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Easy to learn&free Database? Are there any?

Posted: 29 May 2007, 00:44
by Anakha56
Hey All

I am wanting to try and improve the intranet site that I have been working on and the one thing that it really needs is a database of sorts eg: a list of all the boardrooms with the ability to reserve said boardroom for any required time also the ability to have the production department enter in the relevant data for there section without my help. Now my knowledge regarding all this coding, html and database's is very slim but I am keen to learn so the requirements are A: A database that is easy to learn B: Free to be used within the company. If anyone out there has an alternate method I would be more than willing to explore it. :P

Many thanks for all your help!

Posted: 29 May 2007, 01:25
by hamin_aus

Posted: 29 May 2007, 01:29
by Anakha56
thanks jamin! will go through them tomorrow on my next night of night shift to tired right now... :P

Posted: 29 May 2007, 01:49
by neon_chameleon
Isn't jammie boi just Mr Helpful. Don't see what else you can use to fit those properties other than jammie's solution.

I'll help you out with SQL if you'd like.

Posted: 29 May 2007, 02:19
by Anakha56
thanks for the offer neon let me first see what i can come up with on my own and i will get back to you :wink:

Posted: 29 May 2007, 07:37
by rustypup
not forgetting PostgreSQL or Apache Derby...

personal choice would be Postgre followed by MySQL :wink: