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What DVD movies do you own?

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 14:49
by OnlyOneKenobi
My little DVD movie collection is starting to grow quite a bit now and I was curious what movies you guys have on DVD

Here's mine :

1. Star Wars Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace
2. Star Wars Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones
3. Predator
4. GoldenEye
5. Day Another Day
6. Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring
7. Spider-Man
8. Moulin Rouge
9. Charlie's Angels (ugh! it was gift but the movie sucks)
10. X-Men

And I'll be getting the Two Towers soon...

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 14:59
by simmy
heres mine:

sorry no DvD's :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 15:01
by hamin_aus
OnlyOne, do you know where I can get Starship Troopers on DVD?

Off hand I have:

Scary Movie
Top Gun
LoTR - Fellowship of the Ring
Lion King (my sisters)
Full Metal Jacket

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 15:05
by OnlyOneKenobi
jamin_za wrote:OnlyOne, do you know where I can get Starship Troopers on DVD?
Um I'm not sure but we have a look and listen here in Pta that has almost any DVD you can think of, do you guys have any big look and listen stores in Dbn?

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 15:06
by Tamsini
I've got:

The Mummy
The Mummy Returns
Star Wars (all of them)
Red Planet
Star Trek (lots of them)
Bridget Jones' Diary
Alien (all of them)
Others I can't remember offhand right now

Desperately seeking one of Pitch Black

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 18:48
by Zero
I have only 1 movie, Final Fantasy, and then a couple of music dvd's.

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 20:16
by LordRage
I have:

Fast and Furious
Die Another Day
Tomorrow never dies
The world is not enough
Blade 2
LOTR - the fellowship of the rings
The Transporter

And thats it... PS Tamsini why do you want Pitch Black, I got it but not on DVD.

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 20:19
by LordRage
Oh yeah and I have these on VCD

Gone in Sixty Seconds
Mission Impossible 2

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 20:25
by MonicanSpy
My uncle has tons! I won't be able to remember them all.

*sigh*I still have to get up-to-date with the Jones' and get a DVD player...
Then my first buy will probably be Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace.... 8)

Tamsin, where did you get all the Star Wars ones?

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 22:59
by Boesman
I own:

Ice Age
Blade 2

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 23:29
by TINman
I hav:
Fast & Furious
Scary Movie
Blade 2
Skulls 2

Posted: 05 Sep 2003, 00:58
by Hawk21
i have:

Fast and The Furious
Star Trek : First Contact
Star Trek : Generations
Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring
Scary Movie 2
Final Fantasy
Moulin Rouge
The Royal Tenenbaums
True Lies
Batman Forever

Posted: 05 Sep 2003, 08:48
by OnlyOneKenobi
HappySimmer wrote:My uncle has tons! I won't be able to remember them all.

*sigh*I still have to get up-to-date with the Jones' and get a DVD player...
Then my first buy will probably be Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace.... 8)

Tamsin, where did you get all the Star Wars ones?
When she said all the Star Wars movies, she must have meant both Episode 1 and 2 because 4, 5 and 6 won't be released on DVD until Episode 3 is done.

Posted: 05 Sep 2003, 09:20
by gareth007
My DVD's

Metallica - Black
Metallica - S&M
Linkin Park - First Frat Party
Cypress Hill - Still Smokin`

Castle in the sky (Anime)
Akira (Anime)
The Sum Of All Fears

Posted: 05 Sep 2003, 10:46
by lancelot
I only have a few:

The Right Stuff
Lord of the Rings (Fellowship)
Windtalkers (Gift, but quite good)
Stacks of Video though.

I have to watch the DVD stuff on my computer though and that is a bit of a pain.

OnlyOne, I have all the Starwars videos, when you were a twinkle in your dad's eye I wathced the the first Star Wars movie (A new Hope) on the big screen it had just been released, must have been late 70's or early 80's! You know when he pulls the Light Saber out of a meteorite but does'nt realise the Princess is his sister! Like your new Avatar though!

Posted: 05 Sep 2003, 10:54
by Storm
I have the dvds below but for the record I have every (good) movie on video, you name it.

Fast & the Furious
Tigger movie
Dirty Dancing
A man appart (Diablo)
American Outlaws
Sorority boys
Scorpion King
Lilo & Stitch
Count of Monte Christo
Sum of all fears
8 Mile
Monsters inc

Posted: 05 Sep 2003, 10:55
by OnlyOneKenobi
Hehe I missed the first SW by just a year, it came out in 1978. I was around for the Empire Strikes Back though although I was too young to watch it... I do have the first trilogy on tape as well, taped it when it was on MNET a while back.

Posted: 05 Sep 2003, 10:59
by lancelot
Storm, if you do not have DUNE (David Lynch) you have nothing!


Posted: 05 Sep 2003, 11:04
by Tamsini
I get most of my DVD's from the US cos my Dad lives there. That's how come I've got most of the Star Wars and the super versions of LOTR

Posted: 05 Sep 2003, 11:28
by OnlyOneKenobi
Hehe Tamsini if you have any Star Wars other than Episode 1 and 2 on DVD then they're pirated... the original trilogy only exists on Video tape and VCD. 8O

Posted: 05 Sep 2003, 12:10
by Storm
lancelot wrote:Storm, if you do not have DUNE (David Lynch) you have nothing!

Do the books count? :lol: :oops:

Posted: 05 Sep 2003, 12:39
by lancelot
Sure Storm, the books count, you should try for the movie, it is available on DVD. Yo, your new avatar is frightening! A dark beast with lightning behind him, hope it does'nt give me nightmares. It is good though!

Posted: 05 Sep 2003, 12:55
by Storm
Not Beasty.... Dwagon dammit. (spelling intentional) :lol:

Posted: 08 Sep 2003, 11:05
by skunkymunky
mayb u shud have asked what divx collection i have, then i'll answer :)

*plz don't take this the wrong way i dont endorse piracy.*

2 dvds i got:

Romeo must die

Posted: 12 Sep 2003, 20:48
by LordRage
Speaking of David Lynch have u seen LOST HIGHWAY?? what a weird movie!!