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Welcome to linux

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 19:32
by skunkymunky
wow guys just go linux on me box
wat a beaut, the interface is amazing, installation was a breeze
networking was a pie nice and easy
i'd really recommend it as a windoze alternatives

don't worry i wont be making window bashing threads like someone else we know
but this is beautiful
btw its Linux Suse

Posted: 05 Dec 2003, 21:01
by Thrall
Now give us a screenshot :-)

Posted: 06 Dec 2003, 00:53
by bb_matt
And if it's the first time you've got it up and running, give it some time before making any sweeping statements about giving up on windows :twisted:

Posted: 06 Dec 2003, 02:35
by Thrall
And don't go online - or even work - logged-in as root. Create a user-account and stay logged-in as a user - su to root when you need to, then su back to the user-account when you're done.

I'm probably telling you stuff you already know anyway...

Posted: 06 Dec 2003, 05:55
by skunkymunky

Posted: 06 Dec 2003, 07:47
by axis_K
nice skunkymunky, i myself installed SuSe this week but then I got my RedHat 9 CD's (still need 2 install it) and that beats (according 2 me) SuSe in my categories namely developement and "widespread destruction" by way of ping @ LAN including 12 year old brats


seriously though, i agree with you, SuSe was a breeze 2 install configure and use, i say use cause i used it for about 7 months on a earlier occasion as a windows replacement, not that i can do anything mildly powerful with linux, i'm still a newbie @ it.

Posted: 06 Dec 2003, 09:40
by bb_matt
I'm using SuSe on my spare home machine - it's pretty nifty.

Redhat 9.0/9.1 are also cool, but you'll need to add a lot of multimedia support if you want to play divx movies/mp3 files etc.

You can get all the "missing" stuff for Redhat from

I think I prefer SuSe to Redhat, however, it feels faster.
As for Mandrake - I think they've lost the plot. The last 3 versions have been dissapointing in terms of bugs (in the installer), hardware issues (network cards) and ugliness :)

Posted: 06 Dec 2003, 09:47
by axis_K
thanx for that link bb_matt i'll go take a look

Posted: 06 Dec 2003, 09:51
by bb_matt
The only problem about installing those extra Redhat packages is the quagmire of dependencies.

I ended up just downloading the entire set of rpms from a mirror (I think internet solutions or saix mirror freshrpms ?)

Installing something like Xine with full codec support took me 30 minutes the first time I did it, because of all the failed dependencies.

That's one thing Linux really needs to sort out for the most part.

Apt Get is one solution I guess.

Posted: 06 Dec 2003, 10:24
by Azgard
I was just wonderinig what are the main differences between Suse and Redhat? I've used Redhat 6.2 before but it couldn't detect my modem so I couldn't do much with it.

Does anyone know where I can get a copy or SuSe of Redhat from? I know you used to be able to download it from lots of sites but I'm having trouble finding one now.

Posted: 06 Dec 2003, 12:03
by skunkymunky
i dont know abt redhat and i dont know abt the differences cos i'm just a linux noob

but suse u can get here

Posted: 06 Dec 2003, 12:23
by Azgard

I actually did look there but couldn't find anywhere to download it.
I did find though where you can download all
the different distributions of linux.

Im busy getting SuSe 8.2 now, thats the newest version they've got as ISO.