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Woot! My NEW Bike!!!! TZR-125R FTW~!

Posted: 28 Nov 2007, 16:57
by RobThePyro

just got it yesterday, R17000 from a guy in westville, needs a good wash and one or two things fixing before i take it for road worthy. been riding it all day today, but couldnt push it hard because it has just had the cylinder re nickle-plater and a new piston and rings so its still running in kinda.

This thing will hit 160kmph in 6th at 12k revs and pulls like a friking freight train from 8k up!!!! (2 stroke power band FTW!) oh and it should pull 100kmph in about 6-7 seconds!!!! WOOT yes its one powerful 125!!!!!!(meh lots of Polo/golf/runx etc etc ownage to come!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: )

Oh and wikid, next time your in durbs, bring your derbi, we have some dicing to do buddah!!!1 :twisted:

right im off to go find another excuse to go for a ride! tell me what you thing guys!


Posted: 28 Nov 2007, 17:00
by WiK1d
Niiiiiiiiiice dude! I like just drove past one not 5 minutes ago.

I love strokers, they are the best! And I'm going down to Oudshoorn soon, with my bike, meet me halfway between durbs? :twisted:

Man these TZR's are awesome!

Posted: 28 Nov 2007, 17:02
Nice :D

I also used to drive a TZR125. Once you learn how to use a TZR125's clutch, you'll be surprised how powerful it is. When you're pulling off, still in 1st, second and third, you need to be playing with the clutch the WHOLE time.

Enjoy it dude! I loved mine :D

(until i wrote it off :( )

Posted: 28 Nov 2007, 17:05
by WiK1d
DAE_JA_VOO wrote:I also used to drive a TZR125.
oh dear

Posted: 28 Nov 2007, 17:19
Ag man, ride, drive, commute on, whatever!!

Posted: 29 Nov 2007, 00:53
by cYcLIc
ROFL at the married couple above. :lol:

Nice bike Rob.

Posted: 29 Nov 2007, 07:30
by Spicy-McHaggis
WiK1d wrote:
DAE_JA_VOO wrote:I also used to drive a TZR125.
oh dear

:lol: :lol:
nice bike rob hope u have lots of trouble free kms on it.

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 21:31
by RobThePyro
Thanks guys

Im really enjoying it, SOOOO FAST!!!! (me weighing like 55kgs helps aswell!) just got to get road worthy now!


Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 21:36
by GatsbyDyt
dont crash

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 21:48
by sn1p3r
AHHH damn that is so unfair, i wanted a TZR but my dad was full it and told me no second hand bikes.... It's a freakin nice bike

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 22:06
by Scavenger
Pure 2-Stroke Spirit :wink:

Posted: 03 Dec 2007, 23:38
I think a TZR is ugly though (no offense Rob :P ). But it's ugliness is FAR outweighed by it's power and performance :D

Posted: 04 Dec 2007, 07:06
by RobThePyro
I kinda agree DAE, i think its absolutly awsome, EXCEPT for the front headlight, it kinda makes it look like some kinda viloent one eyed wild animal(Which is exactly what it is!) If i get a chance i will take a mould of that fairing and replace the head light with two round "eyes"

Oh and sn1p3r that sucks dude!!!! my dad was the same he was like why should i get a second hand "un reliable 2-stroke~!" when i can stick with my old "125 4T delivery bike" he just didnt understand.... in the end i convinced him to LEND me the money, now i need to pay him back.... crap...

well im off to ride "the bear" now! cheers guys!


Posted: 05 Dec 2007, 12:58
by Skidd
Nice bike rob, flew past one of these on the high way the otherday, not a bad bike I must say, just a bit of a screamer though.

Posted: 26 Dec 2007, 01:47
by DoOb
edited, next page

Posted: 26 Dec 2007, 01:49
by DoOb
hey rob looked what i saw 3 days ago, just for you. hehehhe :twisted: :twisted:


Dont play with cracker jack toys. Go Big or go home bru

Edit: oh ya and im not selling my bike anymore. Keeping it, I found out that its not even licensed in my name or registered. this is 8months later, Fack

And hehehe im an illegal rider aswell hahahah :twisted: :twisted: oops, :lol: