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Any Dr Who / Torchwood fans?

Posted: 08 Feb 2007, 23:12
by Tribble
Any of you dling Dr Who or Torchwood?

Posted: 08 Feb 2007, 23:38
by Tribble
Wow !!! No-one?! Guess none of you guys are up to watching interesting programs. :cry:

Posted: 09 Feb 2007, 07:58
by rustypup
probably meant to post this here...

the dr who series, while entertaining in its day, has been supplanted by those who's special effects budget outranks their talent budget...

also, are these 'legally' available for download?... last i checked, the BBC was playing disgruntled scotsman with all their material :?

Posted: 09 Feb 2007, 09:51
by lancelot
I moved the thread to chillout, I have always been a fan of the good doctor! I must check what I have at home and get back to you!

Posted: 09 Feb 2007, 09:57
by rustypup
lance has been teleporting threads in the tardis... :D

<detects the approaching shuffle of a horde of daleks...>

if this is up for d/l i know where i'll be spending my weekend :)

Posted: 09 Feb 2007, 10:16
by Tribble
Mmmmmm. Been buying the new series from the UK. Look at the sites and you will be able to follow the trail........... :twisted:

I think that with a large budget for effects they are doing very well. And David Tennant makes a great, hard <cruel?>, no nonsense Dr. Doesn't take @#$# from anyone - even the PM.

Do you watch Heroes? Blade - the series? All brilliant!