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Slasher's First Mod (Trees Beware!)

Posted: 18 Mar 2006, 13:34
by Slasher
Hi guys

Yip, I finally decided to do a case mod as well...

Mine will be created from scratch, will be heavy and will be a bit more unique

Will however take me most of the year to do, due to time restrictions...

Here is a BASIC run down of what I want to do:

1. Create a case from wood (Currently Supawood that will be stained and varnished, due to finances. If this is a success I will later do a mod with high quality wood on the outside that has 'flame's in the wood.)

The whole case will be done with wood and perspex, unless I dont have any realistic alternatives... It is also a BUDGET mod, so its cheap stuff, not too many fancy lights etc. That I can add later though..

The wood will be rotored where applicable to have nice edges, and a nice spiffy BIG handle on top of the case to offset the extra weight to carry to a LAN...

I will start with creating the interior parts - such as HDD tray, optical drive bay space etc. To keep it small and light, the sides will have to be done with hardboard, with stronger wood as framework to keep it the right shape and not break.

From there, I will make a 'space' for my PSU to be fitted, with a 'wooden cover' , so when you look through the window on the side you wont see the big ugly piece of metal.

I have an idea for the window, but that you will have to wait and see... Dont want to give that away.

The mobo tray will be a sheet of plexi. I will create the front and back of the case as well. I dont know if I will 'hide' the optical drives by creating wooden fronts, but will try. I dont have tons of fancy power tools however, so it may prove too difficult on my budget.

The power and reset switched will also be wooden buttons.

I will implement ports in the front of the case for USB and earphone jacks.

For the creating of the outer shell of the case I got an idea from my dad. I will get perspex 'rods' to create a frameword - all the edges - and then I
can attach the wood to the framework. It makes it easier and sturdier. The perspex will be see-through, so no loss to 'look' on the inside. The inside will be highly varnished to shine. I will then add a few lights to the interior for nice reflections.

I know the heat dissipation of wood isnt qjuite as good as the metal, but I will make space for a few case fans to keep circulation good. Watercooling isnt an option as its budget...

I have one problem - I dont want to use a metal grill and its not really gonna work well to cut a wooden grill (Basic tools, remember :wink: ) . Should I just use a metal grill, or how can I hide this?
I had a suggestion of 'hortjies' as is used on some cupboards, but the weight is too much, as well as the space needed to implement something like this.

The potential for cable hiding is very big luckily, as I can make space where I want it. Airflow should thus be good, so I can make it a bit cooler to offset the wood. I think it would also be a bit more silent. On certain places I can physcially put the fan "into" the wood when I cut the hole, keeping away bulges as well... That would be nice...

Any and all suggestions and criteria welcome guys...

As I do some planning on paper I will scan and post... This may however only happen in a month gap even... My studies are top priority... This mod is a hobby..

Please note - it is my first mod, but I want to make it a good, lasting one... Not gonna rush it.

PS - Excuse the bad spelling, the dog is lying on my lap en her head is on my arm. Losing bloodflow tot he arm and her added OVERSIZE weight makes it EXTREMELY difficult to type...

Posted: 18 Mar 2006, 16:24
by RuadRauFlessa
:lol: @ dog on Slashers lap. Does she suck :?:

Anyhow, I think it really gr8 that so many ppl on the forum has lately decided to make some mods.

Slasher I originally thaught of doing my case out of wood then I noted that the wood I needed would be far more expensive than steel. So I got myself some 16x16 square tubing which cost me about R180 in total for the complete frame. That is about how much you would pay for a single length of decent wood that would be able to hold the weight that you are talking about. Dead weight is nothing to handle as the weight itself actually keeps the case sturdy if you leave it standing but as soon as you are going to pick it up by that handle of yours you place stress on the structure as a whole and if the frame is not of a good quality then it will just tear apart. Pine is propably the best you can go for as it is actually quite cheap and you can stain/varnish it to look like most any type of wood. It also isn't too flimsy but it isn't the cheapest you will find especially if you want something with a good and even grain.

