work like Microsoft Portal? And in order to to personalise it I have to create the homepage and so on? I am just trying to understand how this thing works, I have an idea but would like some firmer footing to play on :P Also would normal HTML files work or do you have to code in PHP?

Posted: 08 Dec 2007, 09:30
by Stuart
Joomla is a lot more straightforward than actual coding. You can do your own CSS and php stuff if you like, but most often it's simply a matter of entering text into a content item and saving it under a category > section. You actually don't have to know php/html/css at all.

Posted: 08 Dec 2007, 09:56
by Anakha56
ah okay, but I would have to create a template in order to customise the default page with company logo and design right?