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7900gt.... XFX or ASUS

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 22:09
by Nic64
I was just wondering........
In your opinion witch of the XFX 7900gt XXX or ASUS 7900gt Top is the best considering that I can get both for more or less the same price.
The res of the rig will basicaly consist out of a ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe and a Athlone64 4000+ cpu with 2Gb Corsair RAM.
Any remarks will be apreceated.....Thanx!

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 22:16
by johankirsten
You've got an XFX card...

If you're happy with the XFX card, why don't stick to something you know and can trust? Not that I say Asus is crap, I'm using Asus myself...

I don't think there's much of a difference between the two cards though, except that Asus tends to keep their cards a bit tighter in terms of OC'ing, dunno about XFX?

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 22:29
As far as i know, all the 7900 cards are all reference cards. So, in other words, they're all exactly the same with maybe a different cooler or sticker on. Personally, i'd buy the XFX, but that's because i'm a freak for the brands that are KNOWN to be the best performers.

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 22:29
by Nic64
johankirsten wrote:You've got an XFX card...
No this is for a friend, I'm only upgradeing in July but his old 2800+ Barton is getting a bit sluggish.

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 22:34
by johankirsten
DAE_JA_VOO wrote:As far as i know, all the 7900 cards are all reference cards. So, in other words, they're all exactly the same with maybe a different cooler or sticker on. Personally, i'd buy the XFX, but that's because i'm a freak for the brands that are KNOWN to be the best performers.
These cards are not complete reference boards... They're the XXX and Top models, so they'll be a bit faster than the reference boards from nvidia and most of the other vendors

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 22:37
Yeah, that's because XFX cards usually come Factory overclocked. That doesn't mean they're not reference cards. I bought two of XFX's fancy 7800GTs that are factory overclocked etc etc etc, but in the end, they're just reference cards and are as good as legend 7800GTs.

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 22:38
by johankirsten
I'd also go for the XFX rather than the Asus...

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 22:52
by Nic64
I'm also very happy with my XFX and I think its the best, aspecialy when I look at my benchmarks considerinig the cpu on my rig but he can't make up his mind and I promised him that I will call for some 3rd party opinions

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 23:33
Yeah, look, it's all the same. The XFX is just factory OCed, which you can do yourself anyway.

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 23:35
by Bobendren
All 7900GT's are currently reference cards as already stated. Go for the one with the higher clocks or the one with the best warranty (asus is 3 years, not sure about XFX) or the one with the best bundle. Whatever is more important to you.

Posted: 20 Apr 2006, 23:38
by Tiza
I would go for ASUS, they make the best motherboards and g-cards.

You should also consider the bundle if the card comes with a bundle of course.

Change is good, go for Asus.

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 00:08
by Hex_Rated
Tell him not to spend extra on factory overclocked cards. Its a marketing gimmick. All of the cards overclock the same anyway, you're paying extra for the name. Overclocking above factory specs doesn't void the warranty either.

The deciding factors for me would be the games bundle, warranty, price and heatsink. Besides those things, the cards are identical underneath.

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 19:57
by Max225
I can't say anything on the newer gen of cards but i run a asus 6600td and a asus nf2 delux board and they perform pretty good, and i oc the crap out of the asus card............. with xfx included oc utils :twisted: (had a xfx 5200 256meg)

The asus incl oc util is pretty cool but can only take the core from 350 to 475 and the ram from 550 to 650

But the xfx oc util is only a reg entry in the nvidia drivers.......... so u decide which is better...............if its about oc-ing ide say go asus......... asus fan :roll:

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 20:30
by I34z1k
:) Go for the cheaper one. Screw the bundled game. Get the one with less or no ganes cuz its better value, i guess.

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 20:36
by Hex_Rated
The games they give you suck most of the time anyway.

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 21:41
by Beastmunky
I'll also go for the XFX.

BTW:Is R3500 for a new XFX7800GS 256mb AGP8X a good deal?
I don't have enough to upgrade to PCI-E yet..

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 21:57
No, that's a friggin' RIP-OFF.

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 22:05
by Beastmunky
Yeah but I can't find a better AGP card for less except if I buy a second hand one..
I can get a 2year old X800xt plat agp for R2000..

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 22:13
Dude, listen to me: R3500 for a 7800GS is a rip off.

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 22:24
by Beastmunky
Can you tell me where I can get it for cheaper then? :roll:
Or should I rather take the secondhand x800 for R2000?

Posted: 21 Apr 2006, 22:27
Dude, for all your PC needs, PM Carly. That's it. If you want his details, PM me and i'll give them to you.

Posted: 23 Apr 2006, 23:36
by Nic64
Beastmunky wrote:I'll also go for the XFX.

BTW:Is R3500 for a new XFX7800GS 256mb AGP8X a good deal?
I don't have enough to upgrade to PCI-E yet..
Got mine for R2900.....

Posted: 23 Apr 2006, 23:41
by Nic64
Thanx guys, he decided on the ASUS becuase of the 3 year warrenty. XFX has a 2 year warrenty so my only question is; way the hell will you use the card for more than 2 years? On average you change onch a year!

Posted: 23 Apr 2006, 23:58
Yeah, that's very true. Taking a card for a 3 year warranty is pretty silly.

Posted: 24 Apr 2006, 09:37
by nifty
Well thats not a very nice thing to say...