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Neotel - - - Death to Telkom

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 18:09
by GatsbyDyt

I wanted to know what you guys think of Neotel,telkoms competitor. Does anybody plan to switch to Neotel once public service is offered (next year). I think this is the best thing to happen to SA in a long time. Ive visited their site and read thru their FAQs and so far im impressed with their offereings. Quite frankly i dont understand how telkom maintained a monopoly for so long.Did the government have somthing to do with that? if they did dont they realise that competition can only boost the welfare of South Africas society as well as the economy.

please xpress your views.

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 18:15
by FTB_Screamer
Goverment has got a rather large share of telkom, and a lot of them(pieces of sh@t) will obiously stand to lose a lot if Telkom doesn't have the monopoly anymore.

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 18:20
by Screeper
A second telecoms operator has been on the boards since medieval times. They were supposed to roll out 3 years ago, then 2 years ago, then 1 year ago and then 6 months ago etc..
When they finally do get a product out for the general public then we can make our decisions.
It has been an excruciatingly tiresome wait.

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 18:23
by DeathStrike
true. and i am bound to telkom with a 24 month adsl i won't b switching 4 a while anyway.

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 18:30
by GatsbyDyt
i wish i had money to invest in shares cause if i did it would go str8 to neotel stock. . .

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 18:55
by bootsie
as far as i remember neotel r not a listed company - held by privately owned consortiums, so for now no neotel shares.

telkom is owned by the government as as consortiums which r owned by members of government - so having a monopoly is wat they hapi with.

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 18:55
by pienkie
Do you think Neotel will have immediate impact? Or will it take a while for them to settle in?

Maybe I'm just cynical, but as much as I HATE Telcom, I can't see some company just rock up and kick Telcoms legs out. The capital needed to start such a company is MASSIVE. Neotel might have these mentioned resources, but it is doubtful, since they need so much *stuff* (for want of a better word) to set up...

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 18:58
by bootsie
neotels main backers r tata - i have been to india n seen wat they did for telecoms ther, unbelievable. so if they are not to restrained by other neotel partners then we cud b in for xciting times.

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 19:01
by pienkie
bootsie wrote:neotels main backers r tata - i have been to india n seen wat they did for telecoms ther, unbelievable. so if they are not to restrained by other neotel partners then we cud b in for xciting times.
Sweet 8)

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 19:24
by StarBound
Didnt they get rejected and telkom is gonna stay the only provider for a few more years?

Sad. If there is fair compitition in this country it has to be wiped out else only those that pay wil get served. No more strings being pulled in the back ground. Would love to see a second power provider. No more incompetance ..oh sorry, "load shedding" :P

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 22:18
by bootsie
StarBound wrote:Didnt they get rejected and telkom is gonna stay the only provider for a few more years?

Posted: 05 Nov 2007, 23:58
by naughty
im not really too happy with Neotel right now - cos they are digging up the roads all over the place to lay their cable - city council is supposed to fill in the holes on the same day but they are around two days behind them

ive actually lost a tyre due to going over one of those holes that they left unfilled - so if you dont think thats bad find out what a 215/35/18 pirelli p-zero nero costs 8O

so im really P!$$ed off at them right now
Didnt they get rejected and telkom is gonna stay the only provider for a few more years?
thats all wrong - they have been operational for aound 6 months already but piggybacking off telkoms lines - they are now laying their cable all over the place - Durban is getting pretty much dug up all over

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 03:11
by Stuart
A friend who used to work for Telkom told me that Telkom aren't in as healthy a position as they would like, and in fact that MTN are considering "buying" all SA landlines. Any truth in that claim?

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 03:33
by Ron2K
schase wrote:A friend who used to work for Telkom told me that Telkom aren't in as healthy a position as they would like, and in fact that MTN are considering "buying" all SA landlines. Any truth in that claim?

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 03:43
by Stuart
Ron2K wrote:
schase wrote:A friend who used to work for Telkom told me that Telkom aren't in as healthy a position as they would like, and in fact that MTN are considering "buying" all SA landlines. Any truth in that claim?
So this will be a good thing for us?

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 05:26
by naughty
well if neotel merges with cellC somewhere along the line as that article suggests that spells doom for it

cellC is in a bunch of money trouble AFAIK - and that retarded talk for the entire weekend for 50c or some nonsense like that is actually bad for the cellphone game altogether since lines are kept busy byt the bottom of the food chain ie prepaid guys

the contract guys are all now going to run to the competitors - and remember that contracts are guaranteed fixed income - so the more contracts you have the more solvent you are

CellC's business model is totally retarded in my books and are a company that i hate with a passion - especially even more so because of their stupid advertising

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 08:06
schase wrote:
Ron2K wrote:
schase wrote:A friend who used to work for Telkom told me that Telkom aren't in as healthy a position as they would like, and in fact that MTN are considering "buying" all SA landlines. Any truth in that claim?
So this will be a good thing for us?

The same retards will still work there.

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 08:21
by Slasher
As said in the plethora of other SNO threads already created:

I personally don't think Neotel will offer us much better than Telkom is already offering. If you consider the fact that it would be stupid to have their service at 50% cheaper than Telkom, what have we to gain? Business principles dictate that their pricing would not be much lower than Telkom. I am expecting around 10% cheaper at the max, seeing as they will still gain tons of Telkom clients. Heck, even at the same price they will gain so many clients from Telkom it is not even remotely funny.

How can you all be so uppity and think they will kill Telkom? What guarantee do we have of the quality of service they offer?

The Trials they have been running since mid 2007 has been very quiet. I would have expected some feedback reports to be trickling through.

Also, from reading their site, their backbone for their broadband internet to consumers is based on a 3G system, which would indicate high response times. Thus, gamers automatically would lose out by switching to Neotel.

I can understand they are trying to avoid Telkom by skipping the Fiber-optic route, but I will not play my online games on a 3G connection.

Im very skeptical about this. They are taking their sweet time and have been very timid in their marketing.

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 08:48
by thealluseless
I can understand they are trying to avoid Telkom by skipping the Fiber-optic route, but I will not play my online games on a 3G connection.
are they really skipping the fibre optic routes? i have just done work for neotel in all their repeater stations, trust me they are running tons of fibre?? when sitting in their main NOC building, they have a map of the fibre optic network across the country? maybe i am mistaken as to what they are using the fibres for? but they definitely have a large fibre network infrastructure

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 08:54
by thealluseless
thats all wrong - they have been operational for aound 6 months already but piggybacking off telkoms lines
indeed, they have been running traffic since around april, but from what i have heard they still have to piggy back off telkom for a few years, then are allowed to phase in (some kinda legal issues...but could be wrong)

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 09:02
by Slasher
Well, then why are they on the CDMA2000 or something infrastructure (Which is widely used 3G connection worldwide)...

I see no sense in running on 3G if they have the tons of fiber running...

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 10:56
by thealluseless
Well, then why are they on the CDMA2000 or something infrastructure (Which is widely used 3G connection worldwide)...

I see no sense in running on 3G if they have the tons of fiber running...
no clue? should be doing a visit to them this week, will ask around

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 11:00
by Slasher

Mind PMing me the answer when you have it? I will most likely forget reading up on it here...

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 11:34
by GatsbyDyt
on the site they say the they do have a fiber optic network they they set up.They go on the say that they have their own independent infrastructure spanning 10000km to all the major urban hubs (joburg, capetown etc) and also that they have been running test groups on this network for some time now. They said that to reach to more rural areas they will have to piggyback off telkom for a while. BUt hey slow progress is better than none.

Posted: 27 Apr 2008, 12:01
by KillerByte
Since this thread appears to be a more official thread regarding Neotel (aka sent-from-heaven-above) I have decided to post in this thread.

As of Friday 25th April, Neotel released this news:
Neotel wrote:

The NeoConnect is a converged services platform which currently uses CDMA2000 technology. The first NeoConnect package on offer is detailed below, NeoConnect Prime will offer bundled Internet, SMS and carrier grade voice as a single service. Unlike other 3G standards, CDMA2000 has been used extensively for fixed, limited mobility and mobile networks. Neotel is a founder member of the African CDMA Forum - find out more about CDMA by visiting our Technology section

NeoConnect Prime

Imagine a service all in one- One wireless service, one bill, one product that allows you to access the Internet, make voice calls and SMS. All connected instantly! Welcome to the NeoConnect converged Platform. At first, our coverage will be limited to specific sites within Gauteng, expanding to Kwazulu Natal and Cape Town.

NeoConnect Prime 10G Package R 599 Incl. VAT
For More Info go to Neotel Source


MyBroadBand Article which shows a price relation to all other competitors