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Requesed info on dealing with Vehicle Security - Asianwolf

Posted: 22 Feb 2007, 15:33
by Asianwolf
We have been asked by a few people on the forum to post some information about our products with a bit of history. Please read the following if you mailed us about the Asianwolf Security systems.

If you have expericed vandalism to your car or it has been broken into then this may be of interest to you:

With the increase of crime in South Africa we have had numerous requests from people for more detailed information on our Asianwolf products we offer. With crime being absolutely rampant right now Asianwolf has made an entrance into the country at the right time, mutually benefiting South Africans and the company. To give a brief background, despite the implications of the name the company started off in the USA. The system is best known for it featuring in the MTV show “Pimp My Ride” where it was used in a number of the shows as their system of choice (they used the 8000RS system). The owner of the South African division being a South African had already experienced frustrating scenario’s where his vehicle was broken into, the alarm went off but no-one made any effort to do anything. The thieves therefore had time to wreak havoc to the interior of the vehicle, vandalising it etc. What was needed for South Africa was a system that could tell the owner the instant their vehicle was being tampered with. This enables you the owner to immediately respond to a warning of tampering with your car. To cut a long story short, hence Asianwolf came into the picture.

Being an Off Road Enthusiast the owner of the business wanted to make sure the system would handle the harsh SA conditions and provide reliability and an override procedure in the event of a problem while on a trip into central or southern Africa. Having come from IT, where there were at times up to half a million rand of equipment transported in the vehicle, he also needed the piece of mind this system provided, for the safety of that equipment.

After 9 months of testing of the product by the South African Insurance Association (SAIA) and numerous other testing centers and facilities in SA, the product was deemed ready for the South African market. The product which is now fully approved by all insurance companies in South Africa has now been made available nationally.

The Asianwolf vehicle security system has a number of features that make it completely unique in South Africa and also unique in the world. There are a host of features that would make detailing here too long for now. What we want to do is create greater awareness for the product amongst all South Africans by highlighting some key points to the system. For more details, please go to our website

Very importantly, the Asianwolf system offers unique sensors that have the ability in many scenarios to detect tampering with a vehicle before any loss or damage does occur. The most important point is that the systems, operate with a two way communication between the remote and the car. This enables the systems to actually tell the owner on their remote what is happening with the car. The system even has the ability to say what area of the vehicle is being broken into (door, boot, Bonnet, etc), it will notify you of even a tampering of the vehicle. The range of the remotes are about 1Km, in which one can perform a number of functions. The top of the range system even have the ability to send to your remote a colour photo of the person that is tampering with your vehicle.

Due to the low value placed on life in South Africa, where someone will kill you simply for interrupting them while they are breaking into your vehicle, this is the ideal solution. The camera provides the ability to get photographic evidence of the thief, as well as letting you know of the threat that is at your vehicle enabling you to be prepared. This way one does not walk blindly into a bad situation.

There are many other amazing features to the Asianwolf systems like being able to remotely start ones car, this enables the engine to warm up, or the aircon to cool the car down etc etc. In remote start mode, having its origins in America there are many checks and safety measures to the systems. When remote started the vehicle remains fully armed and locked still, even if someone does try and steal the vehicle, if they just touch the brake or drop the hand brake down the engine will cut out automatically. One even has an optional extra where if you lock your keys in the car you can tap your own personal code onto the windscreen to unlock the car and retrieve your keys.

Have a look at our website for further details.

Posted: 22 Feb 2007, 15:41
Sounds pretty cool but dont think the mods is going to be happy with you advertising here

Posted: 22 Feb 2007, 15:47
by rustypup
as great as that sounds, "We have been asked by a few people on the forum to post some information about our products with a bit of history" means nothing without the member/s coming forward to support this..

without their support, how is this not spam/advertising?..

under "general"... :roll:

Posted: 22 Feb 2007, 15:54
by Sojourn
One Evil Advertiser served with beans and blue cheese... so don't ask whats that smell. :)


Posted: 22 Feb 2007, 15:55
Yes what members?

Name them please.

Posted: 22 Feb 2007, 16:12
by Synkronos
I just did a search on the forum, and there are precisely two posts mentioning asianwolf... and both of them are by *dun dun dun* Asianwolf. So both are now locked. Please, stop spamming, and stop lying about users asking for information.