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VGA Info

Posted: 04 Sep 2002, 14:12
by Tansika
CMOS settings show 4x AGP performance, Graph. Card proprties show 1x, 2x & 4x AGP Bus Type. BUT if I go to the VGA proporties screen it says BUS Type (unknown) AGP Speed 1x ???? - I get a score of 775 fps when running the Performance test in the cover CD for 3D Graphics (Many worlds) - Is that any good ? <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_mad.gif">

VGA Info

Posted: 08 Sep 2002, 00:20
by Wolverine
Well, you must really post what M/B you have as well as which graphics card in order to get a proper diagnoses.
<BR>I would suggest that you run <!-- BBCode Start --><B>3DMark2001SE</B><!-- BBCode End --> and then check your project results to see if you are running at AGP 4X. Any more detailed help would just be speculation, so therefor you should post more info on your system. <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_eek.gif">