As to the heat issue. If you speak about heat dicipation and you really want a cheap option you can always line the inside of the case with tin foil. This will give it a reflective coating on the inside (actually mirror like if you do it right). All you really need for this is obviously the foil, a soft cloth and something solid and hard with a half rounded edge over which you can wrap the cloth. Wrap the foil around and then smoothen it out with the cloth and what ever you used and then simply nail it in place. Reflective surfaces actually keeps the heat away from the wood and that is actually what you want. It will also kill to birds with one stone. If you don't want to properly seal the wood you will have a problem with dust in the box and the foil will cut that down to a minumum.

Dude making a wooden grill is damn easy. All you need is a hammer, ruler, tape measure and a chisel(spelling). What you do is mark out grooves on the side beams where your horizontal grid bars would go and cut them out using the chissel and hammer. Then you glue the stuff in place but you don't even need that as you simply slide them in there and connect the top and bottom bars of the gril it will keep it in place in any case provided you did not make the slots the whole width of the side bars.

The plex for the cornering will make it even more expensive than you currently are making it. Plexi is not cheap. Rather make plugs and hammer those into holes into one of the connecting edges and then make opposite holes in the other connecting surface and add glue, hammer that in and add some nails which you can always hide verry nicely by other means. You can also use some screws which would actually be better than screws.

Rushing anything is not a good idea. I think it can look verry nicely. What I was planning with the wood was to actually make a metal case and clad it with a wood that I could carve away at. I wanted to make some interesting gothic shapes on it and then seal and harden it by some or other obscure means.

Looking forward to seeing your case on the go.

Posted: 18 Mar 2006, 16:43
by Slasher

1. No, she just sleeps

2. As I said, im considering using Superwood - Buying a sheet is not that expensive. It isnt the nicest wood, but as I said, I may later remake this case with decent wood... Will take a picture of the effect Im looking at getting from it (We have a ktichen table we made that is nice and shiny...)

The handle is just an idea. Rounds it off a bit. I dont mind carrying the case the good ol underarm way... I dont go to too many LANs in any case these days...

On the Heat Dissipation issue - Im not worried about the wood. Its the ambient temperature of my case... Metal cases can help 'gelei' the heat away, whereas wood would insulate it more inside the case... I need airflow, thats all..

Pine isnt really available in the thinnest of sizes, breaks a bit easier that Supawood and is a little more expensive I believe... Looks better, but pricing... pricing.... pricing :wink:

Im not sure I exactly understand how you mean with the wooden grill... Psych0_Cr1tt3r gaev me a very good idea - You know those woven bamboo furniture you get... Make a fan grill on that principle... It allows air flow, would make a interesting alternate to the rest of the case and is still wood...

If plexi is too expensive at the time I get to the outside of the case, I will take another type of wood... Plugs doesnt quite make it sturdy... I need some rigid framework. Also, my side panels need to screw on and off... That I can do by using a framework, plugs wont really cut it there...

Ive also thought about both ways of fixing - nails and screws...

Nails are nice and easy to hide, but there willll be some screws... Maybe I should rather get a nice set of screws and make it look better....
You can also use some screws which would actually be better than screws.

I know what you meant, but do you? :lol:

Thanks for the commentary, Im actually burning to start, but planning gonna take a lot of time still...

Posted: 18 Mar 2006, 17:01
by RuadRauFlessa
Check your IRC logs

Posted: 18 Mar 2006, 17:06
by Slasher
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good reminder there...

Any further thoughts, feel free to drop it in here or in a PM in IRC...

Long as I can easily find it again :wink:

Posted: 22 Mar 2006, 08:40
by Slasher
Just a quick update... (Also a underhanded tactic to bump my thread :wink: )

Last weekend I did some more searching and thinking. I found a site with a log of another guy that did a case mod... However, it was hideous... He had one or two very nice ideas, buut it definitely did not make the rest of the system work.

I have thought of one or two more ways of creating a fan grill or hiding the fan. One is the another way of implementing the 'hortjies', but the issue on how to fix the fan to the back is another issue.

The other idea was of creating a wooden 'duct' through which to run, but this idea has had to be dropped due to the extreme added weight of implementing a free flow duct to use this.

