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Is ur favorite site blocked by the great firewall of China?

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 17:18
by hamin_aus

Takes a while to get a result, but if the website is in any way entertaining, the chances are it's blocked in China.

SomethingAwful = Blocked
Fark = Available

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 17:30
by Ron2K
My website: Available (probably only because they don't know about it)
PCFormat: Blocked! Obviously images of Kronos running down the street naked whenever the Sharks win don't go down too well with them. :wink:

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 17:43
by zerubabel
No, probably all that crap Ike posted about China got PCF into their ban list.

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 17:51
by Ike
zerubabel wrote:No, probably all that crap Ike posted about China got PCF into their ban list.
:lol: If you believe that, then I feel VERY sorry for you....

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 17:59
by Nuke
bbc - blocked (obviosly)
4chan and 2chan - open. :lol: cant believe its open but SomethingAwful is blocked

Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 18:13
by hamin_aus
www.Youtubecom = available = available = available


Posted: 15 Mar 2007, 19:02
by Afflict
Apparently my site is blocked!

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 14:48
by Ron2K
My company's website: available Currently blocked, but it seems they can't make up their minds on this one.

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 15:33
by zerubabel
It seems to me that they are whitelisting, rather than blacklisting websites.

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 15:33
by ryanrich BLOCKED!!!

Poor damn chinese bastards! :cry:

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 20:27
by Faltzer
Hmm, weird, how exactly does this site work? It says that it checks to see if China blocks it?

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 20:32
by hamin_aus
Faltzer wrote:Hmm, weird, how exactly does this site work?
How the site works should be self explanatory.

The site connects to a server in China that attempts to access a website you specify. It attempts to do so using a Chinese ISP. It then reports back on whether the connection was successful or not.

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 21:20
by Psych0_Cr1tt3r ... t_blogging?_
According to state media, by the end of 2006 there were 20.8 million bloggers in China. Blogging, which implies venting your own opinions, has become immensely popular in China. In order to control the phenomenon the government wants blog users to register under their real name. A resourceful Chinese individual created this loophole: Adopt a Chinese blog, and help keep these bloggers online - anonymously.
Wow, China sucks balls.

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 21:22
by Hman
Japan FTW

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 21:24
by Hman
I see freeones is blocked also