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Animation in Movies

Posted: 22 Nov 2005, 12:20
by daBoss
This past weekend i watched Revolver,
its a Guy Ricthie movie,
he is famous for being Madonna's Husband and very crazy movies (Snatch,Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels etc.etc.),

Anyway this movie is totally sick, grewsome, and it plays with your head
and then out of blue zoope anime gets brought into the movie,
it was done Nicely,then it struck me Quinton Tarantino also did this in Kill Bill,
I think this is a Excellent idea and they should keep doing,
for those that havent watched the movie if u a Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels fan u should watch this,
Anime fans this is worth seeing,
Cast consist of Jason Statham( Transporter), Andre3000.

Cool Movie. 8)
dont believe the Critics

Posted: 22 Nov 2005, 12:45
by M1K3
Cool, didn't know it was out yet, Snatch remains as my one of my favourite movies to date, and it was the best i have ever seen out of Brad Pitt, except of course fight club. Imagine fight club as an anime!

Posted: 22 Nov 2005, 12:49
by WolfMistress
snatch is one of the best, jip jip, the anime in kill bill was also done very well, i think it brings a new edge to movies but they must just not do it too often...