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Eve Online

Posted: 22 Oct 2007, 20:14
by RobThePyro

Just downloaded eve online and signed up for the trial. anyone else playing from around here? what you think? is it worth the ~$15 a month


Posted: 23 Oct 2007, 08:11
by Cure
Personally don't have the connection to play, but I hear that there are quite a few hardcore followers of the game.

Posted: 23 Oct 2007, 08:25
by RobThePyro
I been playinging it a bit, still on like the tutorial missions really, WOW but its complex!!!!! and there are like ENDLESS things to do.. serriiously you could play this for like 2years and get to the top of one career, and then change and build up another one.... lol!

awsome game!

Posted: 23 Oct 2007, 08:55
by Cure
I hear its almost completely do what you want.

Re: Eve Online

Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 10:27
by hamin_aus
Necro'ing this thread as I'm now playing EVE as well and really enjoying it...

Any other EVE players since 2007 :?:

Think of it like Homeworld meets X in a MMO universe scaled bigger than anything else out there - it's a sandbox galaxy where you train up skills in order to fly bigger and more powerful ships, but at the same time you need to make money to buy and outfit these ships.
You can make money buy doing single player missions, mining, trading, pirating, mercenary work... It's limitless.

Best thing is almost all of the content is player generated. It's a complex world with political factions, corporations and a more sophisticated system of supply/demand and trade than the JSE.
Best of all you can play while not playing - your skill training happens even while you are not in the game world.

It's just the right balance for me. I'd recommend it for people with an IQ who enjoy space combat/exploration/trading in an almost limitless environment, but don't like grinding away WoW style to learn skills

Definitly worth $15 a month for me

Re: Eve Online

Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 18:21
by CapNemo
Posting from the browser in eve :P
Been playing for a bit over a month and it is great fun.
In a war at the moment so can't mine to make money so have to do there stuff for now

Re: Eve Online

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 08:10
by hamin_aus
How do you manage to get into a war after only a month? What corp are you with?

I'm about a month old too and just bought my first battleship, a Brutix (rolled Gallente) - still about a week away from being able to kit it out with level 2 gear for PvP

What do you fly?

Re: Eve Online

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 10:52
by CapNemo
Well I have two standard BCs but their fits needs a bit of work still. I started by training for mining barge and then for covert ops but the second one is kinda shelved for now since I'm training all the things for straight up fighting ships at the moment. I'm playing Amarr btw

Oh about the war some 7 man corp decided to declair war on a corp who was in the process of joining our aliance. Havent seen any of them online since btw

Re: Eve Online

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 14:16
by DarkStar
I used to play, and I really do enjoy it but I simply don't have the funds or the time to do it, sadly.