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Windows XP 64 Pro

Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 16:34
by Pino
Hiya guys.

How many of you guys use XP 64?.I am thinking of upgrading to Windows Xp 64 Pro , but i am not sure if its the right way to go.

Ive got all the drivers ready , but i heard there might be a decrease in gaming preformance , and how is the 32-Bit emultaing , can it run ALL the apps that XP 32-bit can.

Please guys im seriously thinking of switching over.


Posted: 28 Feb 2006, 17:01
by Sojourn
Wait some more until it gets a bit more mainstream. Unless you have some magical 64bit app.

XP sp2 is still the top, for now at least (imo).
