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Looking for info on COBOL

Posted: 08 Feb 2006, 11:52
by capoeira
Is this language still really popularly used in SA? This has to do with a certain conditional bursary application I've just received. So do the mainframe programmers use it? How come we only hear of C++, Java and the rest but not this one? I'd appreciate some more info on it from the local programmers.

Posted: 08 Feb 2006, 12:28
by Black-Ice
Well I'm studying and I'm first year. I was told that even though its an old language, many places still use it, thats why we have to know/study it.

Posted: 08 Feb 2006, 20:51
by Cameron_Losco
Isnt cobol is still widely used in the banking/government industry? A long time ago I had a friend who was a cobol mainframe programmer, she was doing extremely well for herself.

I remember writing my first cobol program, took forever - never mind the fact that I started writing in column 1 - and the result was almost nothing. Did the same thing that you could do in excel in a matter of minutes…

Posted: 10 Feb 2006, 17:39
by capoeira
So its still alive then? Good to know (phew)

Posted: 10 Feb 2006, 17:42
by Cameron_Losco
Yeah, im 100% sure it is. Maybe try doing a job search for cobol programmers and see what you come up with.

Posted: 10 Feb 2006, 17:49
by RuadRauFlessa
pick up a jobmail. You will get the same info. Anyway some hospitals also still use it. All of the mainframes in the country has cobol apps running on them.

I almost did my studies all in MF Cobol

Posted: 10 Feb 2006, 20:03
by AlphA
I work for a large bank as a programmer. We use COBOL on our mainframe very extensively....

And Cameron .. you are correct, I know of a government site in Pretoria which runs COBOL programs.

The other sites I worked on ran Natural on their mainframes.

Posted: 10 Feb 2006, 20:32
by Kronos
COBOL is a programming lanuage for COmmon Business Oriented Laymen :lol:
REAL programmers program in C :lol: