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Seasonal avvys !! (Tnx 2 Thrall)

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 10:02
by Sojourn
Thrall you made me fall off my chair...with that red elves cap you donned your scull with in your avvy.

BHAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :P :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


*all ppl were of Sojourn's choosing! - Anakha56*

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 10:08
by Kronos
Bored Sojourn?
Is this really worth a whole new thread? :?

But on a side note (ie. On topic),
Yes, thrall, that is very christmassy of you! :lol:

EDIT: Sojourn, what about the hat on my avvy? Should I colour it red?:lol:

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 10:27
by jee
Oh OH oH I also want a father krismis hat :(

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 10:59
by Y0da
Guess who's delivering the presents this year. :twisted:

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 11:01
by Anakha56
oh dear loks like christmas will be llate this year kids... the old green man has to cross the galaxy to get to us :wink:

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 11:08
by simmy
<- :)

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 11:08
by Sojourn
@Kronos - Bhaaaaaa !!! (Reminds me of Envin's avvy last year !)
I used to be very cynic about christmas and getting into the "spirit" etc etc... But I lost alot of that when a saw a dad with his +-3y old son on his shoulders in a mall. The small laightie was reaching up towards the hanging lighted up decorations in the passageways, in awe of all the colors and flair, his wide-eyed laughing face in another world where only fairies and pixies exist. That was an eyeopener for me.


Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 11:13
by Sojourn
@Yoda - You take the prize at this point ! LOL good one. (And this is post no 2K for me !)

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 11:22
by Y0da
Now I want to see the anime phreaks get into this one. :twisted:

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 11:26
by GrEteL_GrAy

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 12:09
by M1K3
Very innovative guys, im impressed.

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 12:26
by ryanrich
Y0da's rocks! :lol:

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 12:48
by jee
Lady Christmas haff arrived...
Thrall, you started a new fashion ;)

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 12:50
by Sojourn
Nice one jee !!!!!!!! I'm still looking...


Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 12:54
by jee
I have a nice anime Christmas avvie for you Mr Traveller............ *g*

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 12:54
by Sojourn
Kronos wrote:?
Bored Sojourn?
Is this really worth a whole new thread? :?

But on a side note (ie. On topic),
Yes, thrall, that is very christmassy of you! :lol:

EDIT: Sojourn, what about the hat on my avvy? Should I colour it red?:lol:
Naw not bored - and seeing how its taking fire, thread is a-ok !! :wink:
Like your hat too !! ...and I'm still looking for a season avvy.


Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 13:06
by Y0da
ryanrich wrote:Y0da's rocks! :lol:
Thanx but I can't take all the credit. Google this one I did. ;)

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 13:16
by jee
Master YOda, you dont have reindeer for your sleigh - do you have sheep ^^

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 13:21
by Riukzeklein
Wats with the chrismas spirit?I hate X-mas,never get wat i want!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 13:27
by M1K3
U actually get stuff!? all i eva get is a bonus which never lasts me till new years. if more people get X-Mas avvy's we should have a pole and vote for the best, its a tuff one between yoda and jee so far, but i'll vote 4 jee. (can't stand star wars)

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 13:34
by Y0da
jee wrote:Master YOda, you dont have reindeer for your sleigh - do you have sheep ^^
There's an idea. I'm amazed I didn't think of this sooner...:twisted:

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 15:07
by Thrall
Love the new avvies :thumbsup:

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 15:10
by M1K3
Seriously, lets have a poll...

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 15:10
by Ark
<- :lol:

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 15:12
by jee
Master YOda, ek sal aan jou dink as ek Kersdag my ou skaap boudjie eet ....