I did not get any chance to make any drawing on pc so far, so that is not happening soon, seeing as I now have a heck of a lot of practical work to do for our third year project. I discussed and did some stuff in Visual IRC with Hawk21 (Ah, remembering the lol and rofl's we got from "RAWR")

I have two big issues that work against each other in the system...

=:= 1 =:= Weight...
There is no way im lugging
around a huge weight... then Id rather
stay at home...

=:= 2 =:= Hiding of elements...
I really want to hide all my optical
drives and PSU from view from the side
panel window by making full length
wooden brackets. This, obviously, adds
a lot of dead weight again...

So, does anyone have any great and superb ideas to give me? Any issues or problems I might run into?

Somebody want to donate me a few specialized power tools so I can actually do some of the stuff I want to do? Just leave your name and number with the item you wish to donate and Ill get back to you as soon as possible... :wink: :wink:
Should you wish to donate money, that can also be arranged... :wink: :wicked: :wink:

Posted: 23 Mar 2006, 23:44
by RuadRauFlessa
The sharpest tool does not always get the job done :lol:

Posted: 24 Mar 2006, 01:40
by CountZero
Slasher just a word of advice.

In the words of Mr Bean:"Stop thinking and start doing."

I'll donate a tool, but how do I get it to Mars?

Posted: 24 Mar 2006, 06:35
by Slasher
CountZero - your counting system needs help... Mars isnt the 5th rock from your sun... now what made you think Im from the same solar system?

I understand the saying, that is why I have posted here (Hey, look... I HAVE the planning phase) , but I cannot just jump in and start creating it...

Can you imagine if a car was designed without design and analyses? If a program for a huge company was written without any requirement extraction, analyses and documentation?

I just have to put in some research first... However, my studies are at the TOP of my list, all the way... I dont even get chance to game anymore (I worked on public holidays as well, so yeah....)

Posted: 24 Mar 2006, 08:05
by Cupis
Hmm one question dust will be a problem. dust will collect on the would much more than it would to steel or any kand of metal. another thing is how you planning to screw things into the chasis? you might have a stripind problem. ie taking in and out a hardrive or replacing cd roms the screw will take some strain with ordinary wood if you know what i am talking about?

well i think it will be interesting.

eager to see the results.

Posted: 24 Mar 2006, 09:34
by Slasher
Hi Cupis

On the dust issue - we have a compressor at home... Ill just blow it away :wink:

Nah, I usually dust my desk and room every week (By order of the great big bossy parent) , so to dust inside the case wont kill me... I dont however think we have that much dust in the house and the amount of openings left for dust should be minimal...

Will see about that and cross that bridge when I get there though...

In terms of screwing things to the chassis, I dont believe it would be THAT difficult. The screw should be able to run freely through the wood, the head just should pull against the wood. that can easily be arranged by using a small washer with the screw. That too is an implementation detail that is a minor for when I get there... That and the fact that I barely ever remove anything from my pc (Im too poor to afford more and newer items, so I try not to break it...)

Thanks for the input...

Posted: 24 Mar 2006, 23:46
by CountZero

Sorry dude I counted "the moon" :oops:

Posted: 24 Mar 2006, 23:50
by Slasher

Tis cool, as I said, it doesnt say its the 5th rock from your sun though...

:lol: :wink:
:lol:  :wink:
:lol: :wink:
:lol: :wink:
:lol: :wink:

Posted: 25 Mar 2006, 00:44
Slasher, i need to point something out for you.

I'm working with ALOT of plexi at the moment with my mod, and you must NOT forget that plexi can cause static, so you MUST make sure you put decent stand-offs between your motherboard and the plexi.

Posted: 25 Mar 2006, 01:09
by Slasher
will do Dae ... If I get another nice idea for an alternative Id take it, but the plexi so far still has my vote above any other option I have seen...

Im not planning on letting my hardware get fried anytime soon...

Posted: 25 Mar 2006, 01:16
Look, you can do what i'm gonna do:

You know the material mouse pads are made of? That foam type stuff? Put that between the plexi and your bord. That way you'll be sure. And don't worry, that foam stuff isn't electrically conductive.

Posted: 25 Mar 2006, 01:33
by Slasher

Where do I get it and what does it cost me?

I can get el cheapo sheets of foam (as used in seats) too... good idea though... Just another material perhaps :wink:

was waiting for you to go home so you could come and shed your wisdom here :wink: thanks...

Posted: 25 Mar 2006, 01:48
lol, thanks slasher. hehehe.

Unfortunately, i'm as clueless as you are about where to get that foam stuff. I'm not at the point in my mod where that's entirely important.

I don't know if i would use foam like the foam in a car seat, it's not dense enough. But that's just me and i'm a perfectionist, so if i decide i want something, nothing else will do, just that specific thing.

I'm sure the foam you're talking about will sufice though.

I really like the fact that there are so many guys around lately that are modding. And generally it's not just "cut a window into the side and put in some cathodes", guys are going all out, i mean, you're building a case out of wood, Samaya is building his entire chassis himself . Ruad is busy with something insane with moulding plastic (i think). We even have OJ tearing his keyboard apart for some modding action. It's good, we can all give advice and actually KNOW what we're talking about.

Keep us updated with news on your mod okay?

Posted: 25 Mar 2006, 09:33
by Slasher
The foam is available in differing densities, so it will do...

Its a linen place in Jhb area though... Find out where a big material/fabric shop is in your area and ask them where u can get... they will help you normally...

Posted: 27 Mar 2006, 08:42
by Samaya
Slasher wrote:The foam is available in differing densities, so it will do...

Its a linen place in Jhb area though... Find out where a big material/fabric shop is in your area and ask them where u can get... they will help you normally...
I'm going to spoil your fun here... Foam actually causes a lot of static aswell unless you were talking about foam rubber which is different which is non-conductive. Now neoprene which is a proper rubber and is what you really should be using. This stuff is just the coolest. I took a sample and held it in a blow torch (Open flame - about 500C+) and all it did was turn a bit black. Didn't burn at all, amazing stuff.

I think these guys sell it:

Phone 011 8391610

I'll try and find other suppliers if I can that are not in Brixton, JHB.

Found another

Transvaal rubber company
011 839 2370

Posted: 27 Mar 2006, 11:24
by Slasher
Ok, but how much does the materials cost?

As alternative to the perspex I was thinking wood, but the weight just gets out of hand if I had to use another sheet of wood...

I could even use glass... great at heat and static and everything too... Its just heavy and hard to handle...

Posted: 27 Mar 2006, 12:28
by RuadRauFlessa
YOu are the one that wanted to make it out of wood. Does not matter if you are going to make that thing half the size of a normal mini-tower it will still way more than what you want it to. You wanted it so cope with it, Rethink Redesighn. It is by the way also the expensive option. I think plex is cheaper than wood , lighter and more durable to name but a fiew things. But you chose wood. Don't complain I warned you in the beginning.

Posted: 27 Mar 2006, 12:53
by Slasher
Actually, Supa wood as such isnt an expensive option... The wood is relatively cheap, the varnish with stain we have, nor is that overly expensive...

I dont mind the normal extra weight I will have... It is the fact that I do not want to make the mobo tray out of wood, but something else. That is a bit of a hassle... Plex or glass or whatever is what I'm considering.

I knew from the start the whole case would be heavy, but its just senseless to go and add some more dead weight to the case... Also, using another thick piece of wood is rather silly, as it is big and out of view... the reason I dont want to use a traditional plate (Which I could if I wanted) is that it would be a tad unsightly and hideous against the wood. I got a suggestion the other day, but for some reason I cannot remember what it was...

More durable eh? Lets see whose case has the most scratches in the shortest time after we have finished :?: :?: Just a challenge - plexi scratches much quicker and easier than a decent piece of wood... It also shows it a lot quicker as well...

Posted: 10 May 2006, 05:20
by jee

Slash.. found these... oh WOW oh WOW! somebody build me one please, purty please?

Posted: 10 May 2006, 08:22
by Futs
That looks like way too much effort Jee, and if that aint bad enough one mistake results in you starting over ;)