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Moderator Characters...

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 07:11
by Anakha56
Hey All

Basically how this will work is exactly how Sojourn one about LAN characters, which can be found here, now i want you all to make a description of the moderators on this forum, its meant to be tongue in cheeck sort of humour, obviously it has to be built on truth but in a fun manner.

Mods i ask us not to participate until we have a finally product.

Mods are...

Cameron (just for the hell of it :wink: )
and myself Anakha56

i think i may have missed some but if youre missing add yourself in :wink:

One other thing if you dont have any experiance with any of the mods then dont make a comment about them :P

So have fun and remeber this is for fun...


Soz Assasin your so quite i didnt see your name in the mod lounge my bad... :lol:

Come on guys this is for fun... dont take it seriously... you did notice that its in the ward didnt you?

*edit* this is not for MOD bashing if that happens any bashing posts will be deleted. and look @ Sojourns for an example...

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 07:20
by Sojourn
*eating popcorn in a corner*


Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 07:46
by eraser
Sojourn wrote:*eating popcorn in a corner*

*Joins Sojourn in the corner*

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 07:46
by Y0da
Hmm...why am I at the top of the list? :twisted: :lol:

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 07:48

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 07:57
by Sojourn
How about I write a piece and you don the shoe if it fits...

Brutus - the territorial bullterrier.

Brutus is a nice pup. He likes fetching a stick for the master and even comes back with a bikini-top like in the tv ad now and again. He enjoys urinating on posts to mark his territory, leaving a mild stink, not always without reason. Brutus lost his sense of humor the day the master took him to vet to remove the contents of his scrotum, and will vehemently deny this fact. In fact, recognise Brutus as the first mod to edit this write-up or makes a post after this with a "woof".


parody - not to be taken seriously

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 08:04
by brabham
lol watch them stay away from that one. :p

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 08:10
by Y0da
Woof. :twisted:

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 08:16
by Anakha56
:lol: see Sojourn getting in the swing of things... now we just need to change Brutus to the mod name :wink:

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 08:23
by Ark
I'm staying the hell out of this one. :)

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 08:26
by Y0da
:lol: I'm already a character. Someone refered to me as the Godfather of PCF once. I like that...;)

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 08:28
by Anakha56
:lol: if youre the godfather then im the godfather admin :wink:

*sigh* we wanted cowbell, and here it is ringing loudly and no-one besides Sojourn wants to particapte... maybe the mods should join in then?

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 08:53
by hamin_aus

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 09:00
by Sojourn
Noddy - the agreeing sidekick

Not having a 'total' grasp on things IT related, noddy's quick to concur with any technical advice given by his peer mods. Asking him for any help is tantamount to googling the info yourself. Find noddy replying in locked flamewar threads, where the guy he is attacking cant defend himself.

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 09:12
by Y0da
Lenny the lurker.

Lenny is always around but you wouldn't know that. Occasionally he will pop up in conversation but only when he feels he will not offend anybody. He will usually start a post with "I don't mean to offend anyone..." and then vanish again. ;)

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 11:14
by capanno

Wit skapie is a pretty chilled oke. He mostly hangs out in the Afrikaans thread and makes the predictable "hoe gaan dit", or "goed dankie" replies. Spot his posts by a yellow glow and excessive use of smilys that looks like they were in a washing machine. eg: ( :biggrin: )


Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 11:17
by wit_skapie
Capanno_Del_Kimakigami wrote:Wit_skapie

Wit skapie is a pretty chilled oke. He mostly hang out in the Afrikaans thread and makes the predictable "hoe gaan dit", or "goed dankie" replies. Spot his posts by a yellow glow and excessive use of smilys that looks like they were in a wasking machine. eg: ( :biggrin: )

hoe gaan dit?

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 11:18
by neon_chameleon
jamin_za wrote: betsy image
ROFL! 11!! jamin is that really Fishy's dog? Did he send you a pic of it?

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 11:31
by eraser
How bout a member that wants 2 be a mod... :wink:

zell_d the wannabe mod...

He is always quick to repremand a member on flaming nd starting a thread in the wrong section. He is also the one that says that Cameron should appoint some more mods, and then is quick to "volunteer" his services. Says stuff like "if i was a mod i wouldnt do that"!!!!

:lol: :lol:

@ zell, sry mate, i just had to...

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 11:59
by elbow
The Forum Mother

Shes the lady of the forum. Kind and caring. Quick to help and always inspiring. Always has advice for all and many famous quotes to back her up. Sometimes annoyed (quickly...must be a girl thing :lol:) stay on her good side, else you find "on probation" in your avvie....

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 13:25
by Fishzn
neon_chameleon wrote:
jamin_za wrote: betsy image
ROFL! 11!! jamin is that really Fishy's dog? Did he send you a pic of it?
What!!! You Bas****, you have a good time with Betsy and now you can't remember what she looks like??!? I should've known better than to let you anywhere near her! :evil:

Muhahahaha, man i can remember dissing you like it twas yesterday! I love that thread, i think i'll go save it! :wink:

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 13:54
by hamin_aus
LOL @ neon & fishy!

neon, for the record, that pic was the result of an image search.
Sorry to dissapoint!

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 14:03
by neon_chameleon

I remember Betsy looking a lot like Kerry McGregor, if I remember correctly. ;)

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 14:05
by Anakha56

thanks to all who have decided to participate....

Posted: 10 Nov 2005, 14:11
by Y0da
Don't get disheartend Anakha. I think the mob is a bit weary to speak up. ;)