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MySQL going for IPO

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 09:09
by rustypup
Computer Business Review wrote:"We are planning to go public," Mickos told Computer Business Review in an exclusive interview, adding that the Uppsala, Sweden-based database management vendor is in no hurry to go public after raising $18.5m in Series C funding this time last year and $39m in total.
Computer Business Review wrote:When it does go public, MySQL will be one of only a handful of open source vendors to do so. Red Hat, VA Linux (now VA Software), and Caldera (now SCO Group) led the way in 1999 and 2000 before the dot-com crash took its toll on the IPO market.
i read this with mixed feelings... although, extra capital could see huge improvements in upgrade development and market penetration... :)

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 09:41
by Kronos
Well, I've never cared much for MySQL, so I don't care what they do :huh:

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 09:45
by rustypup
oi! you're not allowed to be nasty to MySQL!... pcf could withhold donuts for that.. :lol:

i take it you're a postgre fan?

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 10:06
by Kronos
Actually, no.

I like Oracle's DB Engine, but I hate their Java (spit) interface.

I Like Microsoft SQL's interface. It's way more user friendly, and easy to use. And it looks cool.

MySQL has always just felt, well, amateurish to me. ;)

I've never used Postgre

Another DB that I quite liked is Caché, but I haven't had a chance to actually ever use it in practise.

All in all, I prefer MS :oops: